
The Beginning of Study Groups

Hikigaya's Route to Senior High Is Not Normal, As I Expected

Chapter 21 – The Beginning of Study Groups

"Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth." – Oscar Wilde

Hachiman's POV

After the devastation that was May 1st, and the subsequent fallout that occurred, many within the class began to follow the instructions of being regular students.

This included many of the students who had once been the very ones being lax and rebellious, deciding to prioritize their enjoyment over their education and behaviour.

However now, people like Ike and Yamauchi began to listen to the teacher.

Of course, some, meaning only Kouenji and Sudou continued to remain a problem, as Sudou continued to sleep, clearly not intent on fixing his habits.

Some of the classmates began to despise him for his behaviour.

However, for Hachiman he didn't care. Nothing seemed to have changed besides the class finally behaving like one. Hachiman should feel happy, but he didn't.

Because he was being noticed. He had already felt the glares of Satsuki, Kei, and Maya already looking down on him and the quiet talk the three had on him.

Hachiman ignored them as he focused on himself and his studies. In the meantime, Hachiman also felt confident that he was making enough private points. Because he had begun to work overtime on Saturday.

But it wasn't entirely his fault! Nao had stepped out and accidentally fallen asleep causing Hachiman to come in and lead and take over the library. Sure, it was technically in his hours, he had effectively done Nao's job for around 5 hours.

"No! I insist, it's only fair!" Nao explained to Hachiman. She was trying to pay Hachiman for the work he did when it was supposed to be for her.

Basically, because Hachiman did what Nao would do for five hours, she was trying to pay Hachiman for the hours he worked as Nao.

But Hachiman refused.

And Nao pushed further.

Eventually Hachiman had to accept the large sum of private points he was given as compensation for running the library when Nao had accidentally fallen asleep.

Needless to say, Hachiman was surprised at how much Nao was theoretically getting paid. "She just gave me 7500 private points… I know have just under 70,000 private points… 69,000 around… Nice…"

Hachiman looked on realizing Nao was getting paid 1500 private points per hour she worked, and the best part? Some extra came as money she can use outside of ANHS, for savings and the likes.

It made sense since she was a staff who worked at ANHS. They had lives outside of the school that required additional coverage, such as a family life, or more.

Hachiman had even learned that some staff, if they are required due to other reasons that are seen as valid, can be allowed to temporarily leave ANHS, however it came with strict requirements and a contract signed.

Hachiman didn't want to delve into the full detail of such a document, not asking Nao to continue.

But regardless, the environment in Class D was fine, albeit a bit awkward for Hachiman since everyone was now taking their studies as seriously as they can.

And it was here did Hachiman realize, that the class wasn't necessarily defective in their abilities, but rather one.

Meaning that there were very smart people in this class like any other class, and there were very athletic people, alas, something in their character was a problem that caused them to be here.

Hachiman looked on, watching as the class was finishing, and planning to leave.

That was when he was encountered by pretty boy, or Yousuke standing up.

"Everyone, can I please get your attention?" Yousuke started as he waited for everyone to finish what they were doing so he could explain what he had in mind.

"As you all know, Chabashira mentioned that the midterms are coming up soon. Please remember that if you fail, you'll be expelled. I think it would be of our best interest to form a study group, or more."

The hero of Class D was starting another project.

"If you neglect your studies, you'll get a failing grade and be expelled on the spot. I want to avoid that. However, studying won't just prevent expulsion, it can also help us earn points. If we receive high marks, our class's assessment would improve as our merit score would increase. I asked some of the students who scored high on the test to help prepare a study plan. So, I would like people who are anxious to come join our group. Everyone is welcome of course." With a reassuring smile, Yousuke had already gotten a lot of girls to approach him, including Kei, Maya, and Satsuki.

Some people, especially the boys had ignored him for the most part, and when Hachiman referred to the boys, he mainly meant the Idiot Trio, Ike, Yamauchi, and Sudou.

