
Elimination Operation, Part 3

In a military shelter, moments after the attack on the cult's main base began...

When everything started, Dominic's force was divided into three key points: one led by Glenn, who was in charge of Neil's people, and Negan was to take care of another base with a name seemingly related to blood.

But this time, Negan's strategy was different. He had the smallest number of people, so his attack had to be special and very well planned.

"Let's get out of this damn place!"

"Let's go..."

The roar of a car engine rumbled, and on the smooth cement road, three military trucks carrying forty people passed quickly.

"Damn it, speed up!"

In the passenger seat of the lead truck, a black man with a beret looked towards the main avenue, heading directly to the cult. The smoke visible for miles urged the driver to accelerate.

The scorching sun hanging overhead emitted a blazing light, and sweat continued to slowly slide down his forehead.

Lowering the car window slowly, the leader of this large convoy looked at the approaching black smoke and, for some reason, had an extremely sinister premonition in his heart.


But at that moment, a strange smell suddenly wafted into his nostrils from the window. The leader sniffed slightly and suddenly saw two barrels placed quietly on the road.

The two barrels were simply placed in the middle of the road, blocking the truck's path and evidently stopping their advance.

"Park it!"

Seeing these strange barrels, the convoy leader immediately pressed the driver's shoulder to signal him to stop. He then opened the door, jumped out of the vehicle, slapped the back compartment hard, and called some people, then moved slowly forward.

But when a group of people cautiously approached the two strange barrels, they found that the barrel lids were open and smelled strongly of gasoline.

"What's the situation?"

There were two barrels on the road for no reason, but there was nothing strange about them besides the strong gasoline smell, which made the leader feel dazed. He sniffed the barrels, which seemed to be filled with gasoline.

He looked around carefully, trying to find something indicating a robbery, but aside from flying garbage bags, there were no other figures.

"They're empty!"

"Ha, ha, ha!"

Bang bang bang bang bang!

At that moment, the roar of firearms suddenly came from the front of the road. The sound was obviously distant but definitely came from the front.

"That's coming from the mall!"

Although they didn't know what was up with the two empty gasoline barrels, the leader didn't care at this moment. He kicked the two empty gasoline barrels to the side of the road and then told the others to get back in the vehicles and continue their path towards the cult.


The convoy moved forward again, and the leader only watched the front of the truck window, listening to the gunshots that grew clearer as they advanced, feeling a bit of urgency in his heart.

But before the convoy had moved a few hundred meters, two barrels of the same nature appeared again in the middle of the road, blocking the convoy's advance.

"Damn it, who did this?"

Seeing this situation, the leader frowned deeply, but thinking about what the barrels might contain, he cautiously signaled the others to look ahead again.

But what awaited them this time was still an empty gasoline barrel, and nothing happened again.

At that moment, the gunfire from the distant direction of Teddy's mall became more intense. The convoy leader, who was about to support the cult, suddenly reacted, kicked the empty barrels hard again, and cursed, "Someone put these empty gasoline barrels here. Those delaying our support, let's go!"

Once again, signaling the people to get in the vehicles and move forward, the convoy quickly passed and continued advancing.

Indeed, after traveling another 100 meters, the gasoline barrel placed in the middle of the road appeared again.

"Sons of bitches!"

This time, instead of telling the driver to stop, the leader ordered him sternly to ram it.


The empty gasoline barrels were hit by the trucks, rolling forward like bowling balls and landing on both sides of the road.

"What cunning bastards!"

Seeing this situation, the convoy leader, who was still a bit wary, showed an expected expression as if he had seen through the enemy's trajectory, and a proud look appeared on his face.

After the convoy didn't go far, the two gasoline barrels blocking the road appeared again, but the result was emboldened mercilessly by the truck.

"Hmph, it's just a distraction!"

The doubts in his heart were completely appeased, and no one paid attention to the empty barrels that might appear in front of him. Instead, he listened to the gunshots that were getting closer, thinking about who was attacking the refinery.

Soon, another barrel blocking the road ahead appeared, and the driver didn't pay much attention to it, stepping on the gas and crashing into the barrel.


But unlike the gasoline barrels that were thrown directly into the air several times before, this time the truck hit some hard barrels, the truck body shook violently, and the barrel that flew out splashed an unknown liquid, covering the entire window glass. A strong, strange smell also poured into the car.

With this sudden change, the frightened driver almost instinctively stepped on the brakes.

When he hit the brakes, the trucks behind him also hit the brakes, but their reaction was half a second too late. In an instant, the truck was hit by a series of rear-end collisions.

Fortunately, everyone braked in time. Except for the deformation of the truck's rear door, there were no casualties.

The successive impacts made Perez's head feel like mush. He still hadn't realized what was happening until the strong gasoline smell poured into his nostrils and his face suddenly changed. With an extremely ugly face, he shouted, "Get out of here!"

But before he finished speaking, from a building a kilometer away and nearby, several light machine guns picked up, and bullets flew in the blink of an eye.

The first attacks caused the gasoline-covered truck to explode, killing the leader instantly. They then fired at the stunned, armed men.

And the sparks from the bullets hitting the metal also scattered gasoline all over the truck, and the flickering flames enveloped the car almost in the blink of an eye.

This time, the attack was taken by surprise. The armed members in the car hadn't recovered from the rear-end collision at that moment, and the next second, the dense rain of bullets roared, mercilessly looting the lives in the car.

But some people from the back of the of the truck reacted and quickly jumped out of the truck. But as soon as they jumped out of the truck, the spreading gasoline flames engulfed their bodies, turning them into fried chickens one by one.

The pain caused by the burning was unimaginable, and the shrill screams echoed on the road.

Until the sound of the light machine guns ceased, there was no movement inside the three trucks, only the flickering flames burning the three trucks and the shot bodies inside.

"Mission accomplished!"

After lowering the light machine guns to the ground, Negan rubbed his sore shoulder, looked at the fire in front of him, and said, "It's a real shame; many weapons have been lost."

"Commander, all have been eliminated, and the unassaulted base is vulnerable!"

Hearing these words, Negan approached at some point and said with a smile, "This scum enslaves others and deserves the outcome."

Taking the radio from his vest, Negan reported, "Let the assault team start; we have eliminated at least three hundred armed people!"

"Understood, Captain!"

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