
Chapter 288: The Great Ambitionist!

Many people hoped that Mu Nianhua's loss to Tang Ye was just a coincidence, or maybe Tang Ye just got lucky. But there was no way to deceive themselves like that.

Lucky? Hey, if it were just luck, why doesn't anyone else go take a shot at a leaping horse stunt? Anyone with experience could tell that Tang Ye's leaping horse was a genuine display of skill, undeniable prowess. So, Mu Nianhua's die-hard fans were grief-stricken that day, almost bursting into tears.

Their perfect idol had lost!

But Mu Nianhua didn't care about these fans' feelings; he only cared about Dong Miaozhu. Dong Miaozhu had wagered a Black Horse Card, and yet he lost. Now the Black Horse Card belonged to Tang Ye, and from now on, both he and Dong Miaozhu would be the butt of jokes. He was worried that Dong Miaozhu would resent him for it. Meanwhile, Tang Ye made a big haul, not only securing the Black Horse Card but also gaining fame in the process.

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