
Cement plant (12)

Currently the rope which was 5 meters long was not enough to allow the H beam to descend to where Virtya needed it to reach. Virtya wanted the H beam to be installed 10 metres away from the overhang so that it lay horizontally across the undercutting.

"Bring in another rope." Virtya ordered. The workers were straining in maintaining the H beam at where it was and if this continues, then their grip on the H beam will loosen which will make it to fall further to the plunge pool. Virtya didn't want that to happen because if it happened, it would force them to start the process once again with the substitute of the H beam but he didn't want it to reach there because that process was time-consuming and it also wasted his money.

After all, the cost of producing a single piece of steel was not a joke. If this steel fell into the plunge pool, Virtya would not hesitate to start the operation of reacquiring it, that operation will also be costly because the plunge pool itself was also dangerous because the tools for abrasion were always in motion and they didn't encourage swimming as the huge volume water was always moving in a cyclonic manner, these tools of abrasion might mince a person into meat jerkies if they were not careful.

"Don't dare to release your grips on that rope!" Virtya warned the straining workers when he saw that the rope was beginning to sway agitatedly as the waterfall splashed heavily onto the H beam.

One should know that the workers were pulling this H beam from the west and east side of the waterfall. Virtya, Osip and Alexandre were helping each other to supervise the workers to ensure that this thing was installed successfully.

The new ropes were painstakingly knotted with the ropes that the workers were pulling and then the process of letting down the H beam continued.

The workers sweated but the drizzle quickly washed away their sweat, thus, no one could realize that they were sweating. 

Their muscles were in pain but they still gritted their teeth and held on. The heavy weight of the H beam which was made worse by the waterfall was making it difficult for them to keep it in place but fortunately, they managed to stabilize it until it descended to a distance of 10 metres.

"The fasteners! It's now your time to rock!" Virtya hollered and two workers climbed down on the ladder until they reached where the previous horizontal trench was dug, here, the end of the H beam could be seen swaying and one of the workers easily gripped this end before pulling it towards him. 

The were not going to fix this H beam onto the support of the axle, no, they needed to fasten this H beam on the surface of the undercutting thus, when still pulling the end of the H beam, the two workers walked on the previously made railing that led them further towards the undercutting.

However, as the two workers pulled this end towards them, the workers up there on the river bank trembled uncontrollably as this motion made the H beam even much heavier. 

Pulling the H beam across was easy but pulling it up was a nightmare, that was why it only needed two workers to effortlessly pull the end of the H beam towards the undercutting while it required more than 60 workers to ensure that the H beam didn't escape from their grip and fall to the plunge pool.

The waters of the waterfall were weak at where the workers were walking on. Because the railing was fixed on the steep sided gorge.

Some moisture fell on these two workers as their hair and cladding swayed from side to side because of the cold breeze generated by the waterfall.

Slowly by slowly, the workers finally reached at where they were needed and it could be seen that a horizontal trench was already dug at this point where the undercutting met with the steep sided gorge, the workers brought the end of the H beam and tried to push it forward, this motion agitated the workers who were ensuring the stability of the H beam and they nearly released their grip from the ropes they were holding but they stabilized it once again after the pushings dwindled. The two fasteners had stopped pushing the H beam because it was slanted, it only went through for a few metres before it refused to budge.

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