
Eddard II

[the Halls of the Red Keep]

Walking through the halls of the Red Keep accompanied by his nephew, Alaric, along with his foster father Lord Jon Arryn, Ned still was at a loss for words at what had transpired just moments earlier.

Looking toward his nephew, Ned couldn't help but think if he hadn't been there his entire life, he would've never believed Alaric to be a boy of three, not only was the boy taller and broader compared to those of the same age, no doubt thanks to his Umber blood, but he also had a clever mind and an in-depth understanding toward how to get the things he wants.

With all of these traits combined, Ned wouldn't blame those who thought the boy was older than he appeared.

Robert especially had been quite surprised when he learned of who Alaric was and even more so once the negotiations began.

[a couple of hours earlier]

While the two men and Alaric had been standing before Robert, Ned had been mulling over just what he was going to ask of Robert, sure while he would've been just fine not asking for any reward, after conferring with Benjen and surprisingly, Alaric as well, he now knew it would be foolish to ask nothing of their new king.

However, Ned was almost baffled when his nephew had told him about just what he wished for Ned to ask for, after all, it directly pertained to him, and his children's futures.

"Your Grace-" Ned began but before he could let out another word, Robert beat him to the punch and boomed out a deep laugh before he stood up from his seat and made his way over toward Ned and grabbed the man before encompassing him in a tight bear hug.

"Hahaha, Ned my dear friend and brother! At last, you returned from that damned adventure, truly it saddens and enrages me that the silver bastard's actions led to set Lyanna's death, but at least you are here once again!" Robert loudly laughed as he squeezed Ned half to death.

Finally letting Ned free from his grasp after several more moments, Ned collected himself from his friend's abrupt death hug and cleared his throat.

"Ahem, yes it is good to be back Robert, sadly this visit today is one of formality, I have come at the behest of my brother and nephew here to ask for the North's fair due from the war," Ned told Robert as he threw in the part of his nephew Alaric to help move this along and finally introduce his good friend to the next Warden of the North.

"Nephew you say?" Robert asked intrigued looking back down toward Alaric who, since they arrived at the King's new solar, had been looking almost shocked at the demeanor of Robert, while Ned found it odd, he pushed the thought away as he introduced Alaric to his friend.

"Aye, my brother, gods rest his soul, had ran off with Serena Umber, the younger sister of the Greatjon," Ned replied almost sheepishly scratching his cheek thinking back to his wild brother absconding away with his bride-to-be despite being betrothed to Lady Catelyn Tully.

"Haha, gods that sound like something he would do, from what you've told me of him and from what I saw of the man at that damned tourney, the man sure knew how to live life that's for sure, may the gods be gracious to him in the life after!" Robert declared with a drink in hand as Ned gave a curt nod, but internally laughed, thinking about the many similarities of his blood brother and foster brother.

The two friends who regarded one another as nothing less than brothers, continued making small talk for a moment before Lord Jon Arryn cleared his through, bringing Robert and himself out of their conversation.

It was only then that Ned realized that Robert was deep into his cups and it would seem Jon didn't want the new king to get too inebriated before they began talks of what the North wanted as compensation or reward for their part in the rebellion.

'While I would be just fine with asking nothing of Robert, I know my nephew and Benjen both have other ideas.' Ned mused internally, still a fair bit surprised at his normally meek brother's declaration that the North needed some form of repayment for their dead family members.

"Ahem, Rob- I mean, your grace." Ned began, a frown spreading onto Robert's face at his best friend calling him by his formal title, however, before he could say anything in rebuttal, Ned continued.

"I have been given counsel and it, well, it would seem that there are some who, how should I put it-

Ned tried to think of what words to use before he was interrupted by his nephew, his words stunning Ned for a moment.

"We would like to request, some compensation or better yet a reward for the part the North played in your rebellion along with the deaths of my father, grandsire, and aunt, maybe even my grandmother due to her passing from the news," Alaric said pointedly which put a shocked expression on not only Robert's but Jon's face as well, Ned could only put his face in his palm hoping his nephew didn't just offend the new ruler of the Seven Kingdoms.

"Robert, I apologize for my nephew he means no offen-" Ned began but was promptly cut off by Robert who stood from his seat, his expression giving no sense of what he was thinking at the moment, slowly walking toward his nephew, Ned almost instinctively moved to attempt and shield Alaric.

However, contrary to what he expected, when Robert made his way in front of the Uncle, Nephew pair, he didn't raise his voice or chide the two, instead, a large smile broke out on his face as he boomed out a great bit of laughter and slapped Ned on the shoulder.

"Hahaha, gods Ned, this boy sure knows how to get to the point, he's even more blunt than you are!" Robert roared in laughter as he surprisingly bent down in front of Alaric to get eye level and his expression straitened once again before he posed his inquiry.

"Well, pray tell boy, what is it exactly that the North is looking to receive, or should I ask, what is it that you wish to receive for the North?" Robert asked in an uncharacteristically serious tone, eying the boy up and down before his eyes came to a halt meeting Alaric's, who, surprisingly, didn't back down from the king's challenge.

"Your Grace, what I wish for the North to receive as... compensation, for our part in the rebellion and my family members' deaths are simply, gold, enough gold to build, or should I say, rebuild, a seat befitting of my uncle once I am to reach my majority and take over the ruling of the North," Alaric responded to the king in kind with a gravely serious tone.

