
Favour for a friend.

"Does the kid think we're stupid?" Fury said to Coulson. Who shrugged "He must think were stupid" Fury said in slight confusion.

He looked down at the recent purchases a certain Tomura Shigaraki had made in the last month.

"When did he even get a second name?" Coulson said as he looked over the documents in front of him.

Fury sighed "Probably just made it up" he said as he looked through the kids purchases.

High quality lab technology, an absurb amount warehouses and a very old factory being the most expensive items on the lists.

"Kids not even trying to hide what he buys" Coulson said to a confused Fury. "Probably doesn't even know we've got an eye on him"

Fury nodded, probably not.

"Sterns? Who's that?" Coulson asked.

Fury scoffed "Someone who tried 'cure' Banner"

"Wasn't a successful cure im guessing?"

Fury hummed "According to Banner, not even close. Then the idiot spilled Banners blood all over himself" Fury pointed at the picture of the man. "Explains the massive head"

Coulson nodded "So, are we going to do anything about it? That kid killed an agent"

Fury sighed "No, the potential destruction he can cause far outweighs any real gain from having him in custody"

Coulson clenched his jaw "Sir, respectfully Justice isn't about potential gain or which option costs less" Coulson said with passion in his tone.

Fury sighed, he felt like he had been doing that too much recently. "Your right Coulson, your right…"

But Fury knew that while Justice is meant to be as Coulson described, that justice in the end was down to the powerful.

And annoyingly enough, that kid was powerful.

'If only Barton shot the kid'

One wrong move, and they would have to explain to America why half of New York City was turned to rubble.


Tomura looked out at the dark city from his room, he was dressed and ready to do…he sighed. He honestly didn't know what to do.

It was late, he should go to sleep.

But ever since he had that dream with the Phoenix, he couldn't sleep.

Not properly, he would see it.

Constantly, Jeans voice would ring through his head while the Phoenix burned him to death.

He closed his eyes and pressed his forehead against the cold glass.

His breath fogged up the glass window and he came to a decision, he's just gonna go for a walk.

A simple walk to clear his head.


Tomura drew eyes wherever he went, the cloak, the white shining hair that reflected the moonlight and the red eyes.

And that was the case tonight, in fact he even drew the eyes of a familiar face.

Tomuras eyes came to a stop when he met eyes with Logan.

His eyebrows furrowed and he crossed the road and walked over to the man.

Logan looked slightly shocked aswell.

"Hey, what you doing round here?" Tomura asked as his eyes watched for any giving reactions.

Logan blinked "Going for a drink" he then brushed past the teenager.

Tomura followed, he liked Logan but he felt suspicious that the man was less than a mile away from his new home.

Logan looked back and sighed "Stop follo-" the man looked like he came to some sort of realisation. "Actually come with me, I got a favour to ask"

Tomuras eyebrows furrowed and he discreetly sent a message over to Sterns to check the cameras.

But he did follow the man, quickly they found a bar. It was basically empty and Logan seemed to know the owner and handed over money.

The owner then told everyone to get out, Tomura was confused, especially when the owner also left and handed Logan the keys.

"You own this place or something?" Tomura said as he sat next to Logan.

"No, and sit back there" he said as he pointed to the corner of the room "Keep your hood up"

Tomura was about to object "No, listen someone's coming, they can't recognise you other they'll run" Logan explained.

Tomura sighed but was interested and sat at the corner table and put the cloaks hood over his head.

Not even 15 minutes later a familiar man came strolling in.


Tomuras eyes widened in surpirse, and widened even further when Sabretooth spoke.

"So, Logan ready for your birthday gift?" Sabretooth asked, but in reality it wasn't really a question. "You surpirsed to see me?" He said "Took me months to heal from that dissolving shit"

Logan sighed and stood up. His voice sounded tired but had an edge to it. "Tomura you wanna stand up"

Tomura smirked as he stood up and his hood fell. Sabretooth was shocked but mostly angry.

"Really? Logan your spitting on our damn tradition!" He shouted as he threw a swipe towards Logan's face.

Before the punch could connect, Tomura had almost blurred as he moved behind and placed his hand gently on Sabretooths shoulder.

And before Sabretooth could even be surprised Tomuras voice rang out.

"You want him dead?" The sound echoed throughout the bar.

Logan thought back to Laura, his daughter. Then he thought back to years of Sabretooth killing people he cared about.

So his answer wasn't very surprising.

Sabretooth turned and tried swipe at the white haired teenager.

"Yeah" Logan's somber voice didn't have time to echo as Sabretooths body was decayed in less than a second and only adamantium coated bones and ash fell to the floor with a clang.

Tomura looked down to the metallic bones beneath him and held one in his palm, its didn't decay.

"What is this stuff?" Tomura said to the man who was sat back down and drinking whisky.

"Adamantium, my bones are covered in the same shit" Logan said as he took a sip of the drink.

