
Friends that dance together, stay together.

Gertrude, Penelope and Clara sat together, chatting in one corner of the room.

Safa has actually left the room a while ago with Wolfgang, so the rest of girls chatted amongst each other while the boys did the same.

"Are you going to order more dresses from Genevieve? Since you're staying here?" Penelope asked, "Genevieve?...Oh! You mean madam Delacroix?" Clara said earning a nod from Penelope.

Nervous, "I would love to have more gowns like this one I'm wearing...but I'm used to dressing less... glamorous." Clara said.

"Aren't your family well off? Or is it a matter of pride? I assume you felt ashamed to ask your brother for material things because you wanted to earn your own money, didn't you?" Gertrude replied.

"Ah!..hah, yes!...that's why." Clara lied.

"Being whistledown was the best decision I have ever made, the power of having your own money is unmatched." Penelope said.

"You're a smart young lady Clara, why don't you start something like whistledown? Maybe write your own column?" Gertrude suggested.

It was easy to see that Clara liked the idea as her eyes shined and her lips curled up in a smile, "Maybe! I could do that!...should I hide my identity if I did decide to write?" She asked.

"Not necessarily, however if you wish to remain hidden away from the spotlight, maybe a pen name would be suitable.

Hopefully you don't peak the interest of the queen the same way I did." Penelope replied.

"If you do decide to write, what would your column be about?" Gertrude asked.

Instantly, "I want to write stories about all the travels I heard about!" Clara replied.

"Why not travel and write about your own travels? Or is James against you traveling?" Penelope asked.

Sighing, "I know James wouldn't mind me traveling as long as I'm not alone...but I have no one besides him to travel with, and I doubt he'll take me anywhere, anytime soon." Clara replied.

"Oh? Why? What's keeping him tied here?" Gertrude asked.

"He's...just helping Safa...with some of her work." Clara replied.

"I see, why don't you help Safa with her work? Maybe she'll pay you?" Penelope suggested.

"Actually, that's a good idea as well!...But I wonder if she has use for me." Clara said.

"I'm sure she would love an assistant, especially a woman." Gertrude replied.

Meanwhile, in the other corner of the room, "I've traveled very few times, I stopped completely traveling few years ago, with my father's death, I was needed at home." James said.

With his third cup of tea in hand, "Where did you go?" Fabian asked.

"Mainly the Americas, but I visited Spain once when I was a teenager, and I've been couple of times to France." James replied.

"I actually revisited France around three months before my aunt's departure...I love the scenery there." Fabian said.

"Paris is where Fabian and I met the very first time." Colin spoke-up, "And I suppose you two gentlemen enjoyed yourselves there, with the wine, and women?" James asked.

Laughing, "Haha! Fabian was crazy drunk in Paris, he was so into the wine he didn't care about the women." Colin replied.

Embarrassed, "Do not remind me..." Fabian said.

In a hushed voice, "Don't tell me you never layed with a woman before?" James asked.

Blushing, "I... know...I do not seem like it...but I am a somewhat of a religious man, I never done anything of that sort with any woman before, and I do not plan to do so unless I am to marry her." Fabian replied, he took another sip of the tea as an excuse to avoid eye contact with James.

"Sounds like lady Struat also taught you some things on Sunday." James joked, "I assume you had many adventures with women." Fabian said.

"I did, and quite a lot...not my proudest confession, I admire your restraint." James replied with a smile.

"Why aren't you married yet James?" Colin asked.

"I guess I'm the male version of a spinster, aren't I." James replied chuckling.

"You don't plan on ever marrying?" Fabian asked, "I don't mind the idea of marriage, if it benefits me.

To be honest...i only see myself getting married these days if it's for political or financial gain, like my father and his father before.

There's only few lucky men like Our dear Colin here, who get to marry the love of their life." James replied, "And maybe you too will get lucky, Fabian.

Although I should give you my sincerest of condolences because you're about to experience hell attempting to court a woman like Safa." He added smirking.

"Isn't Safa your friend, shouldn't you praise her a little?" Colin asked.

"I talk this way about her because I am her friend.

That woman can be the devil sometimes, which is why I like her, there's not a dull moment I spent around Safa." James replied.

"So what brought you together, you and Safa?" Colin asked, "Work mostly, Although I tend to be less sociable than my father, I'm still more friendly and well acquainted with people than Safa is, so I handle all the social work for her.

As a woman with pride and ambition, She wants to be able to make her own money, I like the idea of having more money as well and I believe Safa's work is amazing, so I want to be part of it.

So we're friends and business partners, i know most lords prefer not to work, but I don't mind it, in fact life is boring without work for me." James explained.

"Whatever it is that she does, it is truly amazing.

I do not know how but I am starting to really like this tea." Fabian said raising his cup slightly.

"Oh yes, you seem to enjoy your herbal drink, which reminds me I should remind Safa to continue our experiment." James replied.

"What experiment?" Colin asked, "I don't know if she mentioned this before or not, but she's testing another tea mixture on me.

These days have been hectic to say the least so we strayed from the experiment, but I think things have quieted down a little so we should be able to resume." James said.

"Oh! Do you have a problem yourself? What is she experimenting on?" Fabian asked.

