
Combat class IV

Each group was taken to an unknown area. This time, no one knew where their enemies were. They had to look for them by their means. There were three groups, a total of 6 people.

A flare appeared in the sky. It was the signal that they could start moving and search for their enemies. This time, the distance was over 10km, unlike the first stage.

"I'll go that way," Luke said to Wednesday, as he started walking towards a random direction.

Wednesday said nothing. She started walking to the opposite side of Luke. She no longer cares what Luke does, as it doesn't affect her. She just has to defeat the two groups, and she will win. It doesn't matter if they defeat her teammate.

Luke walked casually through the forest. As if he was taking a stroll. He had decided to stretch his muscles a bit. He could put into practice everything he trained over the summer, although he didn't expect his opponents to last long.

'I'll just use the yellow aura,' Luke thought with a slight smile. Neither haki, nor mind control, nor any ability from the blue and white auras.

'Although it will take longer to find them without using my domain,' Luke thought, shaking his head. He began to walk around haphazardly. The area wasn't large either, as the round shouldn't take more than an hour.


"Looks like group four already found their prey," commented Professor Fitts, who was looking intently at the screens.

On the screen could be seen a considerable distance from Arthur and Nick, who had located Luke, who was walking aimlessly. Nick was carrying a pair of binoculars and was observing the panorama hidden in a bush.

"Where did he get binoculars?" asked Nao. Since there were many screens, she didn't always pay attention to Nick.

"We hide useful objects in random spots," replied Professor Charles. Useful objects that would be useful for locating enemies, among other things.

"Great, get that guy's ass kicked!" said Nao with a vindictive smile, although she had nothing against Luke, he was on the team of the goth girl who defeated her in a crushing way and said rude comments to her.

Nao wanted Wednesday to lose. So, Luke the goth girl's teammate was supposed to lose, so he can't help her, and the odds of her losing increase.

"You don't know anything..." commented Rose, shaking her head with her eyes closed.

"What do you mean?" asked Nao, offended at being treated like an idiot.

"You don't know anything about Luke Poe's reputation?" asked the clairvoyant girl joining the conversation.

"Not much..." replied Nao. She had heard some things, but not that much. In last year's incident, Luke had been on Raven Island when the hooded attack happened, but she didn't know more than that. She got into Nevermore this year, and she came from overseas.

"Watch and learn," said Rose, and looked back to the screen where Luke was walking towards the ambush that Nick and Arthur had set for him.

"Don't be quiet after that!" exclaimed Nao indignantly, but Rose and the clairvoyant girl ignored her.


Luke walked calmly unaware that an ambush was waiting for him a few meters away. As he had deactivated his domain, he only had his normal vision and his ears.

In the blink of an eye from a bush nearby, Luke came out a person running towards him at high speed. He held a wooden spear in his hands and was running at full power. In a few breaths, he would collide head-on with Luke. It was Arthur.

"AHHHH!" shouted Arthur as loud as he could. He didn't trust this tactic much, but his friend Nick convinced him.

The scream had a purpose. From a bush behind Luke, out came Nick running at top speed. With his green aura, he had enhanced his normal outcast biological capabilities. His speed was much greater than his teammate's.

However, Luke detected someone behind him. His ears were still that of an outcast, unless it was a black aura user like Wednesday, he would hear footsteps approaching him no matter how much someone shouted.

Nick and Arthur's tactic wasn't all bad. Luke had little time to react. If he decided to use immobilization, he could only use it on the person in front of his eyes. That is, Arthur. So Nick would have a free hand to hit him.

However, they did not know that Luke could immobilize both of them, even though Nick was not in his vision. That is if he uses his domain which allows him to see people, who are not in his range of vision.

Since Luke only wanted to use his yellow aura, he wouldn't do that. He created a force field around his body to defend against both attacks. A barrier.

'I knew it!' thought Nick with a smile on his face. He had bet that Luke would use a barrier to defend against both attacks.

"Take that!" shouted Nick, punching with his fist that had veins sticking out of it. He was relying on his superhuman strength to destroy the barrier. Arthur swung his spear at Luke.

Nick's fist collided with the force field with a dull sound, followed immediately by Arthur's spear impacting from the front. However, instead of shattering or weakening, the telekinetic shield absorbed both blows with an almost serene calmness.

