
Chapter 33 - First Impressions & Gods II


By the time Charles finished his meeting, Tony was already flying in the skies over New Mexico, jetting his way to the location where the gravitational anomaly was detected. 

"Sir, just now, another gravitational anomaly was detected. The reconnaissance Iron Guardian has observed the emergence of four figures from the anomaly. Based on my system's calculations, the probability of it being teleportation ranges between forty and seventy percent."

Tony felt excited by that prospect. Had aliens finally contacted Earth? Could he learn this teleportation technology and make his own? He wanted answers and jetted there as fast as he could. Jarvis gave him real-time information on where the four new arrivals went. 

"The targets are right beneath you, Sir." 

"Alright then!" Tony stopped flying forward and let the metal suit free-fall for a while before finally unleashing the thrusters to slow the descent. The entire small town was aware of his arrival by then as the rockets were too loud. 


The dirt formed a cloud as he approached the road to make his usual Iron Man landing. A few feet off the ground he stopped all thrusters and landed with a solid metallic thud, one knee bent, another supporting. 

"Thor! Stand back!"

Stand back? What's happening? Tony stood up straight and looked at the building before him. There were four strangely dressed people, three men, and one fine woman. Their hands clenched their weapons of choice—primitive, he thought. 

"We'll deal with the Destroyer! Run away, Thor!"

  Destroyer? They got armor like me? 



His body moved on its own and deflected a strike from the black-haired woman. It left him shocked, however, as he felt the power behind her attack. With interest, he scanned her body with the instruments on his suit for any exo-skeleton-like tool. 


He blocked another strike from her, now aware this was her raw strength. Definitely not normal. Mutants? 

He exchanged a few blows with her to gauge her true strength. Other than her admirable size and shapely body, her face was attractive too. A total package, no doubt.

"Wait… Stop! Stop! Pause!" Tony leaped backward with his boosters and revealed his face. "Are you the aliens?" 

"You're a mortal?!" the woman exclaimed in return. Her friends did too. 

Tony chuckled, wasting as much time as possible there as the bodies of the four aliens were covered in unknown energy material. Something that even Jarvis had no clue about. He wanted to analyze it more. "Shapeshifting lizards? Illusion wizards? Your disguise game is on point, blending in with us humans. Did you binge-watch some Earth history from a few hundred light-years away and decide, 'Hey, let's rock that vintage look'?"

"Tony fucking Stark?! Oh my god!" 

Tony heard an excited cry and looked. One petite woman and another quite a curvy one, the latter being the one shouting his name and running up to him. 

"This is so cool! Can I touch the suit? I always wanted to feel it." 

Good god, what does she eat? Tony got a better look at the approaching girl. Her clothes were very ordinary—a brown top, tight black pants, and high leather boots. Though his gaze fell on her well-endowed chest at first. 


"Hey, I didn't give permission yet." Tony annoyedly swatted her hand away as she tried to touch him. "I don't even know you."

"I'm Darcy Lewis. Can I touch it now?" 

"Sure," Tony replied, his sudden change of mood too abrupt for others as well. He was only focused on the blonde, tall man as Jarvis suggested that this man was Thor or something. Perhaps a larper. "So what's this party about?"

"Gods." An old man stepped forward and extended his hand towards Tony. "It's an honor to meet you, Mr. Stark. I'm Erik Selvig, I teach theoretical astrophysics at Culver."

Tony shot a brow at that name. He felt he had heard it before somewhere. "Are you famous?"

"Known in my field, yes."

"Ah, that's why." Tony finally shook his hand and gestured at the 'larpers'. "Who are these nutjobs? My instruments detected a gravitational anomaly. Didn't realize it was a black hole of sheer nerdiness."

"One could call them aliens as they fit the definition. But I fear the circumstances are different this time." Erik Selvig pointed at the blonde man. "This is Thor. Yes, the one from Norse mythology. Those are Fendral, Hogun, Volstagg, and Sif." 

"Oh?!" Tony glanced towards Sif, flashing his signature smirk. "That explains her beauty. No wonder I felt like I was in the presence of a goddess. Guess my radar for divine beings is spot-on."

