
London Conference - III

Prime Minister Rohan looked at everyone and stood up, raising his hand to call for silence. "Gentlemen, we're going around in circles. There's no trust here. Egypt has no intention of closing the canal to global trade, yet every suggestion that respects Egypt's control is dismissed. Perhaps the time has come for a compromise, a compromise in the form of an international body. I propose we establish a Suez Canal Users Association."

The room hushed, delegates exchanging looks of surprise.

Eden raised an eyebrow, while Dulles looked skeptical, and Gromyko leaned back, watching the room with narrowed eyes.

Rohan continued, "The association would guarantee passage for all countries, yet recognize Egypt's right to manage the canal. Egypt's sovereignty wouldn't be infringed, but the canal's operations would remain transparent. Member nations could monitor traffic to ensure consistent access. We avoid dictating to Egypt while maintaining accountability."

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