
Rise in Popularity

Simon turned around and looked at Jack. At this moment, he was feeling even more frustrated than ever. He understood that currently, he was being exploited by Jack. But there was nothing that he could do about it.

At the end of it all, it was he who was at a disadvantage. Jack was just using the fact that he was in a desperate moment that he wanted to humiliate him. He kept on changing the price of the share, increasing it almost every second.

It was true that Simon really wanted to leave. But the problem was the fact that the moment that Jack actually transferred the share to his father, then things would get messy for his family.

It would be extremely severe, considering that after wounding them, there was a possibility that the Smith family would take advantage of that situation in order to take them down. It might be true that they might not be able to make them collapse, but it was not impossible for them to be able to go a level down.

Additionally, when Simon thought about his father, how angry he had been after he realized that they had lost, Simon understood that he could not leave.

'Okay then. I will tolerate you this time. But the moment that I get everything, ensuring that there is no possibility that your family is going to be able to take action against my family, I'm going to make sure that you pay for this humiliation 100 fold.' Simon thought to himself as he went back to his seat.

When Jack saw that Simon had come back, he said casually, "Now, are you ready to purchase the share back from me? I'm only going to sell it at a lower price. It is only going to be at a price that is 250% higher than the market price."

Simon nearly went mad when he heard that Jack had increased the price once again. Until now, Jack had added an extra 200% to the previous 50% that they had agreed upon over the phone.

He really wanted to retort at the extortion, but he suddenly remembered something. It seemed that the moment that he showed some form of hesitation, Jack would keep on increasing the price.

Currently, according to the damage that his father had explained to him, the one that could be dealt to the family business by the Smith family as long as they used this chance, it was obviously true that the price was lower than the damage.

Even though he was not that smart, he was able to make some quick calculation after thinking about it. Currently, the price of the share of the hotel ranged at about $60 million.

But the price that Jack was asking for was actually $21 million. Even though the price was extremely high, but when thinking about the laws that could reach up to almost $35 million, it was better for them to accept this.

At least, there was not going to be any form of damage to the hotel directly. Instead, the hotel was going to be crippled financially in terms of available capital. But, they could be able to hold on for quite a while, and they could borrow loans in order to cover the hole left behind.

Thinking about it, and not wanting to try to see if Jack was going to increase the price once again, Simon said, "Okay. I agree, but I will have to ask my father first. After all, I don't have such a large amount of money to transfer to you."

After saying that, Simon stood up and went to make a call. Jack did not say anything, and continued sitting there, having already finished eating.

Henry who was sitting beside him could not help but feel amazed. Jack was capable of exploiting these loopholes so much. It was to the extent that Henry could not help but feel that maybe, the intelligence level of the people within this world was lower than normal?

But when he thought much about it, thinking about the level of the technology that could be found within this world, it was clear that it was not. After all, not just anybody could create a parameters boosting pill.

"You sure have exploited him this time. How much are we earning this time? About $20 million?" Henry commented.

"Yeah. Other than that, we have also managed to acquire another company. I'm going to tell you the details later after we deal with this. But, it should be able to enable us to advance even more in the hotel sector." Jack explained calmly.

"We got another company? How? Is it the magic of your system?" Henry asked with surprise clear on his face. After all, he understood that Jack's system capabilities involved multiplying the money that Jack and by 100 times.

Even though Henry understood that there was a possibility that Jack did not reveal everything about his system just as he did not, he could not help but be amazed by the fact that Jack's system could actually grant him an entire company.

Well, when he thought much about it, it was clear that until now, he was the only one who possessed a store that possessed everything. Well, maybe not everything, but it possessed many things.

Even though he did not know how long it took Jack's system to be able to give Jack a company, Henry understood that his own system was also capable of that. And, considering that the two of them were currently working together, then, things should be able to go smoothly.

The two remained silent, while ignoring the chattering that was going on around them. A few people that recognized them, being part of the university, and had somehow managed to overhear what was going on, could not help but feel that Simon was quite unlucky.

At the same time, they kept on talking about how Jack was such a schemer. A few of them had already heard about the competition where Simon lost a bet to Jack, leading to him not only losing $2 million, but instead, he had even gone ahead and lost part of the shares of his family's hotel.

And from the way that they were talking here, it was clear that they were talking about that share. And, Jack was exploiting that share, wanting to gain a lot of money from Simon.

Most of them thought that Jack would definitely have a difficult life later on. They thought that the moment that Simon's family acquired back their shares, they would immediately launch an attack on him.

Of course, those that were thinking along the that line were those that did not know much about Jack's background. Nonetheless, the confrontation between Jack and Simon was something that had already began spreading, and had already even reached the school forum.

The school forum was where people would occasionally post things related to the school. And, most of the time, it would be things that would be related to those that were much discussed within the campus.

It was true that other things would also be posted within the school forum, but they would not garner that much attention.

This piece of information involving Jack, Henry, and Simon was a big news. After all, Jack and Henry were well known within the school by the majority of the people within the school, considering that they were the youngest seniors in the school.

Other than that, they possessed incredible appearances, making them stars. On the other hand, Simon was quite notorious. He always went to school in his sports car, always acting in a high profile manner.

So of course, any news involving any of these three would already make the forum explode with comments from other students, not to mention one that involved the three of them, all together.

Some of the students within the restaurant even managed to snap photos of the three of them talking to each other, posting it on the forum.

Jack did not know about what was going on in the school forum. Nevertheless, even if he knew about it, he would not care. In any case, they were about to graduate, and he would not have to deal with the issue that came with popularity within the school.

He just continued waiting, and a little while later, Simon finally came back. His expression seemed to be quite ashen. And, he seemed to be in quite low spirits as compared to the time that he had left.

Despite that, the moment that he arrived, he said to Jack, "My father has agreed. As long as you sign a share transfer agreement, the money will be deposited directly into your account. Should I go ahead and prepare the agreement?"

At this moment, Simon wanted to end everything as soon as possible. Right now, as long as this issue concerning the hotel's shares being in Jack's hands was involved, he would not be having any form of peace.

So at this point, it was going to be better for him to be able to deal with this issue first. After that, he would have to deal with the anger from his father, before finally finishing everything by dealing with Jack.

"There is no need for you to prepare that. I already prepared an agreement for that." Jack said as he took a few documents from the small bag that was currently hanging on the side of his chair.

Both Simon and Henry could not help but be rendered speechless. Jack had already been prepared? Could it be that he had already thought that Simon was going to agree on the price that he was going to set?

Despite that, Simon went ahead and looked at the share transfer agreement. After making sure that Jack had not increased the price anymore, and there was his signature, he went ahead and placed his signature, taking back the shares from Jack.

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