
Vampire's Crash Course

I honestly just wanted to find a way to have Shiro live freely, but now she says she wants to stay with me... Well, She is my responsibility, I'm the one that got her into this mess. I could've simply left her there, but it just wouldn't sit right with me. But I do admit that I might've been looking at it all wrong...

I said that I don't want to use her like a tool, yet I've been doing that all this time. I've been forcing her to go along with me ever since I got her out of that white room, not realizing that she has her own thoughts, her own feelings. It's stupid that it took me this long to realize it. But the question remains, am I even capable of keeping her by my side?


"Hmm? Ah, nothing. Just thinking about which mission to tackle next." It's not really a lie as I am currently looking over the papers given to me, but Shiro is taking up the majority of my thoughts right now.

'I want to be your strength' is what she said to me before the drive back here to this apartment. I want to give her that, to help her find her strength, but I can't help but think that is it really what Shiro wants? I'm honestly surprised sometimes that Shiro doesn't just run away from here, and a part of me actually wants that. But I know that she won't last long. That mask is a dead giveaway... Which leads us to the first problem. Until she can learn to control that bloodlust, she'll have to support me in other ways. With that thought, I grab the handgun that I got from one of the vampires earlier.

"Alright, let's try this."

"Hmm?" Shiro looks at me in confusion as I show her the gun in my hands.

"I'll teach you how to shoot. You okay with that for now?"

"Y-yes!" She's too innocent. It still baffles me that she can act this way after living all those years like that...

"Alright, we can't do anything crazy here though, but I'll teach you the basics on how to use it."

And so begins my crash course of teaching Shiro how to fire a gun.

I end up teaching her how to properly hold the gun first, holding it with the right hand while using your left hand for support. For safety reasons, mostly for the neighbors, I already took out the ammo inside the magazine. In this case, the gun was a simple gun with no magic enhancements like what my company uses. But for Shiro's case, since her mask is sealing her powers, she probably won't be able to operate one those those guns anyways, so this is actually perfect.

"Like this?"

"Mhmm. That's perfect." She's honestly so cute trying to hold the gun. It looks so unnatural for her. "Now you see the two little things sticking up close to you?"


"That's called the rear sight. You want to make sure you align those two with the one at the front, which is called the front sight." I gently grab the gun, moving it closer to her face so she gets a better idea of what I mean. "You see?"

"U-uhh I think?"

"Good. Now when you point the gun like this, the bullet will fire wherever it is you're pointing."

"I see." I end up letting go of the gun as she peers closer into the rear sight, close enough for her mask to be practically touching the gun.

"Pfft. Not that close, Shiro. Or else you'll hurt yourself." Well at least now she has an idea.

I then show her the correct posture of holding the gun, away from her face mainly as it's probably the most important part for her right now.

"Also be sure to not have your finger on the trigger unless you're ready to shoot."

"Got it!"

"Hehehe." I can't help but smile back after seeing her excited about learning something. Although I do worry still. What I'm teaching her isn't what I should be. But it's what Shiro wishes for, and I should let her figure it all out on her own. I might become a bad example, but at least I'm an example nonetheless.

I go over what Shiro learnt a few more times, with her picking up the gun from the table and taking aim at a wallpaper on the wall. I figured she'd need something to aim at to help her get adjusted to aiming like this. We continue this with me standing behind her, making sure that she's aiming correctly and correcting any slipups that I see.

"Okay~ I think we'll call it there for now."

"Thank you, Charlotte."

"Hehe. No problem." I pat her on the head, causing her smile to brighten up almost instantly. You're close to my age yet you act like a little kid. Well, I guess you never had the chance to properly live until now...

"I'll show you how to load and unload a magazine next, but we'll take a break first."

"Mm! Okay."

I then move to the fridge as it's stocked up completely with blood. I take out a human blood bag before gulping it down quickly.

I'm still weirded out by all of this though; drinking blood. It's so intoxicatingly sweet that I find myself craving more, but right as I think so, all the blood from the bag is gone. This is why a law was put in place for vampires being not allowed to suck blood directly from people in case of an accidental murder. I know if I were to sink my fangs into someone, I'd probably be unable to stop myself until there's no blood left, just like this now empty blood bag... It's scary. I'm not sure how mom can do it.

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