
Chapter 67 - Aren't I Doing the Same Thing?

[Unseen Universe Necklace Blueprint]

[Grade: Unique ~ Legendary]

[This revolutionary accessory gives you access to an alternate dimension!

Now you can show off your wildest dreams and explore fantastical new 'mini' worlds without ever leaving your living room.

With this necklace, you can easily create your own pocket dimension and store anything from new clothes to exotic animals, or even your secret treasures. So you'll never have to worry about running out of space ever again!]

[You will need some Orichalcum, one Eternal Flame Eye, and a highly sought-after Moonstone to craft this exquisite necklace.]

[A hidden feature was discovered. You can add a Monster Soul Stone of a Fairy-type creature to the material in order to add an intelligent guardian to the pocket dimension.]

[Crafting this item requires the skill of a Master Blacksmith and an Expert Jeweler.]

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