"You, uh mind if I take them?" Tomura asked almost sheepishly.

Logan snorted "I don't care, you wanna a drink?" Before Tomura could ask Logan had already leaned over the bar, grabbed a glass and poured whisky.

"Can I sit next to you or should I sit over there" he sarcastically asked as he sat down in the seat.

Logan snorted "Don't make me take that drink away Bub" Logan took another sip "You even old enough to drink"

Tomura snorted "Maybe, I don't know my age"

Logan took another sip "Me and Laura are the same, I'm too old to know and she, well she didn't need to know according to that facility." He said spitefully.

Tomura took a sip and spluttered, Logan snorted again. "Uh, you found out how you and her are related? She your sister or something?" Tomura asked

Logan shook his head and refilled his glass "My daughter" Tomuras eyes widened.

Holy shit.

"I gotta ask kid, why were you even in the facility?" He asked with curiosity in his tone.

Tomuras eyes went to the man and his eyebrows furrowed. "Jean gave you the mem-"

"Jean altered them, I don't know why, how or even what you really did" Logan's words were shocking, out of all people to find out, how was it Logan.

"It's was obvious, Scott and Xavier know. Jeans a good telepath but she only had thirty seconds to alter them and try create a believable reason you found the place."

That, well that sucked.

"What do they think?" He asked.

"Scott's worried about Jean, she's not been sleeping so right now, your the last thing on his mind. Xavier doesn't wanna create conflict, he wants you and the X-Men to remind friendly" Logan explained.

Jeans not sleeping either?

Logan spoke up again "So, what happened kid" he said as he took a large sip

Tomura looked at the glass on the table and took a sip himself. "Logan, I…" Tomura sighed and took another sip. "I didn't go down there to save those kids" he admitted.

"In fact I went down there to take advantage of them, I would have if it wasn't for Laura"

He had felt guilty about this for a while, he just never wanted to admit it. Now it was all spilling out, he didn't think he could stop even if he wanted too.

"I would have just left those kids there, I didn't give a shit about them."

"My only motivation for going down there at first was data"

"I was going to steal every piece of data those guys had, and then leave"

He finished the rest of his drink and filled it back up.

"Then, uh Jean admitted to me that Stryker had tortured her before, so the mission turned to kill Stryker and then steal data."

He took a sip.

"Then I was, I was talking to this salesman…" Tomura took another sip of the drink. "He was a salesman for the kids"

Logan almost growled as his hand tightened around his glass.

"He was describing them like things, I uh saw Laura and the salesman told her to show off" he took another sip "When she revealed the claws it kinda woke me up yknow?" He turned to Logan who nodded.

"Like, I kinda realised that, that mutants are people" Tomuras glass cracked in his hand. "I mean, fuck…" he took a deep breath. "I mean I'm just-"

He could feel his eyes burning as he looked down at his bleeding hand.

"When I 'fought' the Hulk, that was out of hate, Jean said i would get killed by Magneto. I mean her words have been ringing through my fucking head ever since she said that"

A lone tear dropped onto the bar from Tomura.

"So when I saw the Hulk was out, I fought him and tried to get a sample of his blood. Because I was like 'Fuck you Jean, watch this'" Tomura looked down at the wooden bar.

"When I nearly killed Sabretooth at the mansion, that was out of hate, I mean I can barely even remember it. But I can remember how much I just hated everything." Tomuras voice was strained as his voice echoed around the bar.

Tomura chuckled as his fists clenched "I mean I tried to kill an avenger just because she tricked me"

"But when I feel it, hate I'm just so powerful, I me- I mean like I'm invincible"

Logan nodded as he took a sip, he spoke with his voice a sharp contrast to the teenagers "I got a similar thing, I get into this rage sometimes"

He took a large sip of his drink "I'm hundreds of years old, I've killed hundreds more but I can still just snap" Logan said.

"I've killed friends, family, lovers" He said gruffly. "All those people trusted me, and my rage got the better of me"

"The type of hate you got, that I've got, that my daughter has" He lit a cigar "It's not something you cure, it's something you have to live with" Logan said as he took a drag of the cigar.

"So I got some advice for you bub" Tomura lifted his head, his red eyes were shimmering as he looked to the older man.

"All that killing your doing" Logan blew out smoke into the air "You gotta slow it down, like those civilians at Fisks tower"

Tomuras adams apple bobbed in his throat.

"Because if your anything like me, the only thing your going to hate in the future" he took another large drag of the cigar. "Is yourself"

That was it, the straw that broke the camels back.

He sobbed, for the first time in his memory he sobbed.

He tried to stop it and cover his eyes but it just wouldn't stop.

His chest heaved and he dropped his head onto his arms while he cried.

And during this, Logan sat to the side and smoked his cigar. "Don't worry kid, I can't see shit through this smoke"

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