
Chapter 042

"He was indeed very impudent that Jako, sir," Zori inputted.

"That's the thing with common thieves and criminals. You can never trust any of them," Waraji also added with an amused smirk.

Hearing that one of their most powerful assets in the area as well as a majority of their forces had been beaten by a kid was almost laughable. To think that they were throwing money to get assignments done by scum like that, when all they should have done was find a kid like the one giving them such a headache now and have him deal with the problem.

It sure had Gato's underwear in a twist. The man was seething to an insurmountable degree and was biting down hard on the cigarette in his mouth. As they weaved through corridors and passed by worried workers trying to get out of the way, the group suddenly felt the ground at their feet tremble.

Even though it was a small tremor, the fact that it was able to travel through solid rock had the boss and his cronies stop in their tracks.

Gato, Zori and Waraji looked at the floor in surprise, while the man with the basket headwear looked around silently.

"What the…?" Zori murmured.

"There's thousands of feet of solid concrete around us… how can…" Waraji shook his head until he saw his boss chuck his hand up to silence them.

Gritting his teeth Gato listened in for anymore disturbances.

Sure enough, several seconds after putting their ear to the air, they all felt the ground shake again, this time followed by the telltale sounds of an explosion echoing throughout the various hallways. With those two disturbances, more and more tremors and low echoes began to reverberate through the corridor, accompanied by the rattling of pipes and the hissing of valves.

Looking around wildly, the head honcho growled through his teeth and ran forward, following the signs down the soulless passage for the way out. Moments later, the alarms started to blare. "Shit! SHIT!" Gato shouted, his small feet trying to carry him at top striding speed while his bodyguards followed closely behind. "FUCK! He's here… that little brat is already here!"

Zori and Waraji hurried after their chief along with their other bodyguard, whose bird companion began cawing incessantly. They marched through the concrete hallways, following the sounds of destruction and, hopefully, the source of all this commotion.



Down in the central turbine room…

Tayuya was honestly feeling quite entertained right now as she stood off to the side at the main entrance to the large hall watching Naruto blast away at the pipes with all the firepower he could muster from his already absurd arsenal of many things. The blonde was acting like a kid in a toy store from the way he was jumping about, using the gauntlet on his right arm to fire off explosive pellets from his sling shot and, with his free hand, launch exploding tags at every conceivable angle.

Wherever the projectiles landed they detonated, turning once solid and expensive equipment into twisted, burnt skeletons of what they previously were. There was already plenty smoldering all across the chamber so it was safe to say that the boy was indeed getting the job done.

Jumping over a couple of workers trying to stop him, Naruto kicked a guard off of his feet and sent him sprawling to the ground, before launching himself at a huge wheel latched up against a wall. Knocking some levers in to set him up for the next big move, he began turning the huge valve till the 'Open' bar read 'Closed.'

"This looks important!" the jinchuriki shouted, spinning the wheel till it was stuck tight. The moment the bar turned red, the dials on every pipe in the entire area encompassing the main switch hit 'Danger' or 'Full' at the exact same time, and all the pumps started going haywire. One by one, lines began to explode, and jets of water began shooting out in all different directions.

Upon seeing every important apparatus in the room start fluctuating like crazy, Naruto ripped the valve from the wall before chucking it across the floor. He then pulled out a cluster of kunai with explosive tags attached to them and threw them straight into a nearby wall. He didn't even know if that area was even important, the jinchuriki just wanted to blast as many holes into as many surfaces and pipes as he could, all in order to get things kick started for his grand finale.

Everything was falling perfectly into place…

That was until the kunai he chucked eventually landed and detonated with such force it ripped right into the concrete, resulting in thousands of kiloliters of water suddenly pouring into the room like the glass in an aquarium had just shattered. The once grinning blonde freaked out when he saw the wall of water about thirty feet high coming straight at him and, not needing to be told twice, legged it towards the entrance of the turbine station.

"SHIT! NOT GOOD!" Naruto yelled, the pursuing tsunami tearing up machinery and ripping apart platforms one after the other. "Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap! That was overkill! I shouldn't have done that! I didn't even know that was a God-damn main line!" He looked up to see Tayuya backing up at the sight of the flood chasing after him, remaining dead center in its path while employees went dashing right on past her.

Upon seeing absolute disaster suddenly strike the dam within minutes of the attack's outset, workers and guards that had previously been trying to stop the blonde haired demon from tormenting them quickly turned tail and dismissed their previous task of trying to catch him. Now everyone just wanted to get the hell out of there before they were caught in the raging torrents and drowned.

The blonde reached Tayuya ahead of the water and tossed his gauntlet arm up; flinging a small line from his launcher that hooked itself around a walkway several stories above. As soon as it was tied, Naruto wrapped an arm securely around his companion and the pair shot straight up towards the ceiling once the high-speed pulley activated.

The musician let out a cry of fright and latched onto Naruto for dear life as they went rocketing skywards.

"Sorry! Got a little carried away there!" the jinchuriki chuckled, earning a scowl from the girl.

They hit the walkways within seconds and looked down just in time to see the massive turbines in the room get washed away. Upon setting their feet on the metal railings, they separated, allowing Naruto to fully retract his lure.

"You really know how to make a mess, don't you?" Tayuya asked with an amused smile in play. Even with her heart pounding away at her chest, the musician still had the presence of mind to comment on the boy's mockery of the conservative world.

"What can I say, I'm a natural," the delighted Naruto replied.

Shaking her head, Tayuya was about to give her savior some witty comeback before something over the boy's shoulder caused her eyes to widen. "LOOK OUT!" The girl leapt at him and tackled him to the floor, just as a cluster of arrows sailed over their heads. When they crashed on top of each other, they both looked down the railing to see four Gato Company guards running their way...

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