
The Confrontation

Hikigaya's Route to Senior High Is Not Normal, As I Expected

"I woke up one day and thought, 'Enough is enough with bullying myself.' The war is within you, and that's also where it's won. You just have to tackle your insecurities and then let them go." – Keala Settle

Teacher's Office (Kiyotaka and Hachiman's POV)

Sae's eyes widened as she seemed surprised by such a statement.

That surprise then turned to laughter as she engulfed into laughter.

"Ha ha ha ha ha! What an interesting idea… You really are a different kind of student. Even I didn't expect this, buying points in a test? How intriguing." Sae chuckled clearly finding this funny.

Kiyotaka looked at Sae with no real interest. "I mean, it's what you said the day we were all admitted, is it not, Chabashira? You said that we can buy anything with our points. The midterm test is just one more 'thing' at this school, is that not true?" Kiyotaka asked Sae, rhetorically obviously.

Sae smirked as she saw Kiyotaka's own circumstances he had placed on her.

"Very well, a good place to try this out. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt of being clever. However, do you even have enough money on hand to afford it?" Sae asked Kiyotaka.

"Well then, how much does one test point cost?" Kiyotaka asked Sae with a bit of apprehension, even if he hid it behind a rather stoic face.

"I've never been asked to sell test points before… Regardless, this is very interesting and a difficult question. Considering how special of an occasion this is, let's sell a test point for the exceptional price of 100,000 points."

"You're cruel, Chabashira." Kiyotaka spoke. In truth, it was the fair proof to him that such a system was beyond what they had. He didn't have enough and so he would have to accept that Kei might be a lost cause.

Everyone at this school had spent at least some of their points. No one that Kiyotaka knew possibly had 100,000 points to spare.

That was until someone from behind came by and spoke up. "I'll pay, too." Someone said behind Kiyotaka. When he turned around, he found Suzune standing there.

"Horikita?" Kiyotaka looked surprised.

Sae however smirked as if she had predicted this. "Well, as if I didn't expect this. You two after all are an interesting bunch of students."

Sae looked at both Kiyotaka and Horikita's student ID card.

"Very well, I shall accept your deal. I'll sell you both one point to apply to Kei's test, taking a combined total of 100,000 private points from the both of you. As for the matter, you can inform the class that is no longer the case." Sae concluded, seemingly fine with what she was dealing with.

Of course, that was until someone came in the office.

"I don't think so, Chabashira." Kiyotaka and Suzune both stood in confusion, turning to see Hachiman standing there. His eyes looked at Sae with no real emotion, but if anything had a face of criticism aimed at Sae.

"Isn't this a tragedy." Hachiman looked at this entire conversation. "Let me ask you Sae, you want to speak about equality about society, and even then, could you call the perception of human equality others strive for as a necessarily evil to combat such problems?"

Sae tuned to face Hachiman. "And the other individual I've been intrigued by you seem to finally show yourself."

Hachiman shook his head, "Not really, rather your own actions has forced me to make a decision." Hachiman explained as he stared at Sae.

"Hm? The way I see it, you didn't have to respond." Sae commented, clearly referring to how she threw Hachiman under the bus.

"Sure, but perhaps I could also expose the school board for both you and Hoshinomiya for your potential problems." Hachiman explained. "After all, society is unfair, and all it can take is one person to ruin everything you've spent so much time building, or repairing."

This caused Sae to turn to Hachiman more critically. Even Kiyotaka and Suzune both looked at this in confusion and worry.

What exactly did Hachiman mean?

Hachiman looked on at Sae, maintaining his rather judgmental face, his fisheyes not helping to alleviate it in the slightest.

"Hikigaya, unless you have anything interesting to add, please leave. We are speaking about something important." Sae explained to Hachiman.

"Oh, I don't care about the fate of Karuizawa." Hachiman bluntly told Sae. "My issue I'm bringing up now, is explicitly with you."

Sae turned and clearly scoffed, "And what does this have to do with the situation me and these two students?" Sae asked.

