
Cracked Nail

Tomura felt a involuntary smile grow on his usually grumpy face, he looked away from the laughing redhead and tried to ignore the outrageous outfit he was wearing.

He couldn't.

The outfit was terrible, he dashed back into the changing rooms and changed back into the familiar all black outfit.

He came out the room and Jean sighed. "Alright, all black it is" she said as she rolled her eyes. "But your going to have to get some better quality stuff, follow me" he did so willingly.

Being in public and not being shot at, paranoid or having destructive urges in his head was actually quite nice.

He walked past an open store front and something to his left caught his eye, he stopped and Jean quickly noticed and looked at him with a open mouth.

"Really?" She said as her eyes bounced back between the item and the fascinated teenager. "A cloak??" It looked quite high quality.

Jean felt a laugh coming on but tried to hold it in unsuccessfully, she tried to ignore the scathing look of the shorter teenager. "Really embracing the superhero life huh" she said.

Tomura ignored that, he was no superhero.

His hand brushed the glass infront of him "It just feels right" he said almost wistfully to the dark red cloak.

Jean snorted and dragged him into the small costume store, she took to the quiet boy surprisingly quick.

Something connected them, not just both powerful mutants but something more than that, it felt invisible but so, so powerful.

She took a look at the custom pieces price tag and winced slightly. This would hurt.

They left the store with a smiling Tomura holding a cape in a bag and a sweating Jean worrying about her financial choices.


They got back to the school with no issues, Tomura had three bags of clothes he had to drag up to his room while Jean watched and laughed as he tripped over his undone laces.

Tomura only growled.

His bluish grey hair only got in his eyes so he flicked it back and stumbled to his room. His roommate gave him a nod which Tomura returned.

He started to unpack the bags but got bored half way through and decided to lay down, he had already done all his training for today.

A little sleep couldn't hurt.


He woke, not in his room but a familiar building. The red cracked floors, the dark stone walls, the eerie atmosphere and the beautiful engravings.

He almost felt relieved to be here, he hadn't had contact with the hand for nearly a whole month.

He turned to see the hand, rotted, withered and twitching. All is usual then, he did however notice something else.

"That's changed" he said while gesturing to the stained glass behind the hand. Before it was just a floating hand, now it's a the same figure in the engravings, a white mane of glowing hair framing a grinning face.

"No, he's just changed its form" the hand replied, it's voice surprisingly empty.

"Well it was you in that window last time, are you saying that you are the figure in those engravings?" Tomura asked dubiously.

"No, I'm saying it's you" the voice didn't falter once during its statement, Tomuras eyes narrowed.

"Already trying mindgames, huh" Tomura watched the fingers of the hand twitch in response. "A months silence couldn't even cure you of your manipulative mind"

"Oh that silence was not from me, it was from you. You who refused to listen!" The hand started to twitch all the more violently and for the first time Tomura had noticed something strange about the Hand.

It's pointer fingers nail was cracked, the whole nail was cracked in half.

It felt familiar but he pushed it down to the back of his mind. "I refused? You didn't speak, which I'm glad about. Please keep it that way" Tomura replied to the wraitful body part.

Tomura took an instinctive step back. The energy emitting from the entity was surprising.

A moment of silence encapsulated the two minds, until it was broken by the hand. It's voice was dark and raspy as it spoke full of anger.

"You…you will see" the hand twitched manically, "We are one, you will see!" It shouted with its intensity clear in the way the hand threw itself back and forth.

"A WALL, A WALL EXISTS!" The hand screamed its voice releasing shockwaves of energy "TAKE DOWN THE WALL AND YOU WILL SEE BOY!"

Something told him the hand fully believed what it was saying, that scared him.


He ignored the hands rambling as best as he could while he left the church and pushed open the two doors.

His breathing stopped as soon as he stood in the unprotected airs of space, his heart soon stopped afterwards and he woke with a gasp.

He quickly stood and started to away the rest of his clothes, now remembered why he hated that hand.

He looked down at his right hand and felt the blood drain from his face as he looked at his pointer finger.

The nail…it was cracked.


I just got two reviews! SIUUUU, Hope you enjoyed the chapter :)

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