
The Awakening into NTR World!

I went to sleep with the trauma of my cuckoldry looming in my mind. I thought the next day couldn't possibly get any worse, but little did I know, supernatural forces were at play.... I went to sleep in my bed, but I was no longer in my world... And while I slept, my mind registered a whisper on the edge of unconsciousness.

I awoke with a start. Sitting up in my bed, rubbing the gunk from my eyes tiredly, I glanced around my room. It was pitch black. My room was so dark, I couldn't even see a metre infront of my hand. Wow... It was never this dark before. Likely cuz I pulled my heavy curtains shut before going to sleep. I reached over to get my phone from the nightstand to check the time. It wasn't there. Since when did I move my nightstand so far away? Did it fall while I was asleep? So, I reached... And reached.... Why can't I see anything? Where's my phone? Where's my nightstand?

As confusion dawned on me, I leant too far into the darkness. Shit! I slipped off my bed, face first... But I didn't collapse onto the floor.

I kept on falling.

I shouted in alarm, just barely gripping harsh onto my bedsheets in time. It was like I was hanging off a ledge, but how was that possible?! I was in my room! My bed-! Was I about to fall to my death?! Adrenaline fuelling me, clawed my way back onto the bed desperately, breathing hard. I whipped my head around, trying to see.

Then, I realised... I wasn't in my room. I wasn't in anything. My room was simply... gone. Experimentally, I peered over the side, into the total darkness beneath my bed. I dropped my white pillow over the edge. It fell, shrinking until it was a mere spot of white in a sea of black, and it kept on falling ... Until it disappeared into the void...

... What the fuck?!

I was floating alone on my bed. An inky black void which surrounded me from all sides, which I could easily fall into. I looked around, shock and terror on my face, and I gripped my sheets tight. "Hello?!" I shouted into the dark. "Where am I?!"

Suddenly, from the darkness... A voice. It whispered in my ear, soft and malevolent.

"Cuck... cuck... cuck ..."

I perked up.

"Who said that?!"

"Cuck... cuck... cuck..."

I looked around frantically at the all-encompassing darkness. I tried to force confidence I didn't feel into my trembling voice.


"Yo, punk." The voice suddenly said. It was right behind me. My head whirled around at lightning speed, but I wish I didn't look. I wish with all my heart.

Mondo was there. Mondo was laying on the bed, my bed. He was shirtless, muscular arms behind his head, the covers drawn to his chest. Next to him... her body hidden underneath the covers ... Himiko slept, her head resting on his shoulders, her hair messy, makeup ruined, but her face was serene in sleep. He grinned.

"Thanks for saving that ass for me."

He taunted.

I went as pale as a ghost. "No... No!" My voice was ragged. "Himiko!" I cried.

"Yeah, that's her, idiot. Can't you see?" Mondo sneered.

Tears brimmed in my eyes. Desperate, pathetic tears of despair. But more than that ... More than my despair .... Was bubbling anger. "She was my girlfriend!" I yelled at him.

"You ain't her girlfriend, dumbass. If you were, how come I'm in the bed and you're in the chair?"

Huh? "C-Chair? What cha-" i paused, looking down at where I sat... And it was a horrible sight. I was no longer sat on the bed. Now, somehow, my position had changed. In the darkness, a chair had appeared. The chair I sat in at the moment... The chair positioned on the side of the bed... It was the infamous, dreaded cuckold chair. "No..." I whispered in horror. In this strange nightmare realm, the bully had just fucked my girlfriend... and I was sat in the Cuck chair...

"Why?!" I yelled, tears streaming down my face. "Why me?!"

Mondo grinned cruelly, taking pleasure in my suffering and misery. There was no light or kindness in his dark eyes.

"Cuz you're a weak little punk, who wouldn't do anything about it. Are you gonna keep shouting at me, or are you gonna do something?"

Fear flooded my face at his taunts. I paled. Smelling weakness like a shark smells blood in the water, his grin only widened, teeth glimmering in the dark. He leant closer.

"C'mon... Just do something, already."

He egged me on.

"I deserve it. Do something. Do something."

He got closer on the bed. I shrank into the chair, my body reacting on its own out of fear. I managed a weak little whimper.

"Do something, coward!"

Mondo barked. I flinched. At that, he laughed, loud and cruel.

"That's what I thought. Pussy. You deserve what you got. You're good for nothing, except for stronger and better guys like me to walk all over you..."