"Sometimes Safa uses me as a test subject, besides the tea she gave me to drink is for muscles growth, it help grow muscles for people who do some exercise like myself.

I started drinking that tea weeks ago and Safa would usually examine my body to see if there's any changes." James replied.

Surprised, "Don't you have to be naked, in order for her to examine you?" Colin asked making Fabian's eyes go wide.

Noticing that, "Not completely, most of the time I still have my trousers on." James replied with a smirk.

Unintentionally, "MOST OF THE TIME?!" Fabian shouted in disbelief.

Startled, The girls in the other side stopped chatting and turned to look at the boys.

Now blushing deep red and embarrassed, "I...am sorry...I did not mean to...shout." Fabian said in a hushed voice.

"Pffft Hahahaha!" James started laughing at him, "Oh! God you're caught like fish my boy! Aren't you! Do you really like her that much?!"

Suddenly, "Fabian is everything alright, I could hear you shout from outside." Wolfgang asked as he entered the room.

"I am alright...I was just surprised a little." Fabian replied.

Seeing that James was laughing his heart out, "James Stop teasing our guests and come to the ballroom, all of you." Wolfgang said.

"The ballroom?" Colin questioned.

"Yes, my lady is there waiting for you." Wolfgang replied.

....Few minutes later...

"Safa!" A smiling Clara was happy to see Safa sitting on a chair in the ballroom with her Lute placed in her lap.

"I brought you here because I thought you might use the extra space if you wish to dance again Clara darling." Safa said.

"This room is so spacious! I wish we can have a real ball in here!" Clara replied as she twirled around the room in excitement.

"The music haven't even started and here she is, turning around herself like an overjoyed puppy." James said chuckling at her.

"Clara has a lot of energy, she reminds me of Hyacinth, my youngest sister." Colin replied.

"Are you going to play for us?" Fabian asked Safa nodded at him and replied, "I said I would play, did I not?"

"I'm excited for this!" Penelope said, "Same as you!" Gertrude added.

"Alright, here we go!" Wolfgang said clapping his hands once.

Safa took a deep breath, and with a gentle stroke, she began playing the same song she played the other night for Clara to dance on.

And sure enough the used-to-be-a-maid brunette girl started to dance and laugh just like she did that night, but this time she was even more joyful, twirling in her new dress with a big smile on her face.

Everyone watched her with a smile on their faces, they started to clap as James decided to join her again, twirling his sister around while she laughed louder and louder.

Suddenly and as she danced, Clara grabbed Penelope and in return, Penelope grabbed Colin, "Wolfgang! Fabian! Gertrude come join us! Let's form a circle!" She said.

Laughing, Wolfgang hurried to the group and joined hands with James, "Come young master!" Gertrude began dragging a reluctant and shy Fabian to the group.

"Gertie No!...I cannot!..." Fabian tried to resist but Gertrude looked him dead in the eyes and said, "Stop worrying about everything! Moments like these are as rare as diamonds!"

"Uh..." Before he could even respond, Gertrude proceeded to drag the confused man until they made it the dancing circle of people.

All of them have joined hands now and formed a circle, Safa let out a small laugh at their sight and she quickly began playing a faster tune.

And as the group began circling around together, Fabian kept his gaze fixated on Safa, in his heart he wished that she would join them for a dance as well.

...Sometime later...

"Thank you so much for the invitation Safa! I cannot begin to describe how much fun i had today!" Penelope said as she prepared to leave with Colin.

"A truly wonderful time we had, I hope you host more often from now on!" Colin spoke next.

"I am beyond grateful to hear such thing, to be honest I was afraid today was going be a total failure, I am glad to hear that it was enjoyable." Safa replied.

"I felt younger today honestly!" Gertrude said making them laugh.

"You danced like your life depended on it! Honestly how are you so youthful at your age!" Wolfgang asked, "It's always in the food! Make sure to eat well, and on time!" Gertrude replied.

"I haven't heard something like that since I was a boy!" James said sniggering, "You're still mentally a boy." Clara teased him.

"Says the girl who started a dance circle!" James teased her back.

"Fabian...You are awfully silent." Safa asked the man who was standing lost in his thoughts.

"I bet our dear Fabian doesn't want to leave yet! Or else he'll miss you!" James joked making Fabian blush.

"What are you doing?!" Fabian asked.

"I'm just joking, Lover boy!" James replied.

"James refrain from bothering Fabian!" Wolfgang scolded him.

Sighing, "Tomorrow you are welcome to visit during the afternoon, I tend to sleep in during mornings, so avoid being early in your visits." Safa said.

Confused, "Are you talking to me?" Fabian asked.

"Is there another man who requested to court me in this place?" Safa replied making The pale albino man turn red.

Intrigued, "Your friend, is he really enamoured by Safa?" James whispered a question to Colin.

"You have no idea just how much he likes her." Colin replied.

Fun fact: Waltz was Prohibited!

Initially, Waltz was considered a dance that people should not be performing since both partners hold each other too close.

In some European countries for the waltz came up with the rules – the maximum dance time was 10 minutes. That all changed in 1815, when the allies of European states celebrated the victory over Napoleon in Austria, dancing a new dance. From that moment on, the waltz ceased to be an indecent dance and gained popularity

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