
President Horikita and the Librarian

Hikigaya's Route to Senior High Is Not Normal, As I Expected

"The most dangerous leadership myth is that leaders are born-that there is a genetic factor to leadership. This myth asserts that people simply either have certain charismatic qualities or not. That's nonsense; in fact, the opposite is true. Leaders are made rather than born." – Warren Bennis

Hachiman's POV

As the normally gloomy dead fisheye individual made his way across the school complex, Hachiman could tell that indeed, there were several of them already going around and, either buying up stuff using their points, or just hanging out, a new social group having already formed.

While for Hachiman, there was a time when he wished he could make friends, but now, he didn't want to accept such kindness from this world.

Simply put, the world he had been in and escaped from was just too disgusting for normal privileged people to accept.

And this is if they could get past the ugly attribute of Hachiman's own fisheyes.

Hachiman sighed as he began to reminisce. "Komachi… Would you be proud of your big brother…?" Hachiman asked nobody but his own thoughts. In a weird sort of sense, the private points he had reminded him of Komachi points, something he and his little sister would have to ensure their sibling bond was strong.

Hachiman knew that sometimes people would call him a sis-con, but if it meant showing and being the best brother, he could, then he would wear that title with no sense of discomfort. He did his best, but as he knew, sometimes his best was not enough. Ultimately, he knew and hoped that he wouldn't forget the face of Komachi.

Hachiman sighed, as he even saw some boys and girls intermingling, befriending each other, and having a good time. It made Hachiman, in a weird way, miss the couple of friends he once had.

But Hachiman shook his head with a firm expression. "No, it was too dangerous for them to hang out with me… I wasn't worth it for them… Why would privilege people ever associate with someone who's on a different side of society?" Hachiman asked curtly as he eventually found an area he felt would work.

"Student council room? This may work." Hachiman told himself as he made sure he had the paper of what he heard from Sae clear.

A gently knock he did, hoping that student council meetings weren't going on.

To his surprise, nobody answered, so he knocked a bit louder. He really hoped someone was inside to answer his questions. Regardless, if this didn't work, then he could always just ask someone at a higher level.

In the end, Hachiman sighed realizing nobody was inside the room to answer his questions. Eventually, he moved on, as he was about to head towards a place where he could find someone who might tell him something.

In the end, once Hachiman had begun walking somewhere, he spotted two individuals.

One of the individuals, a girl, was rather short, with purple hair tied into two bangs and had peach-brown eyes. She seemed very carefree and happy. By contrast, the male had a very serious expression, with glasses. He was well-built and had short black hair. His eyes were violet, and he wore a typical standard school uniform.

Whereas one was happy and cheerful, the other clearly meant business, and Hachiman could deduce that this person exerted a strong aura.

"Hmmm? Is there something you need?" The serious boy asked.

Hachiman nodded, "Yes. My name is Hikigaya Hachiman." Hachiman started, nodding to both the boy and girl as they too introduced themselves.

"I'm Manabu Horikita, and this is Akane Tachibana. I am the current student council president, and she is the current secretary." Manabu explained, revealing both his name, and his current standing.

For Hachiman, he felt he had hit exactly what he wanted. However, he also felt that perhaps he wouldn't be willing to reveal anything.

"Pleasure to meet you, Horikita, and Tachibana. I have some questions regarding the rules of this school system." Upon starting with that, both Manabu and Akane's facial expressions changed. Manabu's turned a lot more serious, while Akane's turned to one of shock.

"What questions do you have?" Manabu started, pulling his glasses up a bit as if he was giving Hachiman his full-on attention.

"Well, this is only based on what my homeroom teacher has told me and my class, however, I'm confused on a couple of things." Hachiman started, "For example, how does the school run it's finance?"

Manabu looked on, "The school is government-funded, however, there are endeavors that occur. Researchers, scientists, and other services that are provided are exported and act as profit. As for what we receive, these constant contacts allow us to retain our financial expenses. Why are you asking this question?"

