
Is Mr. Xu Here?

The next morning, Grace got dressed in a flowery pink gown and also held her hair in a bun, then undid it and made it into a ponytail.

"Which looks better?" She thought, then she went with the ponytail.

She picked up her bag from the bed and hurried downstairs. "Is Mr. Xu here already?" she asked, but Mr. Wang shook his head to the negative.


"Come have breakfast first, Miss Chen." Krish said, and she stared at the dining table. "I will eat with Mr. Xu."

Since he was picking her up this morning, she planned to eat with him at once.

Grace sat on the couch and checked the time: "It's 9 a.m."

"I think we should tell her," Krish whispered to Mr. Wang.

"No, he will be here."

"But he said, Let's tell her he probably won't make it, and she should go to school first."

Mr. Wang sighed. "It's already 9 a.m.; she is late for school. He will come; let her be."





Grace pouted. She walked to the table and filled a glass of milk and had it first. "It's still morning," she thought.

So she decided to watch a movie first while waiting.


After completing a three-hour movie, he still didn't show up. She frowned and hurried upstairs. "He is such a liar."

She jumped on her bed and took off her shoes. "He didn't come."

Tears rolled down her cheeks, then it started raining, "Not you." This made her more sad.

Grace picked up a book and decided to read it until she fell asleep.

An hour later, Raymond arrived and scanned around the sitting room. "Mr. Xu, you are here," Mr. Wang said, and he frowned at him. Why is he suprise that he came to his mansion?

"Miss Chen has been waiting for you."

"Didn't you tell her to go to school?"

Mr. Wang stared down nervously. "When I give you orders, you follow them. Is that understood?"

"Yes sir"

Raymond's frown deepened when he stared at the dining table. "Did she not have breakfast?"

"No sir"

"Then what's the use of so many maids?"

He scoffed before he hurried upstairs. At that moment, he received a phone call: "I am listening."

"Brother, guess where I am," Ancaan said teasingly.

"There is breakfast on the table; suit yourself and then leave," Raymond said before he hung up.

This left Ancaan in shock. "He knew I followed him." He stared at the building in front of him.

Then he walked in and spotted Mr. Wang. "Old man," he called.

Mr. Wang stared at him as his eyes lit up. "Ancaan?" he called in disbelief.

"In flesh"

"I knew Raymond wouldn't abandon you," Ancaan chuckled.


Raymond stood by the door and stared at Grace, who was asleep. It was cold, so he used a duvet to cover her body and checked the book she was reading. Its title was "What If It Was The Other Way Round?"

He chuckled. "Of course."

She just had to read this book now?

He kept the book on the shelf and turned to leave when she grabbed his hand. "Are you leaving?"

"Were you not sleeping?"

"I woke up."

She sat up and patted some space on her bed. Anticipating that he would sit, he sat down and checked his watch. "Why didn't you go to school?"

"You told me to skip,"

"Do you really listen to me that much?"

She nodded. "How is your hand?"

Then her eyes widened in shock when she discovered he had taken off the bandage. "Having a bandage doesn't do good for my reputation," he explained.

"What's a reputation without good health?"

Raymond frowned when he heard some heavy footsteps approach them. He spotted Grace's shoes.

"Brother i…" Ancaan was saying, but he didn't get to complete his words as a shoe was sent flying his way, and it hit his forehead.

"Ouch," he groaned in pain.

"Get out"

Grace's eyes widened when she saw Ancaan say, "It's the boxer."

She jumped down the bed, picked up her phone, and called Steph, "Steph, Ancaan is here."


"Yes, he is at the mansion now and..." Then she gasped and stared at Raymond.

"You shot him with the shoes; what if he is bleeding?"

Grace stormed out of the bedroom and hurried downstairs, where she found Ancaan holding his forehead.

"Is there blood?"

He smiled at her and said, "Don't bother about me; I won't bleed to death."

"I will get the kit."

"No, let it be," he said, but she insisted.

"And here I thought I was special because she wanted to clean up my injury," Raymond scoffed before he walked towards Ancaan.

"I had no idea she was in the bedroom before I came up, I swear," he explained at once.

"I thought this was your mansion."

"Well, you don't know anything, so don't assume. pervert"

Ancaan sighed and became serious. "I am sorry. I fucked up six years ago, and I regret it up to today."

"You betrayed me." 

"Because I knew you were going to be fine, what about me? If I didn't leave, then I would have been dead by now."

"Again, don't assume anything. You don't know me."

"Oh Ray, I've known you since we were fetuses."

Grace returned, and she stared at them. "You have known each other since you were babies?"

"Give me that." Raymond seized the kit from her and threw it at Ancaan.

"If you can't do it yourself, then get lost."

Raymond received a phone call; he checked, and it was Seb. "Don't help him with that," he warned Grace before he turned to walk out.

"Are you leaving?" She asked anxiously, but he shook his head in denial. There was no way he was going to leave her with Ancaan.

Immediately he stepped out, Ancaan started with the curious questions. "Did you take your looks from your mother?"

Grace didn't like talking about her mom, but she simply nodded not to be rude.

"She must have been a delicate woman."


"I will check on Mr. Xu," she said, standing up and going out to find Raymond, who was on the phone.

"Get that bitch out of my apartment," Raymond said to Seb over the phone.

"She tried to steal from me last night; she should be lucky I spared her. If you are interested, then you could have her; after all, I don't find pleasure in repeating women."

Her eyes widened in shock.

Author: Oh My God!!!

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