
Chapter 86.3 Moving

As for me, as a co-conspirator, there is not even a question about it, because all the living fighters got here thanks to me. — I take a break for tea, Gwyneth has brewed a separate pot for me. — The main theory at the moment is that a serious specialist acted, but definitely not a European. I ask you to keep it a secret, as rumors can frighten the villain.

We drank tea with delicious homemade cookies and jam for a few minutes in silence. The werewolf could see that he was stunned by the information, which was understandable. He had spent years working for the "greater good", the voice of which was the English politician in the shape of Merlin, and politicians seldom shared information for nothing but for a purpose and from the right angle.

And the fact that Dumbledore is an Englishman gives him a special "color", because the English are sneaky and cunning. I'm just sure that the good grandfather is only asking for information, and the exchange is a matter of chance.

— And why did you bring up the match at all? — I look at my colleague questioningly.

— Ahem... — Yes, a very natural cough. — While you were away, you received an invitation from the headmaster of Hogwarts. — The man hides his eyes for a moment as he sips from his cup, though I can easily see the strange expression in his eyes. No, I know that working for this man for so many years doesn't allow you to just drop everything, but you have to have some pride.

— What did he want? — I asked, deliberately lazy, as if on duty. Lupin perked up.

— There are many reasons, — the man said more confidently. — But the most important is the question of your studies at Hogwarts.

— What's wrong with that? The contract is signed at the Ministry, paid for, I passed the entrance exams, the results should be out soon... ....

— Well, about the results, Headmaster Dumbledore has them, and he's invited me in to discuss the details.

It's interesting, because I've been assured that all matters will be resolved in "working" mode, that is, the examiners themselves will determine the course immediately, as far as I know. They said that the results would be sent by owl and I would be able to start studying on September 1 without any problems. And now it turns out that I'll have to go to Hogwarts to "talk" to the headmaster.

— Anything else? — I haven't decided how I feel about the situation, or if there is a "situation" at all. — What else did you talk to the Headmaster about? — It was a small provocation, but Lupin's lip twitched slightly.

— He was concerned about your behavior during the attack. — The man straightened in his chair and stared into his eyes. — The director doubts the sanity of a man who has shed blood at such a young age. What if such a person snapped and started attacking innocent people because the school is full of ordinary children...? — The man paused and looked at my face. — That's why he insists on meeting you in person before you are accepted as a student.

— Well, I'll have to meet him... .... — I shrug.

Although it pisses me off to waste time on such nonsense. Lupin's behavior really pisses me off too, but I won't react right now — I want to find out how loyal he is to the Headmaster and then I'll decide. It's a good thing we didn't start anything serious, not even a garden, or I'm sure it would have been worse — the samples I have are too rare and expensive, and until I have proper property protection, anything serious is out of the question. And I have other projects on my mind.

— Thank you, Remus, — I said as I went through the papers. — We're done here. Anything else? No? How about dinner?

— I have things to do. I'll be going.

As I stared at the werewolf's back, I wondered if I needed a spy, and if he was a spy. Or was this man just not used to freedom yet? But could one change in these weeks, forget old habits?

— Mr. Lupin is gone. — A maid caught my eye. — Mr. Hoshino, dinner is ready. — Gwyneth Travers is a very quiet, domestic woman, and a perfect maid.

— Serve. — I rise from my large, comfortable chair.

In a few minutes we were having a quiet dinner. By the way, at first the lady refused to eat at the same table with the owner, she said it was not customary. I had to explain that I did not grow up in England or Europe, so I have a completely different perspective on this issue. The fact is that there are many more traditions and customs in Japan than in Europe.

For example, there is a tradition that wealthy families always have servants, whole families, from generation to generation, who live under the roof of the family and serve only one family.

Such hereditary servants are highly valued and respected, and when the servants grow old, they simply live next to their masters and even share the table. Anyway, Miss Travers has expressed her desire to serve on a permanent basis, which is the best option for her, and I'm glad, because the woman is truly skilled and hardworking.

— Ms. Travers, do you know of any other unemployed magicians?

— The situation in the country is such that many people who graduate either return to the Muggle world or go to work for the Ministry, or survive as best they can. There are practically no normal jobs for a weak or medium wizard... or rather, legitimate work. — the woman corrected. — Who exactly are you interested in? What are your requirements?

— Right now, I need a couple or three wizards, the stronger the better, skilled in Transfiguration. Gender is not important. Are there any?

— I'll ask around. — The woman nodded. — Would you like to hire them on a permanent basis or on a one-time basis?

— Permanent. There's another artifact workshop opening soon. I need people for that. Oh, and I need an experienced manager, a financier, and a few craftsmen.

— What about Mr. Lupin? — the woman wondered.

— Let's put it this way. — I chew my meat thoughtfully and choose my words carefully. — He's too susceptible to outside influences, so I can't trust him with important matters.

— And the magical contract? — The woman's eyes widen, because she's signed such a contract herself, but it's understandable, because the woman works very close to me and I have to protect myself.

— He's on probation. That's why he signed a primitive contract, even without magic. He will not be able to harm me because he does not have free access to money or information without my knowledge. If we don't get along, I'll either demote him or let him go.

— I see. — I nodded in understanding. — Thank you for the answer. — I only nodded because my mouth was full.

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