
The Journey Begins


The morning sun filtered through the curtains of Eithan's new room, casting a warm glow on the walls.

Eithan stretched, feeling more rested than he had in a long time. Today marked the beginning of his new life at Professor Oak's residence and the start of his time at the trainer school.

Eithan dressed in his new black and gold outfit and headed downstairs.

The smell of freshly made pancakes and bacon wafted through the air, leading him to the kitchen where Professor Oak was already seated, sipping his coffee.

"Good morning, Eithan," Oak greeted him warmly. "Sleep well?"

Eithan nodded curtly, taking a seat. "Yeah," he said, not offering any further information.

Oak seemed unfazed by the brevity. "I'm glad to hear that. You're part of the family now, and that means looking after you. Please, feel at home."

Eithan gave a noncommittal nod, focusing on his breakfast. Gary bounded into the kitchen, already in high spirits.

"Morning, Eithan! Ready for your first day at school?" Gary asked.

Eithan shrugged. "Sure."

They quickly finished their breakfast and headed out. The walk to the trainer school was short, and Eithan took in the sights of Pallet Town.

It was a quaint place, peaceful and serene, a stark contrast to the chaotic life he had left behind.

As they reached the school gates, Gary turned to Eithan. "Alright, here we are. I'll introduce you to some of the guys. You'll fit right in."

Eithan gave a slight nod, following Gary inside. The school was bustling with activity.

Trainers of all ages were gathered, discussing battles, strategies, and their favorite Pokémon.

Gary led Eithan to a group of students who were chatting animatedly. "Hey guys, this is Eithan. He's new here, but I bet he'll be a great addition to our class."

A boy with spiky brown hair stepped forward, extending a hand. "Hey, I'm Ash. Nice to meet you, Eithan."

Eithan looked at the offered hand for a moment before shaking it briefly. "Eithan."

Green, with her long brown hair tied up in pigtails, smiled warmly at them. "Hi there! I'm Green!"

Pink, her pink hair in two adorable buns, giggled. "And I'm Pink! Nice to meet you!"

Eithan nodded curtly, taking in their appearances without much reaction. "Thanks."

Gary motioned for everyone to gather around. "Let's show Eithan around before class starts."

As they toured the school, Eithan couldn't help but notice how advanced some of the equipment was.

He made mental notes, already thinking about how he could use this knowledge in the future.

They reached the training grounds, where a few students were engaged in Pokémon battles.

Eithan watched intently, analyzing their strategies and techniques, though he kept his thoughts to himself.

Green noticed his interest. "Do you want to battle, Eithan?"

Eithan smirked slightly. "Maybe."

Ash, ever eager, chimed in. "What kind of Pokémon do you like? I'm a huge fan of Squirtle!"

Eithan shrugged. "Haven't decided yet."

Pink, trying to engage him, asked, "Where did you move from?"

Eithan's gaze shifted slightly, his expression unreadable. "Far away."

Sensing his reluctance to share, the group continued the tour, showing Eithan the different classrooms and training areas.

During the tour, Eithan found himself separated from the group.

He wandered through a quieter part of the school grounds, his mind racing with thoughts of his future.

Suddenly, he heard a faint whimpering sound coming from behind a bush.

Curious, Eithan approached the bush and carefully parted the leaves.

His eyes widened as he found a small, injured Eevee lying on the ground, its fur matted with dirt and blood. The Eevee looked up at him with fearful eyes.

Eithan's heart softened slightly at the sight. He knelt down and gently scooped the Eevee into his arms. "Hey, it's okay. I've got you," he whispered, his voice unusually gentle.

He hurried back towards the main building, searching for help. He found a Chansey tending to some other Pokémon and quickly approached. "Chansey, this Eevee is hurt. Can you help?"

Chansey nodded, taking the Eevee from Eithan's arms and placing it on a soft bed. Using a combination of healing moves and medical supplies, Chansey began to treat the Eevee's wounds.

Eithan watched intently, his usual cold demeanor softening as he observed the Eevee's recovery. When the treatment was finished, the Eevee opened its eyes and looked around, still scared.

Eithan moved closer, extending a hand slowly. "Hey there, it's alright. I'm here."

To his surprise, the Eevee didn't shy away from him. Instead, it nuzzled his hand, recognizing him as the one who had helped. Eithan felt a strange warmth in his chest as he gently petted the Eevee.

The Eevee seemed wary of everyone else but showed a remarkable trust towards Eithan. He spent the rest of the afternoon bonding with the little Pokémon, talking to it softly and feeding it.

Later that day, Eithan realized the Eevee needed a good cleaning. He found a small washing area behind the school, filled a basin with warm water, and carefully began to wash the Eevee, gently scrubbing away the dirt and blood.

"Just relax," Eithan murmured as he worked. The Eevee shivered at first but soon relaxed under his gentle touch.

Once the Eevee was clean, Eithan dried her off with a soft towel. Her fur, now clean and fluffy, shone under the sunlight. The Eevee looked up at him with grateful eyes, a bond forming between them.

Eithan reached into his pocket and pulled out a Pokéball. "I guess it's time to make it official," he said quietly.

He held out the Pokéball to the Eevee, who looked at it curiously before nudging it with her nose. With a flash of light, the Eevee was drawn into the ball.

The Pokéball shook slightly before settling, confirming the capture. Eithan felt a sense of satisfaction as he clipped the ball to his belt. "Welcome to the team, Eevee," he said softly.

He immediately released the Eevee from the Pokéball. The small Pokémon looked up at him, then happily settled by his side, nuzzling his leg.

By the time Gary found him, Eithan was sitting on the ground with Eevee beside him, looking content. "Hey, we were looking for you," Gary said, noticing the Eevee. "Wow, an Eevee! Looks like you found your first Pokémon."

Eithan nodded. "Yeah, found her hurt and scared. Decided to help."

Gary smiled. "That's awesome, Eithan. Eevee are really special."

Eithan gave a slight nod, feeling a deeper connection to his new Pokémon. "Yeah, she's special."

As they walked back to the main building, Eevee trotted happily beside Eithan. He felt a sense of satisfaction.

Today had been a good day – a step forward in his new life.

By the time they returned to Oak's residence, the sun was beginning to set.

As they sat down for dinner, Professor Oak looked at Eithan. "How was your first day, Eithan?"

Eithan shrugged. "It was fine."

Oak nodded, noticing the Eevee by Eithan's side. "I see you've made a new friend."

Eithan looked down at Eevee, feeling a sense of pride. "Yeah. Found her hurt and scared. Decided to help Her."

Oak smiled warmly. "That's a wonderful start, Eithan. Eevee are known for their strong bonds with their trainers. I'm sure you two will do great things together."

Eithan gave a slight nod. "Thanks."

After dinner, Eithan took Eevee to his room, setting up a comfortable spot for her to sleep. He lay down on his bed, feeling a strange sense of contentment. For the first time in a long time, he felt like he had found a place where he belonged.


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