
Chapter 4: Surprise

I started my plans by studying really hard. I read simple books then gradually made them harder and much complicated. From fairytale books to make it look that I can read then after that, I read educational books used for studying. I started from grade 1 and then year by year in all subjects. Since my relatives are teachers, I can ask those books from them.

At first they wondered why I needed it and asked, "Why do you need these books that are meant for students older than you, Melai? Then I answered,"I will read them aunt." With my answer, they said,"There are not much pictures in these books, Melai. They are meant for studying. So I answered, "I will be reading them aunt, not look for those pictures and play. My aunt then said, "Can you even read and understand them?" And my answer made them not question any further. "Of course aunt, I can read and very well at that. "

Reading those books made me find out that my comprehension and understanding is much higher this time. I can easily understand the concepts and things I've read. At first, I thought that maybe they were too easy that is why it came easier to me but that conjecture soon turned false because even when reading a book in Trigonometry. I found out that I can even understand those I find hard to understand in my past life. I did not study about Trigonometry when I was in highs school in my past life. We didn't have the time to cover the subject before the exams and graduation so Trigonometry was completely unfamiliar to me.

Thinking about how I find Mathematics difficult and hard to grasp in the past, I was excited to find out that it seems like luck is in my favor. Due to unknown reasons, I find learning things easier. So I tried to test this new found skill and tried to apply it in a different way. I decided then to learn the piano.

My house did not have a piano so are my relatives. But the church has a piano they are using when singing hymns and religious songs. I did not learn how to play the piano or guitar in my past life. What I learned was the xylophone because we used it when celebrating our town's fiesta and I used to play in order to have a participation.

The piano was just displayed in the church so I was free to learn from it. But I still asked permission to play with it. And a person was tasked to watch me since they did not trust me with it for I might damage it. At first I just tried pressing the keys randomly but after a few minutes, ideas suddenly formed in my mind and I wanted to try and I was able to play a melody. Although it was a simple nursery rhyme, the fact that I was able to play that without anyone teaching me is worth taking into consideration. Even the person who was tasked to be the bodyguard of the piano was shocked. And asked in an incredulous voice, "How did you do that?!Someone must have taught you, right? Because how can someone learn that fast without being a musical genius."

But I was not able to answer instantly because I too was shocked because for me it was in a whole different level from reading.

Then I was asked again, "Hey, answer my question." So I was forced to answer in an unbelievable voice, "I don't know. I don't know.!"

It was at that time that someone interrupted us and asked, "What happened? Was the piano broken?" Then the boy who was tasked to guard me said,"No father. I was just surprised because she can play the piano."

Then the priest turned to me and asked,"Is that true, Carmela?" And I answered,"Yes Father but I did not know how."

Then the priest, Father Christopher then said. "Try playing the piano again."

After that I just complied since I also wanted to test it again.

And alas! I was able to play more smoothly than before maybe because it was my second time playing the song so I became familiar with it. After I finished the song, I then turned to Father Chris to look at his reaction and I was not disappointed. He too was surprised but was able to get over it soon and said,"You really know how to play the piano without guidance. What do you call anyone like that aside from genius. You are a musical genius child" he said.

And me, I was just happy in my findings and did not react much because I do not consider myself as a genius.

After that, news spread fast and it became known to a lot of people in our town that I was gifted. As a result, they made me learn some religious songs and play the piano during the mass. And felt like a spectacle, like an animal in the zoo but I had to get used to it. For the greater good.

After displaying my intelligence and being gifted in a lot of areas which I contributed to my improved comprehension skills due to my rebirth, it became apparent to a lot of people that I was that good and few even bet that I would make it rich someday.

I was a bit apprehensive with their enthusiasm but I had to keep it in so that my plan of skipping years can be accomplished.

But that soon turned useless because I was not granted the chance to skip school and the reason was, my parents and teachers objected.

Their reason was even if I was gifted and intelligent, I was still a child and as such I also have to have a childhood, make happy memories as a child and enjoy my youth. I could understand their thought if it was another child but the child in question was me and I do not need to be cuddled because I am not really a child mentally. However, I had no choice but to just accept it. I can't possibly throw a tantrum to just get what I want. But actually the thought made sense but do not want to degrade myself to that point. As such my plans had gone awry and I had to make a plan B for my future path.

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