I didn't dare look at him... But as I stared into my lap, my hands were trembling. Past the fear, past the deslair... the anger I felt earlier came back, bubbling and rising, rising. How.... how dare he talk to me like that... Richeous anger possessed me.

"You... Bastard ..." I whispered.

Mondo glanced back over his shoulder at me.

"Huh?" He sneered.

I looked up, eyes brimming with rage. My face was contorted into a furious grimace.


I screamed and strength suddenly flooded my body.


Without a moment to lose, I jumped off the Cuck chair, as high as Kobe Bryant. I barrelled into Mondo, who shouted in alarm and shock. Grappling and punching, we both tumbled off the bed and into the darkness of the void. I didn't care, even as I fell, for I was exacting bloody revenge on the man who stole my girlfriend. I grabbed his neck with one hand and with a shout, I raised my fist to deliver a punch straight into his nose, it sailed forth... And then, he evaporated into the darkness. I was grabbing nothing. I fell alone through the darkness.

"You're stronger than I thought, punk."

Mondo's voice echoed in the darkness. I thrashed, looked around frantically. No attack came.

"... But we'll see how tough you are when you wake up."

"What do you mean?!" I yelled.

Mondo's ugly chuckle echoed unnaturally through the void.

"Dumb lil' twink. You're going to a much worse place... And there'll be guys much worse than me."

"Where are you sending me?!"

"You're going to hell, pipsqueak. Your own personal hell, where you'll be cucked, again and again and again...!" Mondo's voice built up into a maniacal laugh. "Hahahaha! But you're cute enough, so you can join in on the fun! You can suck their balls as they plow your bitch! Hahahaha!"


I screamed. And I fell into the darkness, punching the air, thrashing like a madman.... Until the void suddenly ended, and I rolled out of my bed, crashed onto a hard wood floor. I woke up atlast.

Pain racked my body from the fall from the bed. I groaned in agony.... Then, I shot up to my feet. I looked around my room frantically. I felt air on my face, I tasted copper from where I fell, wooden floorboards beneath my feet. That dream was fucking traumatic, but my room wasn't the same. The wallpaper has changed, the furniture had been rearranged... This wasn't my goddamn room. Where the hell was I?!

I rubbed my eyes, just to see if it wasn't working. I was in was an expansive, well furnished room. My forehead felt cold and after a few moments, I instinctively ran a hand through my hair... Was my hair always this short? This thin? I turned around. Then, I froze. My fight or flight instincts kicked in.

The master bedroom had a long, luxurious walk-in closet, filled with plenty of clothes. But the closet wasn't the important part. No. A strange man was standing in the closet. An ugly short guy with a pot belly and receding hairline, wearing nothing but white boxers. Who the hell was he? Did he bring me here? Was he watching me sleep?! I stared at this ugly short guy and I said the first thing that came to mind. "Who the hell are you?" My tone was blunt, unfriendly.

"Who the hell are you?" The man said back.

"Huh?" I scrunched my face. "I asked you a question! Stop repeating me!" I approached the closet. He approached too. Now he was close, close enough for me to clearly see the stupid look of confusion on his face and his spotty, unwashed face.

"God, you're ugly."

I muttered. He muttered the same thing back. My eyebrows furrowed at his attitude. "Who the hell are you talking to?!" I barked. This guy wasn't Mondo, he was short and ugly, I wasn't going to take shit from him! And guess what; the asshole said the exact same thing back!

"Why, you-?!" I raised my thin fist, about to punch the man, but he raised it at the exact same time. Damn, he was quick. My confidence faltered, I flinchedm He flinched, too. I paused. We both paused. I went silent and so did he. I opened my mouth to speak. So did the man. I glanced behind him and noticed that the room he came from was identical to mine. When I looked back, he looked back at the same time... First that bad dream about Mondo, now this? This was getting weird.... The guy mimicked every gesture I made, flawless and quick, almost like a... Like a reflection.

In that moment, I realised that it wasn't a doorway but a mirror. I instinctively felt my face, I felt stick-out teeth and a large forehead and thin black hair with mounting horror as the man in the mirror did the same thing. It began to click that this ugly short balding asshole in the mirror... Was me... And I realised that this guy looked very, very similar to the husband in that NTR manga I read just before I went to sleep....

Oh, god. My brain refused to accept it. My entire body felt as cold as ice. That was me... This was my final thought, until my knees buckled. The world slowly became horizontal. I fainted before my head hit the soft green carpet.

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