
Birth Of Vampires

"I see..."

Faye ended up retuning shortly after that after being scolded by Luna. Since my training was already finished, Charlotte and I went back over to Lisa's place in the human world, leaving the lab in the hands of Luna. With Lisa nowhere to be seen, Charlotte and I sat down on the couch as she explained vampires in more detail; more specially, the ruling class vampires.

Like what Faye said, it's banned for vampires like them to turn people into vampires, just like the time when Charlotte told me the story of how her mom broke that rule to turn her into a vampire to save her life. However, what Faye said about me was a bit concerning, claiming that I'm one of them, but Charlotte ended up dismissing that idea, saying that I'm a hybrid.

"But it is still a bit strange. Normal vampires create offspring by turning people into vampires, not by giving birth." Charlotte adds on more information that leaves me even more confused however.

"But you said my father was a vampire, right? And my mother..."

"Unregistered, yeah."

"Then could it be possible that my mother was a ruling class?"

As far as I'm aware, even after seeing Charlotte kill, vampires definitely don't have any blood. So for me to have blood...

"It's possible, but everyone in both worlds know of everyone who is a ruling class, they're practically celebrities. And for you to manage to kill one during your birth, it'd be spread worldwide."

"Are ruling class vampires that hard to kill?"

"Yes... To put simply, even our existence isn't meant to be possible. From what I hear, the Matriarch, the mother of the ruling class vampires, she was born from a human and a vampire."

"What?" Wait, that sounds a lot like my situation though... What if my mother is a human?

"It's crazy to think about, I know. There hasn't been a case where someone gives birth to a vampire."

"But wouldn't that make her a half vampire?"

"Well, vampire's are dominant in nature, and that goes the same for it's genes. It's because of this that we needed to call them different from regular vampires, hence the name, ruling class."

I'm not too sure why she's bringing up jeans randomly here, but I more or less understand. So this Matriarch isn't born like a normal vampire via turning, but from an actual birth. Like me...

"Then what about me? Am I like this Matriarch?"

"I guess you do share the similarity, hehe. But again, we do not know your mother's origin. Your father was a distinguished vampire, quite a powerful one at that as well."

"But not a ruling class one?"

"No. But I hear he was quite high up in terms of strength compared to other vampires."

Hearing this praise about my father was all stale to me. He was already dead, and I'm the one that killed him. I do feel bad knowing now that he wasn't a bad person, but a respectable one at that, but there's nothing I can change about that now. Actually, come to think of it... The only time where I was truly horrified at what I done was when I killed those people in the white room. It's weird to think that I didn't care about killing my parents, but I guess I can't remember anyways. But there was also the case with the man I shot. Looking back at it now, it was the only instance where I felt normal. Is that strange? Maybe this Matriarch had a similar experience to me? I wonder how she feels with all that...

"Then did the Matriarch ever have the same issue with their mana like me?"

"From what I've heard from stories, no. Which is why the people that took you into that facility treated you differently. But no matter how much tests they did, they couldn't figure out what your mother was."

So in other words, it's my mother that's the issue here. If my mother was a human, then maybe I'd be like the Matriarch, but because I'm different, my mother must be something else... Why did I have to kill them...

"Hehe, don't look down." I feel Charlotte's hand pat my head, warmth quickly spreading to my chest. "We have options now. We'll still need to do jobs once we get your mana under control, but I'm sure we'll figure everything out, soon."

"Nn." I end up leaning up against Charlotte's shoulder as she slides her hand down from my head and around my waist.

"I wonder how powerful this Matriarch is though..." I end up asking that in a silent manner, mostly to myself.

"I hear she stopped the war happening between the two worlds, hehe. So I bet she's pretty strong."

"And she's an Ilaria as well?"


Charlotte's so cool... Having all these amazing people around her, I feel a bit guilty having intruded upon her life like this. But with Charlotte holding me like this, I feel too happy to care about it too much. I want to stay by Charlotte, as long as she'll have me.

"Why haven't you met her?"

"Ah, well she's too important I guess. I assume Faye is also part of that group."


"They help out both worlds when there's a situation that people can't manage by themselves. They're like the protectors, I guess." This reminds me of what Luna talked about earlier...

"You mean like if devils come?"

"Exactly." Sounds scary... "Compared to that, I'd say our job is much easier, hehe."

Well, Charlotte sure does make it look easy. But I just hope that maybe one day I can get to her level and properly support her... I need to hurry up and figure out how this mana of mine works... If things go like it did with that man I shot, then I don't think I'll have any issues helping Charlotte.

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