
Ch - 77 To Starling City?

Later that same night, Oliver, along with Felicity and John Diggle, left Central City because the Arrow couldn't stay away from Starling City for too long. Another reason for their hasty departure was new information regarding the owner of the boomerang.

Before leaving, Felicity asked Caitlin, who was an expert in biology, "Caitlin, if I had a DNA sample I couldn't fully break down, do you think you could isolate the genetic markers for me?"

Curious, Caitlin asked, "What's the sample from?"

Anticipating this question, Felicity replied without hesitation, "Canary's murder." But before Caitlin could respond, Felicity's phone rang. Seeing that it was Oliver calling, she quickly answered and walked towards where Oliver and Diggle were waiting for her.

Caitlin, waiting for Felicity to return, grew concerned when she didn't come back. Just as she was about to look for her, she bumped into Cisco and Swayam. When she asked where Felicity was, they informed her that Felicity had already left with Oliver and Diggle for Starling City. They also told her that Barry had gone to meet Iris in his Flash suit to apologize and explain how he had been affected by a metahuman's ability, which caused him to lose control over his emotions.

After Cisco and Swayam finished explaining, Caitlin mentioned Felicity's request for help before her sudden departure.

Hearing that Felicity needed assistance, Cisco became excited. He smoothly convinced Caitlin and Swayam to take a short vacation in Starling City. He suggested that while they were there, they could visit Arrow's secret base.

Caitlin agreed, thinking that while Cisco spent time with Team Arrow, she and Swayam could enjoy a date and tour Starling City. But she didn't forget her primary reason for going: helping Felicity.

Swayam, having accepted that the timeline and future had already veered in an unknown direction, saw no harm in getting involved. He also agreed with the idea of a vacation to Starling City.

Though they had made their decision, they thought it best to ask for Harrison Wells' consent. He readily agreed, as Team Arrow had helped them before, and it was only fair to return the favor. Wells also promised to inform Barry about their plans and assured them that if Team Arrow needed help, Barry would come as soon as possible.

The next morning, Cisco, Caitlin, and Swayam left for Starling City.


Upon arriving in Starling City, their first stop was Palmer Technologies, where Felicity worked. Their reputation as certified scientists, boosted by the notoriety of Harrison Wells' particle accelerator explosion the previous year, made it easy for them to gain access.

Entering Felicity's office, they found her sitting at her desk, engrossed in her work. So absorbed was she in her task that she didn't notice who had entered. Assuming it was her assistant, she said without looking up, "Almost done here, Jerry. You should have gone home hours ago."

Caitlin smiled and asked casually, "Who's Jerry?"

Cisco, taking in the office, commented, "This place is bigger than my apartment."

Swayam greeted Felicity warmly, "Hey Felicity. How are you doing?" But before he could continue, he felt Caitlin tighten her grip on his hand and discreetly pinch him.

Felicity, unaware of their small scuffle, asked, "Hi, Sam. What are you guys doing here?"

Caitlin maintained a calm demeanor, despite her grip on Swayam, and explained, "You asked us to analyze the DNA on the arrow that killed Sara."

Felicity realized with some guilt that in her rush to leave the previous night, she had forgotten to inform Caitlin that she was planning to mail the sample. "You didn't have to come here, guys. I was just going to mail the sample."

Sensing the awkwardness of the moment, Swayam quickly stepped in. "Oh, don't worry, Felicity. We're on vacation. Caitlin and I are also on a date, and Cisco is here to see the Arrow Cave."

Felicity, now understanding their reasons for visiting, couldn't help but react to Cisco's choice of words. "We don't call it that. Like, ever," she corrected, walking past them towards the elevator.

As she walked away, Cisco's voice took on a playful, childlike tone. "But I want to see the toys! I need to see the toys." Then he asked eagerly, "Do you guys have an Arrowmobile?"

Caitlin, smiling at Cisco's enthusiasm, added, "Come on, Felicity. You know where we operate and provide support for Barry and Swayam. It's only fair that we get to see your place of operations."

Still hesitant, Felicity paused, torn between keeping the Arrow's base a secret and her friends' curiosity.

Even Swayam chimed in, "Yes, Felicity, I'd love to see the superhero base where the legendary Arrow operates."

Seeing that even Swayam, typically the quietest among them, was interested, Felicity couldn't refuse. She sighed in defeat and gestured for them to follow her, agreeing to show them the Arrow's secret base.

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