
Chapter 72


My released mana ran rampant around me. The wind outside roared and blew objects out of place. Curtains or the like were tossed from side to side as if trying to find a hiding place. And the sky changed color.

I'm sure all the inhabitants of this world noticed it. Especially the trio in front of me. They were gulping air with their mouths, but they couldn't take a breath, and their eyes, which read pure fear and awe, wouldn't leave my side.

The building shook with pressure, threatening to collapse right on their heads, and the cracks in the floor, walls, and ceiling only fueled that intent.

Slowly and reluctantly, the smile slid off my face, replaced by an indifferent and aloof face, and my gaze met theirs. And it made their fear magnified by leaps and bounds. It became so dense and overwhelming that it could be sawed away.

After a few seconds, the mana pulled back into my body, and the chaos disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. The silence in the room was broken only by one sound-the beating of the hearts of the three of them, more like the sound of a jackhammer.

Well, let's get down to business.


Even when it stopped, Pina could clearly hear every beat of her heart echoing in her head.

The man smiled that same "smile" again, and it made the blood in the princess's veins freeze again, and it was as if her brain didn't want to give the command to breathe. In Pina's eyes there was only this unknown man who could crush her like an ant and not even notice it. Zorzal and his slave girl receded into the background as her mind frantically searched for a way to survive instead of worrying about them.

"W-w-what am I supposed to do! What does he w-want?!"

These were the thoughts that settled in her head and had no plans to leave her. For in Pina's eyes, it was Death himself and no one else.

- Are we ready to talk like civilized adults now? - asked the embodiment of doom as his gaze bounced between the princess, the prince and his slave - Or do you need another shake up?

- NO! - Without holding back her voice, a trembling Pina shouted, and instantly covered her mouth and eyes. A couple of seconds later, realizing she was still alive, she cautiously opened them and looked around. The man's gaze was directed straight at her, studying and as if expecting something. Pina, seeing that he didn't mind listening to her, took a deep breath and continued in a nervous and anxious tone, "I-I mean, there's no need for that. W-what do you-want?

At her words, the man tilted his head to the side, and the smile on his face changed to a pensive one.

- Hmm... I take it you are the voice of reason for this group, aren't you, young lady? - he asked, to which he received a hesitant nod, "Fine. In that case, if you would be so kind as to tell me about this world. I don't need the whole story, something common knowledge is enough. I won't be here for long.

When the man's words reached Pina, she fell back into shock.

"He's not from this world?! Another Gate opened somewhere!!!! Where?! When?!"

The young princess's thoughts took a new circle, and a much bigger one than they had been before. As if the upcoming conflict with Japan wasn't enough, there was an opportunity to unleash a new one.

She realized from the man's phrasing that he knew nothing of either the Empire or Japan. And that meant he was part of them. A new war could break out, and if those to whom this man belongs are even slightly as strong as he is, the Empire will be wiped out even faster, and its existence will become history.

The situation is much more complicated than it was with Japan because of Zorzal. His threats and insults definitely didn't add any points to the Empire. Her first impression of her is ruined, all because of her brother's carelessness. Pina can only hope that, at least for today, neither she nor the Empire will fall into oblivion. And, of course, to be as kind and obliging to this unknown man as possible.

- Are you all right, young lady? - He asked, causing Pina to practically jump on the spot and quickly bow her head to him, trying to avoid any possibility of offending him.

- Y-Yes, I'm sorry for the inconvenience," she replied stammering, and then focused on the man's request and tried to arrange her thoughts in a way that would satisfy his request as much as possible, "This world is...


A short while later.

I listened intently to the explanation of this world. As it turned out, it was a typical fantasy with magic, dragons, swords and an appropriate time period. But there was one very busy thing to do - the Gates.

Basically, they lead already to another world with the planet Earth. That is, technologically advanced in the time period of the twenty-first century. And the Empire, of which the girl in front of me is the princess, did not think of anything better than to start the expansion of new lands without having any information about them at all.

And, of course, everything ended predictably. Japan, on whose territory the Gate appeared, responded to the aggression and brought its own troops and met swords and bows with bullets and tanks. The Empire's army was simply wiped out under the onslaught of a more advanced civilization, and what surprised me the most was that these weaklings launched not just one attack, but more. The Empire simply didn't realize the first time around that conflict with another world is basically impossible.

The structure of government is similar to ancient Rome. There is an emperor and a senate, in whose hands is all power, and it is passed on by inheritance in the ruling family. And the man in the trio in front of me, who did not utter a word, is the crown prince who is drowning for war. In other words, a fool, and a hopeless one at that. The princess, on the other hand, is pro-peace and is trying to settle things with words as best she can.

