
Ch - 23 Labor? Or Labour?

To return to S.T.A.R. Labs as quickly as possible, Cisco took the south route via Lawrence Hill Road.

As they approached the corner of Cunningham and Sampere, where Gold City Bank was situated, they saw police barricading the area. Journalists were either live broadcasting or recording for their respective news channels. Seeing the crowd, Cisco decided to take another route.


Upon reaching S.T.A.R. Labs, they were surprised to see Barry Allen talking with Harrison Wells at the entrance. While Swayam feigned confusion, Cisco and Caitlin were genuinely puzzled about why Barry Allen was there, how he got there, and how long he had been there.

Before they could question him, Harrison Wells spotted them and said, "Sam, could you please move the vital monitoring equipment from the lab into the truck? Also, Cisco, are your equipment and trinkets already in the truck?"

It wasn't the first time Swayam was used for heavy lifting. He had always helped move heavy objects and didn't even feel like he was lifting anything heavy. So, after hearing Harrison Wells' request, Swayam entered S.T.A.R. Labs to do as he was asked.

After Swayam left, Cisco looked at Harrison Wells and said, "Yes, Dr. Wells. My equipment is already inside the truck. But I don't understand, why are we moving the vital monitor into the truck again? Haven't we already checked Sam's condition? There weren't any adverse effects." After saying all that, he looked at Barry with a pondering look and thought out loud, "Or is the vital monitor not for Sam, but for Barry?"

Upon hearing Cisco's thoughts, Barry looked at him and asked, "What do you mean by that, Cisco? Does Swayam also have something abnormal happening to him?"

As Cisco was about to reply, Swayam came out carrying a big box with his bare hands.

Caitlin, Cisco, and Harrison Wells, who were used to Swayam carrying heavy objects, weren't fazed at all. But Barry, seeing it for the first time, was amazed and astonished.

Before he could question what was happening, Swayam placed the equipment in the back of the truck. After clapping the dust off his hands, he looked at Harrison Wells and asked, "Are we going to the same place?"

"Yes," Harrison Wells replied. He then rolled his wheelchair towards the truck, and with a slope placed by Caitlin, moved inside. After getting in, he looked at Barry, who was still standing there flabbergasted, and said, "Come on in, Mr. Allen. We don't have all day."

Only after hearing Harrison Wells' voice did Barry move from his place and get inside the truck. Once everyone was inside, Cisco started the truck and drove towards an abandoned runway.

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