
Zethis' Resolve

Zethis stood, overlooking his city again. The look on his face was serene in a way. His once great plan for reconquering Eroa for his kingdom and enslaving human nations was in tatters. All of the advisors to the throne and representatives of the different clans begged him to push for peace.


Despite the stupidity of it, Zethis could not relent. His pride would simply not let him. He still saw a way out of this with him still coming out on top, though it would be difficult.


As long as Alvora stood, they had a way to win. General Pana was one of their best. All she had to do was hold the city until the next wave of reinforcements arrive. Granted their passage through that area of the desert has been slowed thanks to the migration of Sand Wyrms currently happening.


It was an annual event and piss poor timing.


"Hold out Pana. We will send reinforcements soon." Zethis mumbled.


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