In the end, Yousuke then called out, "Starting today at five o'clock, we will plan to study in this classroom for two hours a day until the test. If you'd like to join us, please come whenever you like. Of course, I don't mind if you need to leave partway. That's all I have to say." Yousuke explained to them as he eventually left.

Ike and Yamauchi remained in their seats, as if they were afraid of something.

"Hmm, so those two are also dogs on leash for Sudou, huh?" Hachiman pondered, clearly thinking of something he could do.

A part of him wanted to get back at the three girls, Maya, Kei, and Satsuki for pinning the blame on him and the likes. Especially considering their continued indirect remarks, Hachiman couldn't help but be motivated to prove them wrong, or even to humiliate them.

But alas, at the end of the day, he had to keep the class united. As much as he had some dislikes, he thought and had rationality unlike them.

He would be the bigger person, but that didn't mean doing a bit of humiliating. After all, what true harm could come with that?

As Hachiman looked at the Idiot Trio, he had an idea forming on what he could do.

Once Hachiman left the premises, he decided to at least observe how everything would go on the first day. He didn't plan to join, he was one of the few students to not only perform well, but he performed spectacularly. He only lost 2 points on chemistry, and 6 on math. Everything else he scored perfect on.

His method and weekly schedule were working, with both his job and academics. Alas, even he accepted there was no harm in brushing up on the basics of studying.

That was what studying in the library was for. If he could get people to study in the library and keep them respected, Nao would likely pay him more private points due to him doing good. He would not only be getting the library to be more active, but he would also be encouraging the students to be acting respectfully and placing books back where they found them.

It was a win-win. Hachiman could be getting paid more, and the library would be becoming more active and used than when the first day of the school year began.

For the meantime, Hachiman would decide that he would head to the library for his job, and then during 5pm, see the progress going on regarding this study group. Perhaps he could do something to both benefit the class, but also to appease himself through some small humiliation.

And he had an idea brewing in his head already. A rather straightforward and simple idea, but this would be crucial to see what kinds of steps and barriers he would encounter. He was thinking of it as a small step for greater ideas.

A simple idea that would lead the foundations for greater ones later.

Alas, one can dream later, as for now Hachiman had a plan.

As he calmly went into the library, he was met with someone already. Someone he clearly recognized especially since she always came to the library, sometimes to read books, study, or even just to see Hachiman study.

"Oh, Hiyori. How are you?" Hachiman asked the girl.

Shiina smiled upon seeing Hachiman, walking up to him and handing him the book she was reading, "Oh, I was actually finishing up the book you had given me around a week and a half ago. It's quite a journey, and I was wondering if there was a sequel to it?"

Hachiman nodded, as he took out the book Shiina had given him around the same time, "I've actually been able to finish the book, but I think it's because it has less pages than the one, I gave you."

Shiina nodded, "Yeah, we seem to have the same reading speed. But that gives me an idea…" Shiina answered, looking down a bit fidgeting her arms and hands a bit as she seemed a bit nervous surprisingly. "Would you like to read a book together sometime?"

Hachiman raised an eyebrow at that, "Haven't we already done that?"

Shiina muttered and shook her head.

Hachiman hummed before he shrugged, "Alright, then we can after the midterms, okay?"

Shiina's eyes lightened up at the prospect before she asked, "What do you plan to do leading up to the midterms?"

Hachiman sighed, "The class wants to make a study group. I likely will participate in my own way."

"In your own way…?" Shiina tilted her head, "Is Hikigaya going to study alone?"

Hachiman deadpanned at Shiina before he sighed, "Not really, more just I know how to include myself without being a center of attention."

"Oh, well Hikigaya does stand out a lot, at least for me." Shiina explained, causing Hachiman to turn to Shiina a bit confused at what she meant by that. Her face held a small flush, but she didn't seem to be hinting at anything judging on her facial expression.

