
Chapter 20: The confession

We were together as a group with my senior sisters and brothers while arranging our luggages in a room where we can find a lot of beds but the boys has a different room for sleeping but my senior brothers decided to help us fix our bed first then go to theirs.

We were finished with doing what we were doing and was about to go out to sightsee around the area when the group who I noticed earlier came to us and one of the girls who I assumed as their leader said.

"Hi! Are you all going out too?"

"Yes we were about to look around the place, how about you?" Asked senior Trisha.

"We were about to do the same thing. How about we go together. The more the merrier, right? I'm Elisha by the way. What's you name?"

"I'm Trisha, she's Divine, and they are Carmela, Markus and Claude"

"Oh I'm with Raziel here, Anne, Dennis and Elijah."

And we all said our hi's and hello's while looking at one another. When my eyes came to Raziel, I was able to look at his face openly and in full view. And what I can say is that he has really handsome features, with his piercing eyes paired with thick eyebrows and long lashes, a prominent nose, thin lips and the most charming feature of his face is the small mole on his jaw that just makes him more attractive.

While I was listing all his features in my mind, I did not know that he was also doing the same to me.

Raziel's POV

Today, I am accompanying my cousin, Elisha in the youth gathering as said by my family. Elisha is the only girl in our family that is why we are so protective of her. And on this activity, my task was to make sure she stays safe and not be approached by some random dude.

While waiting for some of our peers to get their luggages from the car, I was just standing while they took their time I'm carrying their luggages when my attention was caught by a girl because I caught her looking at me so I met her eyes so that she'll get the sign to stop looking. I know I got a nice face, the girls flocking to me at school and this girl looking at me was the best proof. But when I looked at her eyes, I was enchanted. They were the most beautiful eyes I've seen, it was a soft hazel eyes that was just so breathtaking that it seems like I'm looking deep at a forest that was touched by the warm soft glow of the sun. My musings were interrupted when she looked away after she realized we were looking at each other. But when I saw how she became a blushing mess after, it made me smile thinking to myself, I made her react like that.

Soon after that, I made my cousin ask them to go together because I wanted to know her name and anything more about her. That was the first time I've ever felt like that. I had a few girlfriends in the past but no one made me feel and react the way she made me and it was just our eyes talking. I could definitely tell that she captivated me the very first moment our eyes met. And by seeing her near me, looking at her beautiful face. Her warm hazel eyes adorned with thickly curved eyelashes and soft arched eyebrows, her perky nose and those pinkish reddish luscious lips. And the way her soft wavy black hair fell on her clothes that hugged her body nicely was so beautiful and just so mesmerizing.

I know that from the moment I realized I was drawn to her in a way that was different from my past relationships that she is going to be someone important in my life and I aim to make her mine no matter what it takes.

Carmela's POV

Going with Elisha's group was a good decision. We were able to have fun and visit a lot of places. The only bad thing was I didn't get to really have fun because I was told conscious with the presence of Raziel.

Sometimes, I catch him looking at me but when I do, he just smiles and continues doing it anyway. It was also the reason I got teased a lot by them. Having my seniors teasing me was already enough but with the addition of Elisha's group that were so adamant in making fun of me. It doesn't help that Raziel just wouldn't stop staring at me and wouldn't mind their teasing.

During our stay for the gathering, our two groups has the most interaction especially during times when there are groupings. We are especially happy when there is someone we know in the groupings. In those groupings, we have activities, story telling, dancing, singing, learnings and some competitions. It was a lot of of fun and I was able to not think about Treize sometimes. It was also a lot of help that I get distracted by the presence of Raziel or Raz for short.

It was a welcome distraction. His presence helps me not think about Treize, aside from his distracting face, his friendliness and kindness also draws me to him. During these times when our group was always together, I got to know him more and I can definitely say that I'm slowly attracted to him but I don't know if it will ever become love in the long run. But I am also not the only one attracted to him, a lot of girls are attentive on his every move and I know that they surely have a crush on him.

And with our group always together, and he being so close to me, we are sometimes paired and teased a lot. Even the organizers say that the youth gathering would be the bridge that connected us together and fall in love. But when they tease us, I am embarrassed especially when we are all together and Raz even makes it worse by joining in the fun and acting like he likes me too. So when we are all about to eat and their attention was on deciding what to eat, I held the edge of Raziel's clothes so he will come with me while I was going to say something.

"Why do you join them on the teasing?" I asked.

"Because it's fun teasing you." He answered quickly

"Well it's not fun for me. I don't like it." I asked with a serious look on my face.

"You don't like it because?" He asked in a serious manner too.

"It's embarrassing being the subject of teasing. And you joing in the fun just makes them tease us more."

"Well I like teasing you but I can be persuaded if you grant me my wish."

"What wish? "

"I want your number, Carmela."

"Why do you want my number?"

"I want to be able to talk to you whenever I want to."

"We are talking right now and you don't need my number for that."

"But you'll be leaving soon. How am I supposed to talk with you if you're far away?"

"I get your point but what of it, we are not really that close that we need to exchange numbers. We will soon go our separate lives."

"Don't you understand Carmela? I want to stay connected to you in someway. I like you so I want to make it so I'll be able to reach you and talk with you even if we are far away with each other."

I was surprised and a bit elated that he has feelings for me. I am attracted to him but right now, I just treat him as a friend. I still haven't moved on from Treize and it's a bit early to be in a relationship when I just got my heart broken. So I said to him.

"But I'm not ready to be in a relationship yet. I promised myself that I'll only be in a relationship after I graduate."

"I can wait Carmela. I'll be your friend in the meantime while waiting for you to be ready in taking our relationship deeper."

"But there is no guarantee that I'll like you in the future."

"That's okay, it's me taking the chance. And you are worth the wait and risk, Carmela."

"Then it's up to you. I'm not promising anything."

"That's alright. As long as you give me the chance to prove myself. "

He said that as he looked at me but I looked away first and said to him

"Okay, we'll talk later, let's go first or we won't be able to get anything to eat."

But after that, we haven't been able to have a chance to talk privately and I still haven't decided, my heart and mind are currently in a mess. I have hesitations and reservations that are hard to dispel and I needed time to think about it. And so l, a few days passed by just like that.

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