In a simultaneous burst, a shockwave emanated from the shield, expanding with overwhelming force. Nick and Arthur were thrown backward with irresistible force. They flew several meters through the air until they crashed into a tree.

The professors and other students watched the fight in disbelief at how easy it was for Luke to defend himself without even moving from his spot.

'That's a shield that manages to repel its enemies...' thought Charles amazed at the effectiveness of Luke's shield.

'Damn. Why is he so strong?' thought Arthur, getting to his feet. Although they were sent flying several meters the force wasn't that much. He only felt a little pain in his back. He was still in fighting condition.

Before Arthur could think of what to do next, he noticed that Luke had already reached his side.

'What the hell is that speed!?' thought Arthur in shock. Luke's speed was faster than Nick's. A green aura user that enhanced his physical abilities.

With the speed coming Luke closed his fist and punched Arthur's face. Breaking his nose in the process and knocking him out.

'Only one left,' thought Luke, feeling a slight pain in his fist.

How was he so fast? Just as he could move objects at rapid speed, send people flying, or fly himself, he could use telekinesis to move faster while running.

As if the wind itself would help him run faster. Only these are much more powerful telekinetic waves and much harder to control.

'A telekinetic fighting at close range...' thought Nick in disbelief. The professors and other students thought this too.

Usually, telekinetics don't fight in close combat. Why would you do that if you can control many objects, and crush your opponent from a distance or send him flying like a rag? As for defense, there were several options: immobilization, forcefield, etc.

Using the same method, Luke quickly reached Nick's side and began his attack. He had been trained in martial arts by Natasha his attacks were aimed at weak areas of the body.

'His bones are tough,' thought Luke, feeling his fist shaking as he hit Nick.

If he kept hitting Nick, he would hurt his hands. He might even break the bones in his hand.

"Wanting to fight hand to hand with me!" growled Nick in annoyance, as he slammed his fist into Luke.

Because of the proximity, Luke would no longer have time to create a barrier.

He could easily dodge the blow with his observation haki, but he didn't plan to use it. To Nick's surprise, the direction of his fist was deflected by an external force. His fist missed, passing just short of Luke's face.

Luke took this opportunity and swung his fist at Nick's face again. However, this time, he concentrated and created telekinetic energy bands that wrapped around his arm until they reached his fist.

'Let's see if you can take this!' thought Luke, pushing his fist into Nick's face.

A gut-wrenching crunch echoed through the air as Nick's nose snapped, and several of his teeth flew in all directions. The force of the blow threw him through the air like a rag doll.

Nick's body flew several feet before crashing violently into a tree. Because of the speed at which he was flying and Nick's sturdy body, the trunk splintered and broke. Nick fell to the ground, unconscious, surrounded by the wreckage of the shattered tree.

'Oh... I thought I had held back long enough...' thought Luke, seeing the mess he had made. He approached the unconscious boy and breathed a sigh of relief that he was still alive.

The professors and students gawked at what had just happened. They never thought they would see that the punch of a telekinetic would generate such destruction and send their enemy flying.

"Your technique is very efficient," praised Edgar, looking at Luke as if he was a growing monster.

The punch Luke threw was a technique he created himself over the summer. He called it Telekinetic Helix. Spinning telekinetic energy around his limbs drastically increases the power of his punches. The technique works like a drill.

Although he had to rack his brains to find the right way to manipulate telekinetic waves, he stole the idea from an anime he watched in his past life. Its name was Mob Psycho 100.

However, he had to do a lot of experiments to succeed, since in the anime they don't explain the method to achieve such a technique. So, Luke is not ashamed to say that he created this technique.

[Thanks. It's the first time I've tried it on a human, and it's very effective,] said Luke, satisfied to test his technique in a battle. Best of all, he didn't use all his telekinetic forces in that blow. So, the power may be greater.

'I'll look for Wednesday. She should be taking on Xavier and Mike. I could help her to annoy her a little,' Luke thought, expanding his domain. He already tried the technique he wanted. Now, he would annoy Wednesday a little by helping her. He knows the girl hates that and has nothing better to do.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://www.p@treon.com/Nathe07

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