Hachiman nodded, "It's just, when our teacher explained how our private points count as yen, it made me wonder… How many students do you have in your class?" Hachiman asked Manabu and Akane.

They both looked at each other before revealing. "38."

This surprised Hachiman as he assumed that there were a total of 40 students per class. "What class are you both in?"

"Class 3-A, currently." Both Manabu and Akane revealed, as Hachiman nodded, before he caught something.

"Currently?" Hachiman asked internally, but he decided he would ask that later. He needed to focus on what he was asking.

"Well, what about the other classes? Do they also have 38? Or more? Less?" Hachiman began to ask more curiously. However, Manabu and Akane both shrugged their shoulders, indicating either they didn't want to reveal more, or were genuinely didn't know.

Hachiman nodded, "That's fine, but even then, how can the school afford to give a bunch of kids money? And then there was something our homeroom teacher said…"

This got Manabu's attention, "What did your homeroom teacher say?"

Hachiman answered, "Our homeroom teacher basically told us to spend all our points. But if the private points are meant to be treated like money, wouldn't it be wise to save and prepare for any situation you may face?"

Manabu's eyes seemed to display extreme caution regarding Hachiman's questions. It's like he knew something that Hachiman didn't.

For the time, Hachiman just explained the qualms he had. "And then there was the moment when our homeroom teacher said that it was worth our merits and skills after she revealed that the private points were money. Then she gave us a large sneer as if pitying us. The fact she said all of this after revealing we effectively had 100,000 yen was shady. It's like she didn't want us to hear that other part."

Akana looked shocked, as she turned to Manabu, seeing what he would say next. Hachiman knew now that he was indeed missing something.

He was missing something from the school system, something not even the rest of his class probably knows. Perhaps suspicious at most, but that's about it.

Manabu eventually gave him an answer, "I think your homeroom teacher said everything she needed to say." He answered rather bluntly. But Hachiman continued.

"Alright, fine. But can you answer why our classes don't shuffle at the start of each semester or new year?"

Manabu's serious face turned to one of laughter, which surprised Akane and Hachiman.

Eventually he sighed, "I'm sorry I have never been asked a question like that before, but once again, I cannot answer that. However, what I can tell you is that questioning things like this is a very good catch. I'm honestly impressed."

Akane looked a bit bewildered, as if Hachiman had unlocked a different kind of Manabu than she was used to.

Hachiman nodded. He wasn't really getting many answers, so he decided to pull up something he got just now.

"Alright, then how come you both said you were currently in Class 3-A?" Hachiman asked, noticing the flinch Akane, and to a lesser extent, Manabu had given. That actions made Hachiman know he was hitting something now.

Manabu was the first to speak, "Did I say that?" He asked before shrugging, "If I did, then what I can tell you, is that yes. Classes do shuffle, however, as your homeroom teacher has said, it is not by the start of a new semester or new year."

Hachiman sighed, knowing that was probably the most he was going to get from both.

"Thank you for that answer. However, I'm still unsure about the whole private points. Will we be getting 100,000 private points monthly?" Hachiman asked both Manabu and Akane.

"You will be replenished with private points monthly, yes." Akane nodded trying to answer Hachiman's question.

Manabu then added, "Of course, heed your homeroom teacher's words. Everything that was said is the truth."

Hachiman nodded before asking a final question, "Does that also include paying for anything with private points?"

Manabu didn't answer that, but gave a small smile to him, as if congratulating him for getting the message he may have been trying to convey. Instead, he then spoke, "I believe I must get going now, I must prepare for an event tomorrow."

Hachiman nodded, "Of course, thank you for your time."

"Ah, one more thing." Before Hachiman could leave, he turned to face Manabu once again. "What class are you in, Hikigaya?"

"Class 1-D." Hachiman answered, turning around, and leaving, not seeing the surprised looks Akane and Manabu were giving him.

