
The Start of War - I

The morning sun cast a golden glow over the Sinai Peninsula.

In the stillness, Egyptian soldiers stood at their posts, weary but alert.

For weeks, rumors of an impending attack had rippled through their ranks. Yet, even the most seasoned among them couldn't predict how soon that threat would materialize.

Their defenses, bolstered in recent days by Indian-supplied anti-aircraft guns and light artillery, gave them a sense of readiness, but in a situation of war you can always expect the unexpected.

At precisely 5:00 AM, the first wave came.

Israeli jets, flying low and fast, appeared suddenly on the horizon.

Their targets were clear: Egyptian air bases and communication centers scattered across the Sinai.

The planes roared through the skies, dropping ordnance with precision, striking Egyptian radar installations and airstrips.

Dust and smoke rose from each hit as explosions echoed across the desert.

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