'As serious as a boy of three could muster that is.' Ned thought to himself inwardly chuckling at the sight of his young nephew standing eye-to-eye with Robert.

"Hmm, is that so." Robert hummed as he did something else that was uncharacteristic of him, he fell deep into thought, his hand going to his newly grown beard stroking it as he contemplated.

What it was he was contemplating? Only the gods themselves may know, all Ned knew for sure was it had to be important since Robert stood there for a moment and quietly thought of Alaric's request, nay, demand.

After several more moments of silence, Jon was the first to break the silence, however, he was only able to get out most of his question to Ned before Robert loudly cut him off with his response.

"Aye, I could do that boy, our coffers are as full as they can be, if there was anything those damn dragons were good at, it was hoarding coin away," Robert said with noticeable disdain lacing his tone at the thought of the Targaryens.

Ned looked over toward his nephew who simply nodded his head and just as he thought this negotiation was over, Alaric spoke up once again.

"I thank you for your kindness your grace, however, I would also like to formally request for you to send word to the Night's Watch about the north taking the New Gift back, Queen Alysanne and the conciliator had no right to cede northern land to the Watch."

"Hold on nephew, the Night's Watch is an honorable organization and they need the land-" Ned began saying before he was cut off by his nephew.

"While the watch due have an honorable calling, at the same time Unckle, they haven't done anything with the New Gift except tax the small hovels that exist whether its borders. The Watch hasn't the men nor the resources to make use of the New Gift and that valuable and fertile land goes without proper usage." Alaric explained.

As he thought of his nephew's words, Ned had to admit there was merit in what he was saying, however, the Watch is an honorable sort and it rubbed him wrong to deprive them of the land and taxes they receive from it, no matter how little it is.

It is an open secret at this point that the Watch has all but fallen into disrepair, however, House Stark still has a duty to see that the watch at least has the bare necessities to function.

"Sigh, I fear you may be right nephew, however, we can't just deprive the Watch of all the New Gift gives them, no matter how little," Ned responded to his nephew stating his view on the matter.

While the two of them were talking, Ned noticed that neither Robert nor Jon really cared all that much about the Watches' plight, however, he did notice a strange glint in Robert's eyes, one he knew all too well and one that never failed to give him a headache.

"Well, I've heard all I needed, your request is granted boy, I'll have Jon here write a letter for the wall telling them of what will happen, along with that I'll send a shipment of whatever leftover weapons we looted from the loyalists." Robert declared

"I thank you on behalf of the entire north, your Grace," Alaric said while smiling and giving Robert a small bow

Robert, hearing the boy's thanks, shrugged it off and looked toward Ned, and asked if there was anything else they might want to request.

Although Ned thought they had received plenty, Robert, after taking a moment, declared that he would also send some craftsmen and stone masons to help with the building of whatever castle Alaric planned for Ned to have.

"While I appreciate the kind gesture of your grace, I think the number might be a tad small for the kind of work they'll be doing," Alaric said sheepishly as Robert, Jon and even Ned looked at him confused.

"If I may, what do you mean my boy?" Jon asked breaking his silence

"Well, after taking some with Uncle Benjen, I had decided that the castle I wished to give to Uncle Ned, was going to be none other than Moat Cailin." Alaric declared, turning toward Ned and smiling

For several moments, Ned didn't know what to do or say, he was, to say the least, shocked at his nephew's decision. He had never expected to be given much except a small keep or even just staying with his nephew in Winterfell, but now he was to be given the Lordship over Moat Cailin, an important and strategic fortress that protected the north from any threats many a time from the south.

While it's true that it had fallen into almost a ruined state, the Moat was still a prestigious seat, one that he was all too grateful yet apprehensive about receiving.

"Nephew, are you truly sure you wish to confer such a grand seat to me?" Ned asked still in slight disbelief.

"Why, of course, uncle, I could think of no better man than you to become my Warden of the Cause Way." Alaric declared, now seeming to stand tall like a man instead of the child he is.

[Back to Present]

'Not only did he manage to squeeze more coin out of Robert, but he also got him to send any willing orphans to the north.' Ned mused proudly about his nephew and the negotiations.

All and all they came out with 600,000 more gold dragons along with the 1,000 skilled craftsmen and stone masons and however many orphans they could get to go north with them

Walking down the halls of the Red Keep, Ned was mentally doing some calculations about how much the moat would feasibly cost to get it to a state where it was at least in a state where the walls and towers weren't crumbling down.

As he was thinking, Ned noticed that his nephew had stopped walking, and so, Ned looked up only to see the man who he was dreading to have a conversation with.

"Greetings, Lord Stark, what is this I hear about your brother Brandon having had a trueborn son who stands to inherit the North?" Hoster inquired, anger evidently plastered on his countenance.

Ned could've sworn he saw a forehead vein about ready to burst out of Lord Tully's head.

Before he could say anything, Alaric spoke up.

"I assume you must be the fish lord, am I correct?" Alaric asked innocently as if it was a question posed by a child who didn't know better, however, Ned and surely Lord Hoster Tully as well, had detected a veiled tone of condescension weaved into the sweet words of a 'child.'


Author's Note:

Hey guys, I'm sorry for how long it took for this most recent chapter, I had gotten a good 1,500 words written almost two weeks ago, however, before I could finish the chapter, one thing after another kept coming up and I wasn't able to sit down and finished writing, but now that's behind me so I should be good to go. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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