
Chapter 10: Embarrassing situation

Carmela's POV

The bell rung which tells that it's break time. It's the most awaited and favorite time of the students. There is 30 minutes snack break of students and where students are free to do what they want but still follows the rules and regulations of the school.

Most students went out of their class this time, but some brought snacks with them. But for me, I just went out to buy my own snack at the canteen. When I went out, there were already other students going to the canteen. I don't why but some other students were looking at me and I became conscious and wondered if I have some dirt on my face. While I was going through that, I saw my cousin Jay with Veronica, our neighbor and their other 2nd year classmates they were just going out of their classroom. As a way to remove myself from the attention, I went with them so that I won't be bothered being alone and getting all that attention.

Veronica is pretty so I was hoping she won't mind me sharing the attention with her since she mind be used to it. She has natural white skin, long black hair, and a pretty face. She is classmates with my cousin, Jay. And so I went with them to the canteen.

When we arrived at the canteen, there is a long line ahead that makes me do not want to line up. But when I went to line up, most of the boys at our position at the back. I was in front so the attention was on me. I again did not know what is up with these people. As far as I am concerned, I am not an alien and definitely don't look like one. The once rowdy and noisy line suddenly became orderly. I did not know I had that kind of effect. I was the student body president when I was in high school in my past life and so I thought they lined up properly because I had some kind of effect I carried that affected them and because I look so serious right now.

I was about to line up, but the orderliness vanished again and the boys begun to push and pull at each other. I was also pushed which made me bump into someone behind me. He was holding into my arms and I was laying on his arms and as I looked at the person who held me, I was surprised, it was Treize.

How I hate the circumstances. What are the odds that the person you wanted to avoid, fate seems to like to toy with you and makes you keep bumping into him. So immediately stood up and composed myself.

I then said," Sorry,"

He simply replied,"It's okay. "

I was pretty bothered since I already know the person behind me is the person I want to avoid the most. It was not helping that the situation before seems like it was out of a movie. I always thought the people behind me were my cousin, Veronica and their classmates. If I know he was the one behind me, I would have preferred to go at the back. But it would be too obvious that I was avoiding him if I do that.

Treize's POV

I am finally a first year student. I was pretty excited to meet new people and see my new school. It was no problem to make new friends, it was really easy and I was able to quickly become friends with my new classmates since I came early. Me and my new friends were about to enter the classroom but was interrupted by the ringing of the bell which tells us to get ready to line up in the school grounds.

While already on the line and in the school grounds with my friends. I was talking with my friend, Luke when he suddenly stopped talking while looking in front of the stage.

And so I looked in front and suddenly saw someone, a girl unbothered by all the people watching her and confidently walking unhurriedly to the school grounds. She was really beautiful. The most charming woman I've seen. She was not the kind that was so breathtakingly beautiful but the way she carries herself screams so much charm and the way she is so confident just speaks volumes of her attractiveness. It was also not helping that she styles and carries herself quite well that it again adds to her charm. And right now and then, she captivated me and I fell in love at first sight. But there was a problem, she captivated almost all of the boys watching her. And I can see that the boys who has confidence in themselves plans and already scheming ways on how to conquer her right then. And my pride as a man does not want me to lose.

And meeting her on the canteen was unexpected but I also used as a way to get close to her. And when she bumped and fell into my arms. I really wanted to stop her from getting away from my arms and the way she smells was so pleasant but I had to let go since I do not yet have the right to hold her. And I just spoke briefly because I wanted to avoid speaking too much or I might give my feelings away.

Carmela's POV

The line quickly went by which I was glad because I can feel my cheeks are red. I am blushing and I hate this feeling. I was thankful that I was able to get my food then and quickly went as far away from there because it felt like they were looking at me and judging my embarrassing state. After that, I wanted to go somewhere quiet to have my lunch but most of the places I went to before were already occupied so I just returned to the classroom. Time flew by quickly and the bell rung again that signifies the end of break time and resume of classes.

Soon students return one by one to the classroom and I was looking at the door waiting for Darren who went to buy water and asked to buy one for me too. But my eyes were met by the eyes of Treize which made me instantly look away and look down in my lap. And I surely am blushing due to embarassment right now because I again remembered our state before in the canteen.

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