
Horace's Announcement

Matteo tried to smile as yet another couple made their way towards him and Emmeline, champagne flutes in hand and words of congratulations on their lips. Emmeline, ever the graceful hostess, beamed beautifully and soaked up their praises and well-wishes, while Matteo tried to look less constipated than usual.

He tried to think of other things more torturous than being paraded around by Emmeline, but his mind drew blank. Pulling out all his teeth, ripping off his fingernails… Matteo found out, with dawning horror, that he would willingly endure all of it if meant Emmeline would leave him alone.

Unfortunately, painful as those thoughts were, they were nothing more than a fanciful daydream. Emmeline's hand was wrapped firmly around his arm, her fingernails nearly digging into the fabric of his suit, as though she was afraid he would run off.

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