
Chapter 1: Old me

I am in the year 2005. I am reborn exactly 18 years from my past life.

And I realized I was reborn after seeing the house I was in. Due to excessive shock, I fell in a trance for a few minutes, not sorta believing the chance I got. Of course, who would instantly accept to be reborn in the past. But soon, happiness soon replaced the shock I felt because I can redo many things in my life and prevent the things that shouldn't happen especially my father's accident that left his hand injured and my mom's disease that could have been prevented if she was taken care of.

I am currently alone in the house because both my parents are at work, my older brother, Jay may be playing outside again.

I am thankful I am alone today because some people might think that I am possessed with the way I behaved earlier.

I looked around the house while on bed and seeing the old house brought many memories. The side of the house is still made of wood, land is under my feet. The house is not yet made with cement. I stand up, walk into the cabinet and I see myself in the mirror. I looks young. A babyface with no acne and pimple marks. A dark skin due to constant playing outside under the sun. Then I grinned and smiled brightly. I touched my face and my skin felt so smooth, much different form the me in the future.

My hormones was imbalanced when I reached my teen years. As such, she had a face full of acne and pimple marks. And because I didn't know how to take care of myself, I also had dark spots on my face and my skin is dark and not so smooth. That is also the cause of my low self-confidence, and affected my future self and the reason pf her zero love life.

It didn't take too long for me to accept the reality of being reborn as a child because overall I am very healthy now and young. There are many opportunities that I can change myself and make my life for the better. Being reborn as a 5 years old may people find unpleasant but I am glad because who wouldn't want to be young again after experiencing the difficulties of life as a grown up. Being young allows children to enjoy life and live freely without much responsibilities to shoulder and problems to face in the reality of life.

I then went outside the house to enjoy the warm and pleasant breeze of the air. Not like the future polluted air. I also saw many children playing but I just observed and didn't participate. Then thinking about the time and the sun getting much hotter. I thought of going to my mom's workplace. My mom works as a cook in a rich doctor's house. They are one of the richest families in our town and had connections with politics.

Looking at my newly woken self, I shook my head and thought that going to Dr. Tang's place, I have to look decent and not look unpleasant so they won't say bad things to me and mom.'

I soon quickly moved and went to the bathroom to wash up, went to the bedroom to change clothes and dragged an umbrella because it's a little bit far from home.

On my way, I thought of many things, of my future and what I should do but soon I get distracted on the people I met along the way. In our town, almost all people knew each other because it is such a small town and a lot of people are somehow related in some way but even so, I still call them uncle and aunt.

I can see the house from far away. It has two floors and somewhat elevated due to the geographical location of the house. I still remember the house since it was still present even in the year 2025 but has little impression of it because when her mom was working there, she often brought her there and the people there are nice but it was when she was young so the memory is blurry. And I know my mom won't work too long there and the reason was because she caught an allergy on the food she was asked to prepare and cook. But soon after leaving the work, her mom will start a small business of selling streetfoods on the side of the road and I will often help mom which made me familiar with responsibilities and cooking even when young. I remember how my brother is playing with his friends while I am with mom doing business. It is also one of the reasons why I had no friends growing up and somehow got matured quite early.

I arrived at the front of the doctor's house and went straight to the back of the house because I know my mom is in the kitchen. I closed the umbrella I'm holding, and waited at the door before the kitchen.

Within five minutes of placing the umbrella on the side, I finally saw my mother. My eyes warmed up after seeing my mother in the door, who I hadn't seen for years but soon wiped the gathering tears so as not to make mom find out. My mom, Cynthia, lived in their hometown till she grows old but I was busy working in another place and can't often visit her.

My mom saw me arrive and said, "Melai, you're here. Come inside quickly and don't stand in the corner." Melai was the nickname and the name I was often called. It's part of the culture of parents in our country to give you a name when you were born but call you a different name when growing up. As such, most people who knows me calls me Melai. I only had the chance to be called by my real name Carmela when at school but also only sometimes because most of the teachers of our school are from my town and some of them are my aunt's and uncles.

I looked at my mom and quickly went to her and hugged her a little but tightly. I missed my mom so much, being away because of work, I was so busy, I often does not have time to relax and especially can't go home because of work. I missed my mom's scent and warm hug. I don't know what it is but being with my mom brings her the best comfort.

My mom looked at me and my behavior and wondered, " You don't look sick but you're behaving strangely, it looked like you haven't seen me for years when were just together this morning before I went to work." Cynthia thought, 'today, my daughter took the initiative to be clingy to me. Is the sun coming out from the west?'

I turned my head down thinking, 'Of course, its just this morning you've seen me but it's been years for me'. But how can I say that to my mom without being told I am crazy so I then looked at my mom and answered, "Of course mom, it had just been a few hours but I already miss you. " It's also one of the perks of being young, I can say cheesy words without being seen cringey and awkward.

Cynthia smiled happily and said, "Loka! You know how to say sweet things now huh! Still, you should be sweet to me since I'm your mother. You have never been this clingy before but it's better late than never."

I then answered with a joke at the end, "Yes, ma but enjoy it while it last. "

I grinned happily and watched my mom work her magic in the kitchen.

New writer here! Please support me and be patient with my writing. Not a professional writer, just tried writing some stories here and there.

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