
Chapter 2

A mix between all point of views

Time skip 5 years

Ryker pov 

Wow, a refreshing day out in the sun by the lake. A five year old was by the lake on a beach chair under an umbrella sitting there enjoying the embrace of nature. I can't believe it has been five years since I have been reincarnated into the Malfoy family as Draco's younger brother. I have mainly been going around the Malfoy manor and relaxing. Even if I knew the dangers of the future I still want to have a relaxing life. 

I still remember when I first came to this world as soon as I was able to crawl I became the Malfoy little assassin as I would often be hard to find by the house elf and appear at random spots in the manor. This was one of the reasons that Lucius, now my father, had to store away a lot of the Malfoy family's dark artifacts. To make sure that I don't get into trouble I got my own personal house elf. 

"Young master here is the blueberry lemonade and sugar cookies." A small house elf said to me with a gentle tone. This is my house elf Misty. She was a house elf that my mother got from another pure-blood girlfriend of hers. She reminds me of the caretaker of the orphanage Miss Noella. She raised me to be the person I am. Too bad she died when I was fifteen and we couldn't spend more time together.

"Come Misty, let's enjoy this beautiful day." I said while stuffing my mouth with sugar cookies. I don't know why people say that chocolate chip cookies are the best cookie. The greatest cookie is actual sugar cookies.

"Slow down young master or you might choke like last time." That reminded me of my embarrassing situation when I went into an eating contest with Neville Longbottom a couple of months ago. I ended up choking Levitating Sherbet Balls which made me choke and float for an hour. It was one of the best memories I have. It makes me laugh each time I remember it.

"Young master, you shouldn't laugh, you almost die." Misty said to me which just made me smile at her. I rubbed her head with a gentle smile on my face. To her and others it might be frightening of me almost dying, but to me it reminds me that I am still alive. 

"Don't worry about me, I am doing just fine. We need to relax or we will age faster." Ryker said as he waved his hand and a fishing rod slowly floated towards his hand. Even though he relaxes most of the time he still reads everything with magic in it. What else would he do he would get bored if he just sat around doing nothing. With no phone in the wizarding world the only thing he could do was read. His wandless magic was one of the main reasons that his father let him be. Another brings his ingenious mind.

Looking at Misty who just stood there Ryker could only sigh. Even though he had Misty treated better she even looked better than most house elf as he made sure she looked nice. She has a set full of toga she wears. At first she was a crying mess though after saying she was not free he told her, "how could a house elf of mine not look noble." This made her more of a crying mess. Even with this she still had that house elf mentality. He wants a maid to be with him, not just serve him otherwise it will just be him alone fishing which is just sad. 

"Misty fish with me don't let me be alone." After some hesitation she decided to start fishing. Ryker would later regret this as he was totally defeated by Misty when it comes to fishing, comparing her thirty to his two fishes. After a while of fishing a new person came by the lake. You could see the angry expression on her face. If Ryker was to look back you would see him shiver in fright.

"So this is where you have been." A voice came from behind Rkyer who slowly turned his face towards the voice. Looking at the beautiful woman who even after aging still looked stunning Ryker immediately started running. Only to be stopped with a wave of the wand off the woman.

"Misty save me." Ryker screams to Misty who could only shake her head. As Ryker was floated up he could only bow in defeat of his mother.

"Why have you been skipping etiquette class? You know how important this is for your future. You had your father make a lake just to fish. If not for the letters you created you would still have your other classes." Narrassia scolded Ryker for a long time for his laziness. 

Ryker with the help of some of his father's people developed a new type of magic letter. At first sight it is an ordinary letter with a wax seal. After one circles around the wax seal they release a small magic hologram of the sender. Ryker based it on the magic letter fairy tail. These letters quickly got famous in the magic world and earned a lot of money for the Malfoy family. With this invention Ryker bargained with his father for a few things. 

The first was a magic suit case the size of Newt's suitcase from america. The second was a hidden magic based at home. This magic base would be hidden and hard to find. It is extremely hidden that even Dumbledore would not be able to find it if he searched for it. This way in the future with the dark lord rise if the malfoy family needs to escape or hide they always have a place. It also stores magic items of the Malfoy family. Pure blood wizards hold ancient artifacts passed down through the family.

With Dumbledore at the helb a lot of these magic items were seen as dark and a lot of them were banned. Though it is highly likely that Dumbledore still has these items in his collection. The last thing that Ryker got was not to take his classes. Even though he still has to take etiquette, magic history, potions, occlumency, and fencing. This is still a lot less than he had previously. He had to take etiquette as a pureblood noble. The other classes were also required as he didn't need a wand to learn them. The last one fencing he chose himself as he always loved how cool it looked in a sword fight.

"Misty take us back to the manor." Narrsissa said to misty who nodded in agreement. With a snap of misty fingers the three left from the lake side and entered the black family house. As they arrived at the manor Narcissa scolded Ryker with Draco laughing on the side. This is just another  day in the life of Skyler.

POV end

Sorry for all the words I had to give info for future chapters. A couple more chapters on childhood than off to Hogwarts.

LunarWolf121creators' thoughts
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