
Unilateral beating

Two trees behind Luke broke loose from their roots and floated within seconds. Luke's speed in getting two trees out of the ground was much faster than in the past.

The trees headed upwards towards the Hyde. After that, one tree came down at high speed until it hit Hyde's head. Immediately, the other tree came down and hit the Hyde again. He used the trees as hammers.

Two blows, three blows, five blows. The trees took turns smashing the Hyde. A cloud of dirt and dust rose. Only the sound of the collision between the trees and the hard skin of the Hyde could be heard.

After dozens of blows, the trees broke in half. The Hyde's skin was tougher than Luke had imagined. Yet he had pounded it mercilessly, its grunts had ceased.

'I kept my promise,' Luke thought, remembering that the first time he came to Jericho, he thought about crushing Tyler if he found him turned into Hyde.

With a slashing motion, he created a gust of wind with his telekinetic waves dissipating the cloud of dirt and dust that had been made.

Luke and Wednesday approached the pit that was created by the tree attacks. The Hyde was lying in the center. Luke was reminded of Yamcha from Dragon Ball.

"He's regenerating rapidly," Luke commented, seeing how the wounds he and Wednesday caused were healing.

"Then we should pound him some more. Until he stops healing," said Wednesday in her usual tone.

Within seconds, the Hyde stood up and glared at them both in fury. His ugly red eyes had already recovered. He roared louder than before and jumped at them again.

As he was about to hit them, both Luke and Wednesday created their respective shields. A telekinetic shield and a darkness shield. Both shields joined together and created a stronger one.

The Hyde hit the joint shield with his huge claw and failed to destroy it despite screaming with more anger. In a second it was repelled and sent away from them.

Without another word, Luke and Wednesday began to attack Hyde. Their movements were well executed and did not get in each other's way. Wednesday was in charge of attacking stealthily. Her attacks were very lethal, as she waited for the right moment to do damage with her dark scythe.

Luke was in close combat with the Hyde. His observation of haki allowed him to react to the beast's quick attacks and dodge them perfectly.

He managed to dodge it thanks to the telekinetic waves he created to push himself, as his base physique could not compare to that of Hyde. He had to be very precise, but he did not miss.

When Wednesday attacked, Luke took advantage and used dozens of stones to bombard Hyde. Between the two of them, they began to beat up the Hyde. His healing abilities were getting worse and worse, and his ferocity was diminishing.

"I don't know who the monsters are," commented Xavier watching as Luke and Wednesday beat the crap out of the Hyde, who looked confused. He'd never been beaten up so one-sidedly. He had already killed several people, and no one was a challenge.

"The two of them do good teamwork," Enid muttered, clenching her fists tightly to the point that she hurt her palms and blood came out. If she controlled her powers better she could help Luke and not be a useless side-eye.

"Looks like they don't need our help..." said Xavier crossing his arms. Not much he could do. His whip could be of use in battle, but they didn't look like they needed reinforcement.

The Hyde was a mess. His healing was no longer working at 100%. One of his eyes was cut and would no longer heal. He had cuts all over him, and Luke had hit him breaking many bones and causing internal injuries.

"What's up monster? Where's your previous ferocity?" asked Luke, walking towards Hyde, while snapping his fingers. On his face was a maniacal grin. He was already savoring the last blow that would break the beast's skull. He would no longer be able to heal as before.

"You put up more of a fight than Rowan. Your head will make a nice decoration in my room," said Wednesday, walking towards the Hyde. She held the scythe, and with her pale face, she looked like the Grim Reaper himself. She was already savoring the moment when the monster's head separated from his body.

She had done well to come to Nevermore.

Luke and Wednesday looked at each other sideways. This would be a competition. The first one to get to the Hyde and give him the final blow would win.

Just then out of a bush came several people, "What's going on here?" asked a girl they all recognized. It was Bianca.