Now, the last member of this little group, I understand, is the prince's slave. And I found it amusing that her fear definitely didn't match the fear of the others present. That is, she wasn't afraid for her life, but for something else.

Notable do - there are also fantasy races present in this world. Beastmen, elves, dwarves, and the like. And the prince's slave girl had rabbit ears, making her a member of the first group respectively.

Of course, there were gods here as well. Quite real ones, I might add. Apostles, high priests of these very gods, who have supernatural abilities even by local standards, walk the lands of this world. The princess, who bears the name of an alcoholic cocktail, which is really funny, mentioned one particular example - Rory Mercury, who serves the god of War and Death, Emroy.

Not to say anything, but that name reads "loli" in Japanese. And her appearance, as I understand it, is in keeping with that...

I rubbed my temples from the headache that had appeared.

Is it something wrong with me, or is there something wrong with this world? Interesting-interesting.

- ...that's all. If there's anything I can do for you, please don't hold back. I'll do my best. - finished the explanation already more or less calmed down princess. The rabbit girl was still silent, and the prince still didn't move after my trick.

- Thank you for satisfying my curiosity, young lady. You really saved me a lot of time," I smiled, to which she even blushed a little, and then turned towards the large window that was in the room, getting ready to leave, "As promised, I'm leaving since I got what I came for. Have a good day-

- Stop! - I was interrupted by a shout from the prince who had regained his senses - Who are you to barge into the palace and leave as if it belonged to you?!

- Brother! Please be quiet!" said Princess Pina.

- Shut up! - He barked at her, and then looked at me threateningly - Answer your emperor, brat!

My eyebrow rose at his actions.

Does he have dementia? Otherwise, I don't know why he still continues to do what he did. Or is it because of a complete lack of self-preservation instinct? Isn't that a trait of the main character?

I looked him over from head to toe and shook my head.

No, he doesn't look like that kind of character. More like a third-rate villain, just to be.

- Are you listening to me?!

Yeah... I'll scare him a little more. Maybe something will get through to him.


Pina could clearly hear her own teeth grinding, and her arms and back were soaked with sweat.

Her brother was beginning to bend his line again when she managed to settle the case. The unknown male was almost gone, but Zorzal just couldn't hold his urges and tongue behind his teeth.

"Shut up, finally! We practically survived!"

That was exactly what Pina wanted to shout to Zorzal right in his face, but the worry of exactly how the next moment might end interrupted that urge.

Thankfully, the man didn't react aggressively. Pina understood why. Really understood. But the brooding expression on his face practically screamed in her ear that he wanted to do something about it. And the princess sincerely hoped it wouldn't affect her.

The next moment, a smile appeared on the man's face. And seeing it, Pina's soul ran away at her heels, as this was exactly what happened before chaos reigned.

- What do you want me to do? - He inquired of Zorzal.

"Be quiet, please, just be quiet."

Pina prayed silently, repeating the same thing to herself. She hoped that at least one god would answer her pleas.

- Put your head up so I can personally chop it off! - Zorzal picked up the fallen sword and pointed it at the man.

- Of course, of course. - He nodded, and did something that made Pina and Tuli's eyes pop out of their eye sockets.

The man simply walked up to Zorzal and stretched his head out as if to put it under the scimitar.

"W-what's he doing?!"

But Zorzal himself was amused by the action. A sadistic smile blossomed on his face.

- Since you have obeyed the emperor's orders, I will give you a quick death! - He shouted and decapitated the man with a single blow. Blood gushed from the man's neck and his head rolled on the floor. The body slowly fell to the ground and his clothes began to soak up the scarlet liquid.

"H-how?! W-why?!"

The princess simply couldn't comprehend what she was seeing. Her brain frantically searched for answers, but found nothing.

- You see Pina, everyone is bowing down to him-" Zorzal was about to say when he was interrupted.

- Can I go now?

All three pairs of eyes turned sharply in the direction of the voice. And where the decapitated body had just lain, there stood a man, whole and unharmed, as if everything had been an illusion.

"W-why is he alive! I saw his death with my own eyes! Is he an apostle?! Or is he God himself?!"

- In that case, I'll take my leave. Bye-bye. - The recent corpse shrugged his shoulders and disappeared in a flash of a shining golden circle, leaving the three stunned people alone.

Pina's mind went hysterical.

"What the hell is going on!"


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