"Smoooooth~" Darcy Lewis commented with a mischievous smirk.



"That's enough." Tony shooed Darcy away as she touched around too much, her eyes filled with excitement at his tech. "So they are 'Gods' gods? Or just aliens with inhuman powers and lifespans?"

"The latter," Erik answered. "If you were to somehow return to the past, about five thousand years ago, in that metal suit; I have no doubt you'd be seen as a god too."

"Makes sense." Tony rubbed his chin and walked up to Thor. The big, blonde man stood there like a golden retriever, smiling nonsensically and happy just being involved. "Why are you here? With technology to teleport, I doubt there's anything worth noting on Earth."

"Your thinking is indeed correct, my metal friend. But it was my father, the All-father Odin, who exiled me. I must remain here and endure my punishment."


Tony tapped on Thor's shoulder to collect more of that invisible energy. 

"But Thor, we need you at Asgard to stop Loki," Sif requested. 

Thor shook his head, depressed. "Father is dead because of me. I have no right to retur—"

"But Odin lives! What are you talking about?" Volstagg asked annoyedly. 

Taken aback, Thor looked at Sif to confirm it. 

"He's telling the truth, Thor."

Clap! Clap!

"As much as I hate to interrupt the family drama, my instruments just picked up another gravitational anomaly. So, unless you're expecting more surprise guests, we might have a problem." Tony advised everyone and looked towards the direction Jarvis alerted him. 


The earth shook a little from the aftermath of the distant explosion. 

Of course, how could things go normal if I'm around? Tony often wondered if the emergence of supervillains was tied to him somehow. Before he donned the Iron Man suit, there had never been an Obadiah or Ivan Vanko. 

"This is bad," Thor mumbled, looking at the explosion. "Metal friend, can you protect these humans? We need to evacuate this place."

Does he not consider me human? Tony genuinely wondered after noticing Thor's tone. 

"Sure." Tony agreed right away. He had his own plans, after all. 

Beep! Beep!

Ring! Ring!

Instantly, every single mobile phone in the entire town started blasting danger warnings to the people, advising them to run away. As soon as a sizable chunk started to move, the rest followed. 

"You're very smart, my metal friend." Thor admired genuinely and went to help his friends plan the fight. 

Meanwhile, Tony walked into a nearby cafe with an open view of the entire street. He grabbed the coffee jar still full and poured himself a cup. Behind him, Eric, Darcy, and the third petite woman he didn't know followed in.

"Go ahead, take a seat near me." Tony gestured at them and sat down by the window. Though he first raised his hand and blasted the glass away so it wouldn't shatter later. "Help yourself with the coffee."

"I want one." Darcy had complete faith in Tony somehow and carelessly drank. 

"Won't you help?" Asked the petite woman. 

Tony frowned. Why would he get himself tangled in an alien civilization's internal civil war from the looks of it? Heck, he was still digesting the possibility that all the mythical gods might be real and may just be very powerful aliens or mutants. 

"You are?"

"Jane Foster." 

"Really? You fell in love with an alien?" Tony noticed the concern in her eyes and then looked at Thor outside. But then he noticed Sif there and sighed. "Can't blame you, honestly."


"Interesting." Tony saw a large, silver-colored metallic thing walk into town. Armor? Giant robot? He didn't know, but he sure as hell wanted to find out. Shooting fiery beams from its head, it burned and blasted most of the things in its way. 

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Jarvis, be ready." He whispered privately to Jarvis inside his armor.

Soon enough, Thor's friends tried to fight the armor and failed. The short-lived struggle made Tony believe the Asgardians didn't use their heads much. 

"Mr. Stark, can I ask you something?" 

Tony looked at Darcy sitting in the seat beside him. "As long as it's not about my suit."

"Darn it." She pouted and relaxed back in her seat. 

Tony chuckled and focused on the battle outside. At times he blasted away the tumbling debris headed their way. For the most part, they remained safe inside the shop. 

Thor's the god of lightning or something, isn't he? When's he gonna use it then? Tony waited for the main show to start. "Jarvis, where are they?"

Jarvis answered into Tony's ears inside the armor helmet. "They're idle in the clouds, Sir."


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