Besides her came Gia, Erika, Divina, Yoko and Kent. The bad thing was that they had come out of a bush near the Hyde, who was watching them with his only functional eye.

With his last strength the Hyde, jumped towards the new group of people. They were not as scary as those two. The strength of these new people didn't seem like a big deal to the monster.

The Hyde was advancing at an alarming speed, its sharp claws extended toward Bianca and the others, who were petrified with fear at the sight of a horrible monster running towards them.

'Shit!' thought Luke as he sped towards the Hyde. He noticed that the ugly beast was looking with one eye at Gia, as it was closer than the others.

Wednesday, who was about to follow the Hyde noticed how Luke moved at a much faster speed than before, 'His feet don't touch the ground...' thought Wednesday, stopping instead.

Luke was flying at great speed and caught up with the Hyde in a few seconds. He spun in mid-air and directed the heel of his foot toward the back of the moving monster's neck.


The sound of the blow echoed like a cannon shot. Luke increased his strength in the blow with his telekinesis. The method was the same as on his fist but on his foot.

His foot connected with great force, burying the monster in the ground.

The impact created a large cloud of dust and debris, which rose in a thick blanket around the impact zone, briefly obscuring the view.

'Phew... I made it in time. Flying is always faster,' thought Luke sighing in relief. He felt a slight pain in his foot.

As the cloud of smoke began to dissipate, Luke could be seen hovering over the newly formed small crater.

Gia and the others looked with wide eyes at Luke floating near the crater.

'His stamina is respectable,' thought Luke, watching as the Hyde struggled to his feet. So he motioned for Gia and the others to stay away.

The battle hadn't lasted long. Only a few minutes, however, the damage done to the Hyde was high, but here he was getting up. Luke could stay like this all night. As long as he didn't take such dangerous blows as the Hyde had taken.

From in front of Luke came Wednesday, and lowering her gaze, she looked down at the Hyde, who seemed cornered.

The Hyde opened its mouth, and a deafening roar burst from its throat. A sound so powerful that it vibrated the air around him.

The roar wasn't just a scream of fury; it was a sonic shockwave that spread like an invisible explosion.

Luke backed up until he was close to Gia, Bianca, Ajax, and the others. With incredible speed, he created a barrier that protected everyone from the roar. The ground shook, the leaves of nearby trees shook violently, and birds fled in disorderly chaos.

Wednesday had also stepped back and created a dark shield around her. She did not expect a roar to be so powerful and dangerous.

Taking advantage of the confusion, the Hyde jumped and with incredible agility disappeared into the thick forest. His leap covered more than ten meters distance, and with his claws, he helped himself to move between the trees.

'That's a pity,' thought Luke, shaking his head. His barrier dissipated. With his dominance and flight, he could follow the Hyde and hunt it down, but he wouldn't. It was too much trouble. He didn't think the Hyde was a threat. Besides he had to check on Enid's and of course Rowan's condition...

'It's an impure Hyde, and its strength is great...' thought Luke. He had gained some useful information in this battle. Tyler had a normie father. If both his parents had been Hyde his strength would have been greater.

Although he controlled the fight and at no point did he think he might lose or be seriously injured, this Hyde's regeneration, stamina, and strength were no joke.

Besides, it was two versus one. Even though he could defeat him by himself, he didn't even use his blue aura. He could have ordered him to stop and used those seconds to beat him. Even though he is a beast he still has brains, and mind control works as long as they are simple commands like stop.

"What was that monster?" asked Kent, who was still shaking as he remembered the Hyde's murderous look.

"A Hyde," answered Luke, and everyone was surprised. They knew about this type of outcast, although he could be considered a monster. An outcast who turns into a horrible beast with no way to control his impulses.

'Will Enid be okay?' thought Luke worriedly, flying at incredible speed towards Enid. He didn't know what range the Hyde's roar had.

"Luke wait!" said Gia, running towards Luke. The others followed her.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://www.p@treon.com/Nathe07

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