Hachiman answered Sae's question in a pretty scummy way. But alas, it was fair in the context of how Sae was presenting herself, both right now and during the moment of intense class situations.

"Oh, they don't. But I'm going to make it connect." Hachiman explained. "Sure, you can make the argument that society is unfair, I would agree with you."

Hachiman then focused on this point. "But even school standards follow a curriculum that ensures each class and students within different classes has different opportunities, does it not? Meaning if the other class were informed of the change in the midterm test materials, but you had no intentions of informing us, is that appropriate to the school curriculum and the expectations placed on you?"

Sae seemed a bit conflicted. However, she maintained her stoic demeanor and doubled down.

"This world is unfair; do you think you will be given directions on what to do later in life?" Sae asked curiously to Hachiman.

"Definitely not. However, in this environment isn't that all you have to do? Follow instructions given? So what if we are not expecting to do such a thing, you were given an expectation by the school higher ups and even your fellow professors." Hachiman told Sae.

Sae eyed Hachiman, clearly seeing he was willing to put up such a fight. "Intrigue me, Hachiman, what kind of society would you like to live in?"

Hachiman spoke without a care in the world. "One where I can rely on myself. But instead, you forced me to migrate to the center of the island with all the populations. Therefore, I'll cut down the tree that keeps you safe, Chabashira." Hachiman rebuffed as he eyed her.

Perhaps he was being hypocritical, but he had to get this across, for his own, and ultimately, the classes' benefit.

"So, tell me, Chabashira, why did you really not inform the students of the change in class material? And don't make this an argument about inequality, because you and I both know you are using that to bolster and justify a hidden reason for such an action." Hachiman grilled into Sae.

Right in front of Suzune and Kiyotaka who looked at the two in shock.

"Should we… head out?" Suzune asked Kiyotaka.

Kiyotaka shook his head. "You can if you want to, this is intriguing me." Kiyotaka explained.

Suzune looked a bit concerned and confused before she decided to stay.

She and Kiyotaka both looked at Hachiman in intrigue, as if he was able to decipher the kind of person Sae was.

Sae in the meantime shrugged. "I don't need to reveal or answer anything to you. Even if you pay, I wouldn't let you."

"And just like that." Hachiman's eyes narrowed even more to a threatening glare. "Twisting the rules for your own purpose. I was told by some classmates from other classes that they were openly informed by their teachers. And Hoshimiya told me all teachers had agreed to inform their students. So why were you the only one to not do such a thing?" Hachiman emphasized to Sae once again.

Sae seemed to be a bit faltered as Chie was brought up. "Leave Chie out of this."

"Oh, so she's your best friend? Would make sense, now that I think about it. You know the amount of times I've caught her drinking at inappropriate times? I mean why would she even do such a thing in the middle of an office?" Hachiman asked curiously. "Oh yeah, and you smoke as well. What if I were to, I don't know, leak an anonymous complaint for the both of you."

This seemed to cause Sae's eyes to widened, "Okay woah, why are you bringing Chie into this?"

Hachiman gave a small evil smile. One that made Kiyotaka feel he was speaking to a delinquent or some evil harbinger of chaos.

But this was just a normal high school kid.

Hachiman shrugged, "Hey, the world is unfair, and even those can be caught by strays, don't you think? Even in the animal kingdom, the wrong move of one person can bring and topple whole community and packs down." Hachiman explained.

Sae turned to glare at Hachiman. "So you are blackmailing me, is that the way I see it?"

Hachiman shrugged. "I don't do blackmail, at least not now. For you, it's not necessary, because I can already see."

"See what?" Sae asked critically, preparing herself for whatever Hachiman had to say.

"You are an angry individual. Angry at the class and the school. I've seen the way you hang around Hoshimiya, and the way you treat her is a contradiction to how you would care for her. You don't like her for who she is, you only like her for a purpose she serves. Same with your students. You don't care for us in the slightest." Hachiman explained, grilling Sae.