Shiina then looked on, "I guess I'll just remain in the library until you go, okay?"

Hachiman nodded, "Okay. I'll be temporarily leaving to see what my class is doing at 5pm, but I'll be back, and we can leave together at 8pm, okay?"

Shiina nodded, and with that, Hachiman went to work. It was typical, although some students came into study. Hachiman didn't hear them and remained inside his own unit. Shiina was just outside, picking the spot nearest to the room Hachiman was inside.

When Hachiman came out at 5pm, he gave Shiina a nod, to which she returned one as well before he went out to see what his class was doing.

As what he expected, there were a decent amount of people inside the class studying, with the notable exceptions being the Idiot Trio, Suzune, and Kiyotaka.

When Hachiman passed by, Yousuke noticed, and waved at Hachiman.

"Oh! Did you decide to come?" Yousuke asked Hachiman as the boy entered the class, ignoring the demeaning looks Maya, Satsuki, and Kei were giving him. Hachiman shrugged, "I've actually been studying and working solo."

Yousuke placed a hand on his chin before he realized, "Oh yeah, you were one of the students to score above a 90s, right?"

Hachiman nodded, "Yes, 92."

Yousuke made a surprised noise, "That's the same as my score…"

Hachiman shrugged, "I've been studying however, don't worry about me."

Yousuke sighed, "It's not you I'm worried about now… It's the three boys, plus Ayanokouji and Horikita."

Hachiman nodded, "I don't think it's something to worry about. Horikita and Ayanokouji are smart and the other three, they'll eventually come around."

Hachiman was lying, but he didn't want to give Yousuke any extra stress. That was meant for the three girls currently looking at him with hatred and in a demeaning way. Hachiman had something planned for the three of them.

In the end, Hachiman gave Yousuke a bye before he went back to the library.

That was when Hachiman went back to the library where he found Shiina in the same spot as always. Because it was getting later, there weren't a lot of people around, meaning Hachiman was able to come out and act normal.

Deciding to take the spot next to Shiina, she gave him a confused expression. Hachiman decided to answer her brewing question. "Because there aren't a lot of people remaining at this hour I'm able to stay out and read with you."

Shiina's eyes once again twinkled with excitement as she propped out the book she had, a small smile enveloping her face as she brought her chair closer to Hachiman so the two could begin to read the book Shiina had been wanting to read with Hachiman.

And so, Shiina and Hachiman spent the next two and a half hours reading a book together, as they both had differing reactions to the plot, both engaged in their own little outlooks that differed and always sparked debate.

Once the time hit 8pm, Hachiman had to lock the library up, much to the disappointment of Shiina. Again, seeing Shiina upset made Hachiman upset, and so he reassured her.

"Don't worry, it's not like you'll never see me again, when the time is free, we can continue this okay?" Hachiman asked, "Unless you decide to read it ahead without me."

Shiina's eyes widened as she shook her head, "I wouldn't dream of reading it without Hikigaya."

Hachiman was a bit confused at why Shiina was speaking like that, but he chopped it off to her being a bit nervous.

Still, he didn't mind.

In the end, they locked the doors, and began to walk outside. It was nice and cool and the two enjoyed the little walk they had.

Eventually however, at the elevator, Hachiman walked off leaving Shiina to make her way to her dorm. As this occurred, Hachiman sat down on his bed, tired from the day, but also feeling accomplished, knowing what he would do based on the current dynamic right now.

He expected the next day to be the same, and for the most part, it was. Besides a more angered Sudou, the class seemed normal. For Hachiman, he was mixed with results.

On the one hand, he was fine if the class improved, but he also wanted a bit of revenge on the girls.

Hachiman needed to figure out if he could do anything to make this easier for him.

And that came in the form of after school the next day. Hachiman was once again in the library. This time, he didn't see Shiina, but he did see Suzune, Kiyotaka, Kikyou, alongside the three boys in question.

