
Chapter 161 An Unexpected Epiphany, Minor Success in Projecting Origin Force! (5k)_2

[That year, you produced over one hundred thousand elixirs, and due to the high rate of superior-grade elixirs, Great Xia Country gained over thirty thousand Grandmaster Level professionals, as well as hundreds of Heavenly King Level powerhouses.]

[In the sixth year, after arriving in Kyoto, your life continued to be as regulated as ever.]

[You took three hundred drops of Spiritual Liquid daily, in conjunction with practicing the Thousand Flames Art for six hours.]

[The rest of the time, you spent cultivating Origin Force and refining elixirs.]

[That year, you crafted fifty thousand elixirs, adding nearly twenty thousand Grandmaster strongmen to the Great Xia Country.]

[In the seventh year, you exhausted all the medicinal materials brought from the Descending Sect, once again bolstering Great Xia with a large batch of powerhouses.]

[In the same year, aided by the Spiritual Liquid and Earth-Level Techniques, your cultivation finally broke through!]

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