"It's almost like you don't want us to succeed. It seems you want to sabotage us and have us remain at the bottom of the class for the entire school year and further." Hachiman concluded. He then sighed.

"What am I thinking? Like in any universe will I ever get such an answer from you. Very well, all I will say is this." Hachiman took a deep breath.

"Relieve the students, all of us of this burden you have placed on us, and I won't spill your smoking habits, and your peer's drinking habits. Because we both know if the schoolboard finds out, your viability of a teacher will be placed into questioning." Hachiman concluded. "And also, I will inform the class of your unreasonable hatred for all of us. I'm sure if I spill the recording of Hoshimiya explaining everything about the midterm switch up, Class D will be at an uproar."

Hachiman didn't even stop, as Sae continued to get uncomfortable. "You know, it's a house of cards. Once one thing comes out about you, it'll all topple down. Maybe those outside of the campus will expose you. You'll then lose your job, maybe even your family could get attacked and killed." Hachiman's eyes stared right into Sae's eyes as everyone in the room felt the true fear he was displaying.

Well, except Kiyotaka.

Eventually Hachiman then added another thing, "So even if you hold disdain for us, you were put up to the job with the requirements. And you must follow that. Otherwise, you'll be replaced. Just like how unfair the world is, how replaceable everyone is."

Before Hachiman could continue, Kiyotaka grabbed Hachiman's arms. Hachiman finally turned to see what someone else was doing.

Kiyotaka looked on before he spoke. "That's enough, you made and got your point across. I'm sure Chabashira will think everything over and that will be that." Kiyotaka explained to Hachiman.

Hachiman for his part, remained silent before he turned to Sae once more. "I'll give you this one chance to prove yourself to this class. If you cannot, then I will do everything in my power and arsenal to remove you from the schoolboard." It was strange for Hachiman to be this aggressive, but Sae was a clear problem for Class D.

He needed Class D to be stable and successful for his own security and success. And, if he could somehow 'save' Kei, then he would be seen in a good light and respectable one by the girls.

Furthermore, even if Kei was expelled, Hachiman would benefit, and it would be a win-win situation for him.

He couldn't lose unless someone pulled some strings. But in the meantime, he accepted that Sae was completely overwhelmed and couldn't do much.

Sure, she could get physical, but Hachiman, who was being practiced and harshly used by Manabu Horikita was experienced enough to handle himself if that happened.

Instead, Hachiman simply turned and walked away. Before he spoke.

"Depending on whether I see Karuizawa in class or not, I will assume your choice for what I've given you. I hope you make the right decision and make it easier for the rest of us, rather than using our own hatred to justify other suffering." Hachiman bluntly told Sae.

Sure, he may have just ruined his relationship with his teacher, but he didn't care. He would persevere.

Hachiman had left and had done what he needed.

He had left Sae with an everlasting conversation, grilling into her and deeply exposing the errors in her ways.

Perhaps this wouldn't even work. Perhaps Kei would still be expelled.

And that would be fine for Hachiman. He seriously didn't care for her. All he cared about was getting back and ensuring his safety in the school.

If he had to expel Kei or even Sae herself, then he would.

Even if such a class was called for unity, Hachiman would never forget his roots. He will never forget to focus on himself.

Because at the end of the day, human or animal, they were inherently selfish and always wanting to benefit themselves.

He'd seen it with Sudou and his determination in basketball, Suzune in wanting to be seen as capable, even Sae with the way she spoke and clearly held some strange hatred for the class.

Whatever it was, Hachiman didn't do this for the class, he did it for himself.

And it will always be for himself. Because the last time he cared for others, they all left him.

As Hachiman made his way towards his dorm, clearly done with the stuff he had openly placed himself in, he pondered on what was the significance of it all?

He knew, sure, but why did he demand the class benefit from his demands? Hachiman shrugged. He did what he did, and he saw it as a win-win situation. Even if it had flaws, Sae clearly couldn't counter the threat of blackmail, especially as her friend, Chie was thrown under the bus.