At the very least, he was given some confirmations and answers that he was looking for. For one, classes could be reshuffled, but not in the way Hachiman expected it. For two, the number of students in the upper year classrooms was not 40 like those in first year. This could mean many things, but Hachiman decided he could see for that later.

Instead, he wanted to focus on some things, for one, class reshuffling was a thing, and second, you could buy anything with your private points. While Hachiman was unsure what this could mean, regarding how much you would have to pay, he could have theoretically paid Manabu and Akane his private points for more concise and straightforward answers.

But considering he already had a plan with his private points, he knew it would have to wait. Instead, he would have to go to a different class of students to figure it out.

Remembering the year and class both Manabu and Akane were in, he decided perhaps to see some students in Class 3-D. See what made them in Class D.

Hachiman sighed, as he checked the time. He had spent some time speaking to the leader and secretary of the student council.

Whilst many of the students were likely enjoying themselves and being with new friends, Hachiman just had to let his stupid working brain think for the first day.

He could be taking a break as well, lying around and playing on his console that Aoki had made sure was in his bag.

But alas, no. He supposed old habits die hard.

In the end, Hachiman decided that it would be best to ask Class 3-D students about the wellbeing of their class, and overall environment to see what was happening. They had experience and could, hopefully, give advice to Hachiman about this entire system.

He really didn't like being oblivious, like the rest of the students, but alas, he was doing his best to decipher.

Going towards the next stop, as he had to switch up some plans, he decided to try out this advice from Manabu, but going ahead with a proposition he had thought of in his head: getting a part time job.

While he wasn't sure of the rules regarding students working for private points in schools, Hachiman figured it wasn't that bad. The private points were pretty much yen, and therefore, he wasn't really deriving too much away from that.

He wasn't sure how much private points he could get away with, but he decided to see what he could do.

He waited patiently, seeing the front desk, which was difficult considering how large the library was.

Eventually, he found the person he was looking for.

And to his surprise, the lady was rather young.

The nametag said Nagamine Nao, as Hachiman could see. She was rather young, and even beautiful. She didn't look like a typical library woman, who would always tell students to be quiet. The only thing she had that resembled the stereotype was glasses, and even then, she was still beautiful, with radiant blue eyes, and white coat hiding a modest but lean body for a woman.

Nao was also tall for a woman, not as tall as Hachiman, but still, the tallest women Hachiman had seen so far.

She seemed very modest overall, but she also seemed surprisingly tired.

"Perfect…" Hachiman thought, as he felt that perhaps he could gain something here.

"Oh, and who are you?" Nao asked curiously as she stared at Hachiman for a bit.

"My name is Hachiman Hikigaya, of Class 1-D, you?" Hachiman started.

Nao nodded, "Nao Nagamine. I run the library." She gave Hachiman a small smile as she quickly took out what appeared to be new books and sighed. "Now if you excuse me I have some books to replace."

Hachiman immediately took up the opportunity to be useful and perhaps gain a good first impression. "You seem very busy with keeping these books organized."

Nao turned to stop before facing Hachiman, "I am, normally it wouldn't be a problem, but with the amount of students coming in and not putting the books away properly, taking in and out, sometimes ripping pages, it can be a hassle, especially in such a large library."

Hachiman nodded, "It must be difficult, don't you have some helpers?"

"Faculty? Yeah." Nao nodded, "But they are on a strict schedule. One of them had to go on break because she got pregnant and is expecting a child. But considering how large this library is we've always struggled to keep up with the students' careless behaviour with these books."

Hachiman hummed, "Would I be of any use?"

Nao's eyes turned to Hachiman before shaking her head, "Oh! No, you don't have to help! This is for faculty members to do, not students."

Hachiman's eyes narrowed at that, "Is that so? But you did say you needed the extra help. You are basically understaffed and the school hasn't done anything?"

