
Chapter 17: 2nd year

The second year of high school marked another step towards graduation but it is also the year of my greatest apprehension and fear and the source of that is the coming from my rival in love per se.

Before the start of classes, enrollment begins first in order for teachers to see how many students will continue their studies and also to give the books for each year level. But for some students, the books aren't used much in our lessons. They just serve as things we carry and a responsibility, responsible in covering it and making sure it is returned at the last week of the school year.

In the enrollment after I already finished enrolling myself and got my books, I helped the teachers with the enrollment since they asked for me and other responsible students' help because there were a lot of parents and students enrolling.

In the beginning of classes, we as second years are required to wear our school uniforms immediately. Our uniform consist of a white dress and black shoes and white socks on Monday, a t-shirt tucked in an oven rthe knee skirt matched with the same shoes and socks for Tuesday, we are free to wear what we want on Wednesday but it should follow the guidelines from the rulebook which there are a few notable ones which are:

* Skirts should not go over above the knee

* Pants are not allowed for girls and pants worn by boys must be decent and plain.

* It is not allowed to wear sleeveless dress or anything that is too revealing.

*Boys should wear a decent haircut

*Boys are not allowed to wear earrings or headbands...

For Thursday, our uniform consist of a polo blouse and the same skirt on Tuesday while on Friday, we were the same set of uniform worn on Tuesday.

With the uniforms set, I could not do much about the fashion evethough it was really not very stylish and very bland but what I do WA swear the appropriate accessories to somehow elevate the style and I was glad that I can wear what I want on Wednesday even if it's just for one day.

The uniforms made us students look prim, proper and decent human beings. And I can say that we really do look like we belong to a private Catholic school.

First day of class for my second year. The new grade seven students are introduced to the school and the old fourth year students are not around anymore. And I can really see that the new grade seven consists of beautiful girls and few good looking boys. Since it was the first day, the attention on them would be obvious and today starts the test I gave to Treize eventhough it was a test he unknowingly received.

The first few months passed by with the new grade seven students experiencing the same things we experienced like the orientation, Acquaintance Program and many others. What was notable with the new grade seven students is that they are really good performers especially in dancing. Most of them are really good at dancing and can do sports also not like in our class where few can dance and only the boys especially liked doing sports. And I think that was what made the attention on them grew especially after a few months and it was noteworthy that they can dance, sing, a little bit smart and most importantly, they are pretty.

The reason I had doubts with the relationship of Treize and Samantha had a chance of happening also in this life was because their connection was hard to break. Treize has a cousin in Grade 7 named Elizabeth and she is going to be the new best friend of Samantha and the bridge which made their connection possible.

All I had to do in this situation is to watch his it goes since if I can't stop it, I'll just watch it. I definitely do not want to become the villain in their story. If it comes to that situation, I'll just make my own love story somewhere I am meant to be.

As a cousin of Treize, I could not ask for Treize to ignore his cousin for my sake even though it would dispel my worries. And so, everytime Treize or Elizabeth talks, Samantha would definitely be around the area just watching and sometimes after she gets close enough, they got to talk.

What was also worth commending about them, the circle of friends of Samantha that is--- is that they could easily befriend people and they quickly befriended most of the boys in our class especially the group of Treize. Sometimes I could see them talking and laughing while sitting on the benches that can be found around the school in our free time and I often just watched, smiled and passes by them.

Although, my time was not always spent on observing them at the side. I was also busy at this time because I was chosen as part of the editorial team of our school and I was tasked to write some pieces. I was also chosen as one of the representatives to participate in some trainings and workshops outside the school as such I was able to meet a lot of people from different schools and become friends with them. And the events I participated on happened for a few days in most months.

When the events I participated ended, I would then focus on catching up to the lessons and make sure I did not miss anything but I still made sure I could spent some time with Treize. But there were some times when Treize would act differently.

He always repeat the same questions.

"Carmela, when could we finally become a couple?"

Sometimes I would be joking and he would just laugh it of but this time when I half jokingly said "4 years from now, Treize. Just wait, and you might not even feel that 4 years have passed."

He reacted differently than usual.

"4 years is so long Carmela, can it be not now or sooner?"

"You know that I've promised to only have a boyfriend when I graduate high school Treize and it is also prohibited to have relationships while in school."

"But that's too long, Carmela. But I can willingly suffer if you give me a prize every now and then."

However I just pushed him and said "Don't even think about it not until we are officially together. Do you understand, Treize?"

But he replied cryptically "I fully understand, Carmela and I hope you do too understand what you're asking from me."

So I asked,"What do you by that mean, Treize?"

But he just left me there standing alone.

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