

When she could no longer see Laurent on the corridor, she followed him. Her task was made easier by the fact that the hallway was one-directional. She removed her heels and tiptoed-Max close behind- after Laurent.

She had an hunch about where he was going. And although she hadn't been aware it was what she needed, she missed her father so much it hurt. If it meant going against the stupid restraining order, she was going to do it. Laurent was going to get what he wanted, apparently. 

She followed him until they came to a row of doors, she peeked and counted the door he was standing in front of, jerking back when his eyes zeroed in her direction. To her relief, rather than open the door from his end, she heard him knock.

"It's me, open up." he said and a few seconds later, he was closing the door behind him. Max hadn't stayed behind this time, he was also watching the scene. When their view was of the door once more, they turned to each other, an idea swimming in her brain. She was getting her phone out of her purse when she finally noticed Max's glance at her was one of horror, not mischief or curiosity.

"What?" she asked, confused, and then she almost smacked herself in the head. How could she have missed it? Laurent and this guy were friends? She'd never heard about him, but with the other secrets Laurent had successfully kept from her, it wasn't strange.

This was his friend, and for some reason she had roped him into coming with her. Was Laurent still trying to manipulate her?

"What?" This time the question came out the proper way, full of anger and indignation and he flinched back a little. Good, she got out her phone and typed in a message.

Laurent, it's Rose. Come quick; I'm stranded.

She wasn't very sure, but she hoped it would work. It was also a test of sorts. If he responded, then she'd know he still liked her. What she was going to use that knowledge for, she wasn't going to think about yet.

She heard a crash as the door hit the wall and pulled herself and Max until they were practically melded with the wall. Sure enough, Laurent passed them both without the slightest inkling, running back to the hall. 

She allowed herself a small smile, a tear dropping from her eyes.

She started towards the door and Max was suddenly in front of her.

"Where are you going?" He asked, his voice neither threatening nor curious. If she were forced, she'd say his voice actually sounded pained. 

She didn't spare him a glance, pushing past him to get to the door. 

Her phone vibrated in her hand and she looked at it. Laurent had sent a reply.

Rose, where are you?

She wanted to ignore him, but she needed him to be occupied for as long as possible, so she typed,

Not sure, lots of trees, shit, can't say more. Hurry!

There, that was enough to get what she wanted. She knew it was a low blow, but after all he'd put her through in the past few weeks, he deserved a few panic attacks of his own.

She startled away when she realized she had been too occupied to see that Max was looking at her phone.

"That's rude," she snapped, closing her messaging app.

His wide-eyes met her and he whispered, "What are you doing?"

She ignored him, walking up to the door.

He grabbed her arm, "Please, Rose. Just explain this to me. What is going on here?"

She crossed her arms. If she didn't answer him, he'd unwittingly alert her father to their presence and she didn't want that.

"Fine," she groaned, pulling him back a few distance from the door.

"I need access to that room."

He crossed his arms, "Why?"

"What do you mean why?" she responded angrily, and he put his hands up.

"Sorry, that came out wrong. You already know what you're going to find there, so why do you still need to enter?"

"Because I need to talk to him!" she snapped.

"But," he started and then he paused, looking from her to the door. "Him? Laurent is cheating on you with a guy? He's straight."

She looked at him. Maybe he was drunker than she'd assumed.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Laurent is straight," he insisted, and she finally opened her ears to what he was saying.

"Wait, you think he's cheating on me? We're not together."

Max gaped at her, "You're not?"

"Oh my God," she massaged her forehead. "I thought you guys were friends."

He crossed his arms in defence, "Yes, well, that doesn't mean we do sleepovers and share our life stories either." he waved his hands, "Any way foregt it, I assumed you wanted evidence that he was cheating on you. If that's wrong, then who is in that room that he's hiding from you, you mentioned a man."

She thought about it. Should she really share this? 

She turned to him, "First, can you sound like Laurent?"

"Sure," he said, an approximate assumption of his voice and she was impressed.

"Good. My father is inside there, and I need to talk to him."

His jaw dropped. "Your father, CEO of Blackwell empire. What's he doing there?"

"Enough questions. Let's go before he realizes and comes back."

He opened his mouth to say something else, but she walked away. Minutes later,he followed. 

When they were directly at the door, she whispered, "I'll knock, and you'll say 'it's me, okay?"

He nodded, and holding her breath, she knocked on the door. 

"It's me," Max said, and she could hear the doubt in hud voice. She hoped her father couldn't hear it. 

She exhaled hard when she heard footsteps coming, and then the door opened. Her father stared at her in shock and she stared back, annoyed by the tears already running down her cheeks. 

"Rose," he said, his voice cracking and she sniffed, and took in a deep breath. 

Her next words came out in a shout, "You put a restraining order on me."

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