Nao stammered, before answering, "Well… they did place in more penalties for being careless when it comes to caring for books… but that's it…"

"What kind of penalties?" Hachiman asked, causing Nao to make a small shriek.

"I-I mean. Well you see-"

Hachiman stared dumbfounded at how awkward this woman was. He thought this would be another Hiratsuka-clone, but instead, she just seemed a bit shy. He was fine with that, it was a breathe of fresh air.

"It's fine, I was just curious as to why you don't want me helping. Do you not want an extra helping hand?" Hachiman asked.

Nao shook her head again, "It's just, you are a student, I can't give you these kinds of jobs."

Hachiman however sighed, "Alright, let's see what I can do here."

"Alright, well then can I offer you private points to circumvent students not being allowed to work?" Hachiman asked curiously.

Nao's eyes widened at that. She had heard of students using private points to get something they want, but never a student using private points to work here.

"I see… Well, I guess I can if you have the required amount." Nao uttered with a bit of hesitation.

"Alright, how much must I pay?" Hachiman asked.

Nao looked very conflicted as she's never encountered such a situation before. Eventually, she decided that perhaps some form of candidate and signature contract would be needed before she did anything.

"I'm assuming it's quite a bit, but regardless, I am willing to negotiate with you to circumvent and get this job." Hachiman insisted, "And even then, you could use the helping hand I can see. I can even start with those books you were about to sort out on your own."

Nao hummed, "I guess I'll charge 75,000 private points for this, and I would be willing to give you around 150 private points per hour."

Hachiman nodded as he spotted that Nao was indeed getting a contract paper out to confirm what was going on.

"Hmmm, 75,000 private points is a bit too much…Negotiating is likely for the best." Hachiman thought as he eventually decided to try and switch it up.

"What about I'll pay 50,000 private points, but you only have to give 125 private points per hour, and also for the first week I'll work for free." Hachiman explained.

This surprised Nao who thought, "I wasn't expecting that… you are willing to work for free for the first week?"

Hachiman nodded, "Yes. I'd appreciate having this job."

"And having the quietness and solitude that this place offers." Hachiman thought.

"Well, how about I show you around as an orientation to get you comfortable here, is that fine?" Nao asked. "Considering there is a bit you will have to do, which you may not expect."

Hachiman nodded, "And that is fine, I'm fine with working here."

Once again, Nao was surprised by how… compromising Hachiman was being right now. But alas, the offer of an extra hand for a less than ideal pay was nice for Nao. She got a lot of private points being the main secretary here, and she wasn't dying from a lack of private points, but she was dying from overexertion, especially with some of her workers this semester off due to maiden leave.

Therefore, Hachiman's proposal was very nice. However, she had to be careful, and make sure that Hachiman didn't have any extra demands.

"Do you have any other demands?" Nao asked Hachiman who shook his head.

"No, all I'm proposing is 125 private points an hour I work here, to be paid biweekly." Hachiman explained.

"Reasonable enough, I get a guaranteed 100,000 private points a month, since we are only judged on the work we do in the library, ultimately, this extra help if Hachiman is efficient will benefit me. I won't lose any private points really, and I'll have less work." Nao thought. It was a good trade for her, but she needed one more thing.

"Because of the rule of the school, I cannot have you being spotted by students working here; therefore, you will have to work purely after school, and when you do, it will mostly be packaging books on trays that are labeled for specific areas of the library. I can only allow you to organize the actual books on the later hours." Nao explained.

Hachiman nodded, "That's fine, a little physical exertion is no problem for me."

"Although the me before would have complained, things have changed now. I must care for myself."

With that, Hachiman found himself closer to understanding the school, and finding a job.

Hachiman's past is a lot different, especially with the hint of martial arts and his lack of laziness which he used to have before. Those will probably be the only things I change about Hachiman, as I specifically wanted to get rid of his laziness but keep him at his core. Hope that is not a problem for anyone.




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