
Another Step

Mira realized that Zami must have chosen the painting because of the way the three figures stood together. At first glance, she had simply seen it as a reflection of herself and Zamian with their daughter. But now, as she stared deeper, she understood that the painting carried a meaning far beyond its surface. It wasn't just a piece of art; it was a mirror of their lives. It captured the essence of their journey as a family, reflecting their trials and triumphs.

The painting depicted a small child at the center, holding the hands of the man on one side and the woman on the other. The figures weren't perfect—they bore small flaws, uneven strokes that seemed intentional, as though the artist wanted to emphasize their humanity. It was as if Zami herself was the thread that connected them, the force that had drawn Mira and Zamian together despite everything that had tried to keep them apart.

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