If Chie's alcohol and drinking problem was brought up to the schoolboard, they not only would clearly be heavily focused on Chie, but also other problematic teacher behaviors, like Sae's smoking.

Therefore, Sae was a smart individual and would know very well what this all meant. Even if Hachiman's threats themselves were not that threatening, the snowball of effects could clearly come crashing everything down.

As Hachiman made his way outside, he ignored the looks he suddenly felt conscious of. The grouping of students.

He saw how Satsuki and Maya both looked at Kei in concern. Even Yousuke looked a bit worried.

However, Suzune and Kiyotaka knew everything better. It would be a somewhat interesting manner of events that could occur regarding everything, alas, they had to wait for what Sae would do.

"Karuizawa, we will speak on the performance of your midterm exams tomorrow." Sae, for one looked a lot more unsure, and even she seemed a bit tempered down. The usual confident and cold demeanor she had was shot. Almost like Hachiman had really spooked her.

For Kiyotaka, it made sense. The emotion of fear was something that could drastically impact anyone. And for Sae, who seemed to have build a house of cards of her personality and actions, the risk of it falling apart, it must have jolted Sae into the circumstances of saving face.

Even if her smoking habits were exposed, so would her clear distain for the class she teaches, and thus perhaps more from her previous classes would be exposed as well.

It honestly made Hachiman serious about perhaps deciding to speak to the third and second grade Class D students to see what Sae was like to them.

If a similar trend of behaviour is expected, then perhaps Hachiman had a lot to deal with when it came to Sae.

As for now, he had her to deal with. Sae had a lot of questionable things about her, but for now, if he could keep her off her apparent disdain, sure, it would benefit the class as a while, but for Hachiman, it would also purely benefit him.

As Hachiman never went back to class to see what Sae would say, he instead made it to the specific room.

That was obviously where he encountered the individual, he had been sparing for quite the time.

Before, he would barely be able to hold himself, and that was including with the excruciating pain he would have just from blocking, but now he was able to better handle the sheer pressure he would place on him, and he could even counterattack and strike back.

It was Manabu Horikita. The older brother of Suzune, Hachiman had a lot more respect for the older brother, as he seemed to be more serious about the kind of things he did.

Furthermore, as Hachiman made his way towards Manabu to prepared for another spar, where he would then go to the library to work, and potentially speak to Shiina, Kiyotaka had something else.

He had a lot of opinions when it came to Hachiman. Again, at a first glance, Hachiman didn't seem interesting, but the way he spoke and critiqued Sae was relatively phenomenal. Hachiman knew of the consequences, and held very little care about the emotions Sae had when he spoke.

He seemed to know his information well. And even if Hachiman seemed to be using the expulsion of Kei as a reason to expose Sae right now.

But then the question. Why would Hachiman do this to save someone who hates him?

Well, Kiyotaka felt he knew that Hachiman didn't care for Kei in the slightest. He cared for his own wellbeing, and did it now to stop Sae from being a threat to himself.

In a way, Kiyotaka understood, and considering everything, he felt he too would have to watch out for Hachiman in the future.

But even then, Kiyotaka knew, that in pure intelligence, Hachiman stood no chance against him. He simply relied too much on his own experiences and pessimistic view to look at all sides.

And it could cost him if he didn't adapt.

Perhaps that's why Hachiman was in Class D. Kiyotaka questioned it after it was revealed Class D was the class of defects. Sure, he knew his defect and Suzune's, but Hachiman, being a clear formidable individual, always confused Kiyotaka.

Now he felt he understood better.

Well, Chapter 31 finished, and with that, so is Volume 1! We will probably place another character opinion and Hachiman opinion as a ender to recap Volume 1 for Chapter 32, and then start Volume 2 on a decent note.

That's the plan. Otherwise, hope you enjoyed it. Also, sorry if you felt the dialogue was poor, I'm not the best at this, as I specialize more in internal thinking and the likes. Regardless, hope you all enjoyed, and I'll see you all later.






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