
Surrender is one part of love.

Before his arrival, a part of Agatha was hoping that she could still salvage the situation and pretend that everything was just one big misunderstanding but with Fabian here, in her own estate at such moment, denied her even that small opportunity.

On the other hand Fabian was innocently walking into the room, thinking he would find the elderly woman waiting to bestow her wisdom on him, but instead of seeing lady Danbury smiling at him, his eyes landed on a slightly smirking James.

"My My, what do we have here? A Lost puppy perhaps?" James said.

Beyond confused, was Fabian who barely uttered the words, "Uhh...James?

"If it isn't the chess piece everybody likes to play with, good day to you too Fabian." James replied playfully.

"I beg your pardon?!" Fabian said.

"I wonder! did you come here to ask auntie Agatha for more help? Has she been good to you with her advices on how to make Safa swoon for you? That you came back so soon?" James asked before his smirk suddenly turned into a subtle frown.

Fabian was understandably perplexed at the situation but his body wasn't as it started to shake against his will.

It was obvious that within him, Fabian has come to realize, he was found out and by none other than James.

When he turned to look at an embarrassed Lady Danbury, Agatha gave Fabian an apologetic look before she said, "He knows the bet was my idea."

Fabian turned his head back to James, "Listen I can explain! I never intended for this to be anything malicious! I just simply wanted a fair chance to gain Safa's interest."

"How fair! Manipulating her into playing a game with you, but I'm not angry at you.

I know it wasn't your idea, I can tell that your intentions are pure! However it's not you I have issue with, it's the people that are currently using you that bother me the most." James replied nonchalantly,

"I know that regardless of you being a man, Fabian...you're even more innocent than a church raised young lady, and you are also too stupid to come up with such plan on your own, you have proven yesterday that your smartness is purely in the books and not in the streets." He added.

Fabian didn't know whether to be offended or relieved that James doesn't think he has bad intentions, but at the same time, he was confused, "Hold your horses...what people that are using me, are you talking about? I approached lady Danbury for help first, not the other way around?" He asked.

"Of course you did, it would have been rather suspicious if it happened differently.

To be honest, I rarely ever seen someone so willingly trusting of others like you are, you seem to trust anyone who shows you even the tiniest bit of kindness.

it's an interesting sight, really! no wonder you enjoyed your solitude Fabian, you just didn't know who to trust and who to not, so you preferred to be alone, didn't you?" James asked back.

Lady Danbury's eyebrows were in the sky, high with absolute surprise, "I am sorry but you are not making any sense?!" Fabian replied.

"Did you ever stop to wonder why did Lady Danbury seem so willing to help you Fabian? because I assume she was very eager to help when you first reach out to her?" James questioned.

"What?" Still confused, Fabian just stared at James who was becoming annoyed as he sighed, "Alright you dimwit, there's no going anywhere with you but my grave, you're really too dumb for this conversation, so i'm going to ask you instead Agatha, why Safa?! Why her?! Obviously you were ordered to marry her off weren't you?!" James said.

Fabian's eyes went wide Open, "Ordered?!"

"I am under no obligation to explain myself to you, Lord Teaton." Lady Danbury replied to James.

Her words made Fabian's confusion intensify.

"So this is how it feels, to have someone refuse telling you a secret you really wish to know." James said, before he turned to Fabian.

"Did you know? That the queen herself has ordered Lady Danbury to marry Safa off, I assume not since I believe it happened before you even got back to the country?" He asked Fabian.

Shaking his Head with an obvious no, "I had...no idea...so the only reason you helped me was because you wanted Safa to get married?" Fabian turned with his question to Lady Danbury who avoided his hurt gaze.

"What a sticky situation...You were just a pawn after all, and you came at the right time." James said to Fabian.

"I am sorry...I was so stupid just like you said." Fabian replied making Agatha look at him in sympathy, "I should apologize, I never meant harm, I simply took advantage of an opportunity that presented itself to me." She said.

"Did Colin know?" Fabian asked.

Lowering her gaze once again, "He did, that is why he insisted on you to come to me." She replied.

Sighing, "Honestly I was just happy with Safa being my friend before all of this...I am really an idiot." Fabian said smiling in pity at himself.

"So I take it that they manipulated you into wanting to court Safa? Colin and lady Danbury?" James asked, "Yes...how stupid of me, I should have never told Colin about the dreams that haunted me at night." Fabian replied.

Astonished, "Dreams that haunted you? Wait, did you have a dream where Safa appeared to you and you took that as a sign to court her?" James asked.

"Well can you blame me when I had those dreams every night...when I told these two about them, they kept using them as an added reason onto why I should pursue Safa." Fabian replied.

"Everyday?! You really are in love, aren't you?" James asked then he mumbled, "Dreams, what a coincidence..."