Just as what Hachiman had somewhat expected, Suzune seemed to be somewhat gritty and blunt in her studies, laying it down on the boys including another whom Hachiman didn't know.

"Are you seriously asking me these questions right now?" Suzune had asked one of the boys, and Sudou had already begun to pack up.

"That's it, I already know this isn't going to work." Sudo sighed, already getting ready to pack up and leave.

Kikyou seemed to be the only one trying to keep the boys around to study, but any hope and effort she put in was gone once Suzune had insulted the boys' academics once again.

"I'm sorry, you're far too ignorant and incompetent." Suzune bluntly told the boys. "if you cannot solve this problem, then I seriously shiver at the thought of what the future will bring."

Hachiman listened on as Sudou and Suzune got into an argument based on the importance of academics and the likes.

However, despite Kikyou's best attempts to keep the trio there, her efforts were in vain as the boys began to leave, not liking Suzune's barrage of torment she was inflicting upon them.

"As expected from the Yukinoshita lookalike." Hachiman rolled his eyes as he walked away into his room, an idea already forming in his head.

Perhaps it was a rude idea, but instead, it was something Hachiman felt could genuinely benefit the class, all the while allowing him to gain some respect through humiliating Kei, Maya, and Satsuki.

Maybe he was being a bit rude? He didn't know. He didn't care. At the end of the day, his interest and security for gaining private points were all he cared about. He could live without those three girls, but he could live with them as well.

It simply wouldn't change the reality one bit.

And so, as Hachiman pondered as he was working once more, he had an idea forming in his head. It involved using the brutal and blunt words of Suzune, and a bit of intervention to make the leadup to the midterms a living hell for Satsuki, Maya, and Kei.

Of course, he didn't want to be too rude, just rude enough to let them acknowledge their place in the school. They can act all high and mighty, but it won't stop them from falling and being humbled.

And if it was Hachiman who would have to do that, then he would.

With the upcoming midterms, Hachiman too had to study, and he already had an idea on what to do with Sudou, Ike, and Yamauchi.

While Hachiman did not have the best connection with Ike nor Yamauchi, he figured they were on the leashes of Sudou, and all it took was to convince Sudou to study, could be as simple as offering more rounds of basketball with him, or even joining the basketball team with Sudou.

That is, if Sudou commits to studying, and scores well on the midterm. He would need to do that.

And in Sudou's desperation, he would work hard and drag Ike and Yamauchi as well, even if they didn't want to.

Because say what you want, but those three stuck together like a trio, and if you got one of them, then the rest will follow.

Of course, the arrangement would have to be settled between Yousuke and Kikyou, which ironically, were the two peers in his class who he had contacts with.

Therefore, Hachiman decided to start messaging and speaking to Yousuke. After all, he was the one he has spoken to more than Kikyou.

However, that did not downplay the critical role Kikyou would have to play. Alongside Suzune, Hachiman had the perfect idea, specifically to utilize how horrible of a teacher Suzune was.

And so, as Hachiman formulated an idea, he brought out his phone and began to call Yousuke first.

A straightforward chapter that starts the midterm exam arc. I was honestly a bit conflicted on how to make Hachiman contribute to this, as I wasn't really expecting to have him be significant until the island exam or the likes. Instead, because of Sae throwing Hachiman under the bus, he's known now somewhat. Therefore, for now I decided to give him this half and half role. He wants the class to succeed, even if he uses horrible methods, just like in Oregairu, but he wants to also humiliate Kei, Maya, and Satsuki, just to show them a lesson, to better them through the consequences of their actions. It's meant to be a horrible method for an honest and realistic result.

Anyways, what do you think?

Should Hachiman focus on elevating the class after their position at zero class points?

Should Hachiman focus on teaching Kei, Maya, and Satsuki a lesson about their behaviour through his plan?

Or, should Hachiman have a mix of both, purely for the ultimate benefit of him stashing private points?


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