
chapter 10

As Kaguya stood amidst her newly formed tailed beasts, a sense of authority emanated from her ancient form. With a commanding presence, she addressed the assembled shinobi with a tone that brooked no argument.

"Listen carefully," she began, her voice carrying an air of authority. "None of you are to lay a hand on Black Zetsu or my tailed beasts. They are under my protection, and any attempt to harm them will be met with severe consequences."

The shinobi exchanged uneasy glances, recognizing the weight of Kaguya's words. Though they may not fully understand the nature of Black Zetsu or the tailed beasts, they could sense the power that radiated from them, a power that demanded respect and deference.

Kaguya turned her attention to her tailed beasts, her expression softening slightly as she regarded them with a mixture of pride and affection. "From this day forth," she declared, her voice ringing with authority, "you shall address me as your mother. I have given you life, and in return, you shall serve me faithfully."

The tailed beasts nodded in understanding, their eyes shimmering with a newfound sense of loyalty. "Yes, Mother Kaguya," they replied in unison, their voices echoing with reverence.

With her commands issued and her authority established, Kaguya turned her attention back to the assembled shinobi, her gaze unwavering. "Remember," she warned, her voice carrying a note of finality, "my tailed beasts and Black Zetsu are under my protection. Cross me at your own peril."

And as the shinobi absorbed Kaguya's words, a sense of unease settled over them. They may not fully understand the extent of Kaguya's power or the nature of her creations, but they knew better than to defy her will. With a silent nod of acknowledgment, they resolved to tread carefully in the presence of the ancient being who now stood before them, a force to be reckoned with in the unfolding drama of their world.

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