Suddenly, "I doubt Safa will be happy hearing about this..." Fabian said, "Are you going to tell her about this whole situation?" He asked.

"What choice do I have? *mumbling* I have broken her Trust so many times, I can't afford to do it again." James replied.

Sighing in defeat, "Well if you are going to ruin everything, might as well tell me, what brought you here to Lady Danbury?" Fabian asked.

Surprised by Fabian's instant surrender, "Fair enough, The truth is Wolfgang has sent me here to bring Lady Danbury to the Vega manor, so she can help Safa who isn't feeling like herself as of this morning..." He said.

Worried, "How bad is she feeling? Is that why she sent you to me to let me know I cannot come today?" Fabian asked.

"Wolfgang was the one who sent me to you as well, he believed Safa wouldn't be able to deal with you in her current state." James replied.

"What is exactly the matter with her?" Fabian asked, "I can't go into details...but I believe your bet has stressed her enough that she didn't have a good night sleep." James explained.

Sighing, "I knew it...I should have never let her become aware of my feelings, I would genuinely have been fine with her as just my friend...but I guess I let Colin influence me too much." Fabian said, "Poor Safa, she should not be courted by a man like me, I do not even deserve my new life, let alone a wife." He added.

James looked at him with surprised eyes, while Fabian continued talking, "Spring is only few days from now, I suppose I can wait until then.

I believe Safa will be angry once she knows the truth from you but I also believe she will honor our deal, she is a woman of her word.

So I suppose then, instead of starting our courtship right away, let her know that I will honor our deal as well and leave her be for the next few days so she can focus on herself and recover, And perhaps prepare herself for further disappointment from my side.

Tell her I am sorry for disturbing her sleep." Fabian said before he slightly bowed his head to Lady Danbury and James then turned around, leaving the room and them behind.

Agatha was now as surprised as James, "He just...left?" James said, "I can see that." She replied.

"What a strange fellow? I see now why he has your support, only a man this strange could possibly charm Safa."

"So you believe he has a chance?"

Chuckling once, "It's not going to be a piece of cake however, and just so you know I'm against it, but if the cards were played the correct way, I believe puppy-like boy might be able to get himself a new home after all." James replied.

"Why are you against this match?" Agatha asked.

"I am under no obligation to tell you why." James replied smirking.

Smiling, "Well played." Agatha said, "So, should I come along? You did come here to take me with you? Did you not?"

"So you want to come?"

"I would prefer it if I was the one to tell Safa the truth."

"On seconds thoughts, that idiot should still be around here." James said.


"Fabian, I'm taking his with us!"

And with that James hurried to catch up with Fabian before he leaves the estate entirely.


"Miss Gertrude!" The moment the elderly woman has decided to leave her room and go find Fabian to apologize again to him for her earlier outburst, she was met with the face of Colin Bridgerton, "Ah goodness?!" She nearly shouted as he startled her.

Chuckling, "My apologies, I didn't mean to scare you...miss Gertrude, are you alright? I was wondering where you were." Colin's smile slightly vanished when he noticed that Gertrude's face wasn't reflecting her usually energetic self.

"I..well...I'm fine, thank you for asking." She replied, "Are you looking for young master?"

Colin nodded, "I Was, until one of the servants told me he left earlier to go somewhere."

Surprised, "He left? He didn't tell me?!" Gertrude said.

Equally surprised, "That's a first, since when you let Fabian do anything without letting you know?" Colin asked, "Are sure you're alright miss Gertrude?"

"Yes I am... just had a rough morning start.

It doesn't matter if he left, he's not a child, actually I'm glad to know Young master is going places now without you dragging him there first." Gertrude replied.

Colin smiled at her words, "The feeling is mutual...although I'm surprised he would go anywhere especially today, isn't he supposed to prepare himself to go to Safa's house?"

"Ah...about that." Gertrude hesitated, "Oh no, do not tell me!" Colin realized what was wrong immediately.

"Yes, today was cancelled, the red head lord, James Teaton, he came earlier and said that it wasn't necessary for Young master to go to the Vega manor today."

Sighing, "Poor man, he was so excited for today! But what happened?!" Colin asked

"I have no idea...I just hope Safa is doing well, maybe the party took a toll on her health, poor girl." Gertrude said.

"Let's hope otherwise, if she gets sick because of him, Fabian will surely be the first to give up on this courtship deal to spare her anymore trouble." Colin replied earning a nod from Gertrude, then he asked, "I assume that's why you look down today?"

"In a way...yes." she replied.

Sighing again, "I'm sorry to hear today is starting horribly for you already.

I'll leave for now, but I'll come back as soon as I can to check on Fabian as well, hopefully he's not drinking somewhere." Colin said.

Nodding, "Thank you for your visit, greet Penelope for me, would you?" Gertrude replied.

"Absolutely, have a good rest of your day miss Gertrude, take care." Colin said kindly before he took his leave.

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