
Ruthless Weakness

'It's been about a month since the attack on the castle. The castle is still undergoing repairs. It was a miracle it was still standing after the battle. It looked like it should have been abandoned.' Alphaeus walked down the stairs before taking a sharp left turn and walking outside to the training yard.

'Today we are training. I forgot my crown, so I had to go back upstairs and grab it. I don't believe I took too long, but it seems they have already done a few rounds already.' Alphaeus walked up to Haku and patted him on the shoulder. Haku looked over his shoulder before smiling and Turning towards Alphaeus.

"Kenny, your back!" Haku said as he almost twirled around to see Alphaeus, the girls next to him smiled and waved at Alphaeus. After the event at the castle a lot of the females heroes had started to try and get to know Alpheaus a lot more instead of treating him like a stranger and a complete outsider when he came around.

"Hey everyone. Uh Haku do you know how many rounds they have gotten through already?" the two girls around him including Amy blushed as he treated them. Amy pushed her face into Haku's chest, Haku seemed unfazed by it and had started to grow accustomed to her using him every time she got shy.

"Oh they have went through ten rounds already. Its going so fast because random people are getting picked and the fights are completely unfair. like look at that!" Haku pointed at the current battle going on. It was Rika against another swordsman girl, the other girl had her sword out while Rika was simply kicking her around while keeping her katana in the scabbard. Rika dodged one of her slices and kicked her in the head and knocked the girl out quickly.

"Wow man that's just cruel. Letting that poor girl edure that like that." Marx said as he crossed his arms and shook his head before the knight that was picking the people and making the battles turned around to face the heroes.

"Theres a reason to why I'm picking the battles like this! As you seen a month ago the battles you fight will never be fair. The only way for you to grow is if you fight more battles that are just like that. Unfair battles ensure more growth in both combat capability and thinking when in such a situation." the man folded his arms as he looked at the rest of the heroes before pointing two fingers at two heroes.

"Hero Haku and Hero Kenji. Your up!" he positioned his thumb pointing behind him at the trading ground. Both Alphaeus and Haku looked at each other for a moment before awkwardly walking to the field.

'Im so fucked' Alphaeus knew the power that Haku could muster up with his attacks and he didn't want to be on the recciveing end of any attack he would throw at him. But now he has to be his opponent in a duel? How can life get worse than this?

"And begin!" wasting no time Alphaeus started running around the field circling Haku. The Circle quickly closed as Haku's crown melted into his dagger that he uses constantly.


The dagger slams into Haku's sword as Haku quickly parries Alpaeus's attack without even looking at him. Alphaeus smiles as he spins around Haku's blade and kicks him in the face sending his head snapping backwards.


Haku slung his body forward and slammed the handle of his sword into Alphaeus's stomach and pushed him into the ground before pulling back his fist. All the girls started to scream Haku's name as they saw him starting to win.

Haku stopped as he looked at Alphaeus' face as he noticed a psychotic smile across his face before a sharp pain became present in Haku's side. He looked down to see Alphaeus's dagger slightly in his side.

"RAGH!" Haku yelled out before a fist slammed into his face sending him rolling across the ground. Haku gritted his teeth as he slowly got back up before smiling slightly as he watched Alphaeus stumble to his feet.

"I DIDNT EXPECT NOTHING LESS FROM YOU KENNY! NOW LETS SHOW THEM WHAT WE ARE CAPABLE OF!" Haku shouted out as a bright white flame shot out from his sword made out of plasma. Alphaeus smiled as he twirled his dagger in his hand and leaned forward before a golden glow enveloped around his body for a split second.



In that moment the arena erupted in a large explosion. Debris was sent flying in all directions before a golden flash appeared and disappeared. None of the debris fell to the ground whatsoever as Alphaeus could be seen jumping off of them one by one at rapid speeds.

During the period of one month the heroes who experienced the knight had been working extra hard so that they wouldn't ever have a problem like that again. They noticed that some of there abilities could be upgraded and change into stronger abilities with the correct training.

Alphaues "float" skill had upgraded to "Gravity Control" one of the more useful skills that hasn't been seen in centuries in this world. While Haku was able to learn a new sword technique in general with his plasma blade.

Haku started to send slashes at the air, slicing the floating rocks into small pebbles that couldn't not be of use to Alphaeus. The rocks started to shoot themselves at Haku at high speeds sizzling through the air as they flew past. The other heroes couldn't do anything but watch in amazement at the two heroes fighting.

Haku would slice at the air changing the trajectory of the rocks that came at him. A sharp pain dug into his back, Haku looked back to see Alphaeus' dagger halfway into his upper back before slicing downwards. Haku turned to do a roundhouse kick-on Alphaeus, Alphaeus with a smile on his face jumped over the kick to deliver his own kick to Haku's face.

Alphaeus spun off of his leg and sent another kick to Haku's chin before slicing up his shoulder and down his arm. The same arm that was holding his sword. Alphaeus kicked his hand before grabbing his head and pulling himself close to his body and jumping over him simultaneously.

"Agh!" Haku yelled out as Alphaeus sunk his teeth deep into Haku shoulder before Haku punched him sending him flying off his body. Haku winced in pain as he turned his beaten body towards Alphaeus, his arm limp and dangling as it held the sword while he tried not to move his other hand.

"Im sorry Haku but ill have to finish this quick. If I keep using this dagger on you the effects are gonna become severe!" Alphaues dashed in on Haku, he went in for a leg sweat and Haku slowly picked up his leg and stomped on the ground as Alphaeus leg went under him.

A loud crack was heard.

"AAAAAAAAGHAGGHAHHH!" Alphaeus yelled out before looking up at Haku, the same white flame that Alphaeus seen in Haku's eyes on the day the castle was attacked had been relit once more.

Alphaeus jumped back and slid across the ground, everyone started chanting Haku name once again before they watched as Alphaeus leg snapped back in place.

"TO HELL WITH IT!" like some rabid animal Alphaeus started to attack Haku ruthlessly

He punched, kicked, scratched, and even bit into Haku.

"RUAAAAAGH!" Alphaeus came in with a spin kick kicking Haku head to the side before pucnching into his neck before spinning and kicking out his legs leaving him off the ground for him punch him five times bouncing his body off the ground and hitting him once more into a brick wall.

Almost unphased by this Haku jumps out and charges at Alphaeus, he punched Alphaues into the air and ran after him before grabbing his leg and throwing him into a pipe. Alphaeus grabs at his side as he stands up slowly but was met with a knee to the chin as he attempted to stumble to his feet from the onslaught of attack being sent at him by Haku.

Each attack he was hit by he could hear Hkau roaring at him. he couldn't even see every time Alphaues attempted to look up to fight back another punch or kick was sent at him knocking his head to the side.

"Spacial Collapse"

Haku's arm was crushed but he still threw the punch and his limp arm smacked across Alphaeus face.

A smile spread across Alphaeus face. The trainer eyes widened as he sensed something bad.


Alphaeus had stabbed Haku in the lower neck and begin to drag the blade down to his lower section. Haku lifted up his hands and white flames shot out. Seemingly to hit Alphaeus but he had already moves out the way.

Alphaeus moved back in towards Haku and kicked his legs out before turning his upper body as he twirled his dagger around. The blade stabbed into Haku's head and dragged into the ground.

Alphaeus stood up slowly while mumbling with a smile on his face. His eyes looked empty as if he wasn't thinking almost as if he wasn't even conscious.

"I won I won I won I won I won." he kept repeating those words until he finnaly fell over.

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