
Chapter 13

"Ser Harrold, ensure my sister's safe return," Aerion commanded.

"Aerion where are you going, in such hurry?" Rhaenyra questioned.

"Back to King'slanding sister, I have things to do and people to meet." Aerion replied.

He left the trio standing under the warm rays of the morning sun and quickly headed towards the camp, his mind already on the journey ahead.

Upon returning to the camp, he sought treatment for his wounded leg. The camp healer, an old woman with wise eyes, tended to his wound with practiced hands.

Once treated, he wanted to inform his father of his decision to return to king'slanding, but the guards informed him, that his father had left for hunting with other lords. So, he didn't wait for his father or sister to return. Instead, he mounted his horse and set off for King'sLanding.


As the morning sun rose high above him, the distant city of King's Landing came into view. On his journey from the king's wood to King's Landing, he had passed through the territories of various lords and knight's. He wasn't merely passing through; he was observing each territory closely, analyzing the development prospects of these places.

He noticed a common trend in most of the territories: the civilians were impoverished while the lords lived in castles. The farmlands were sparse, with vast areas of land remaining unclaimed. The roads were bumpy and poorly maintained. The children showed signs of malnutrition, lacking the vitality seen in many children in King's Landing and other major cities.

He realized that over the centuries of Targaryen rule, little had been done for the civilians. The rulers had allowed only the nobility to thrive and prosper from one generation to the next.

With each passing second, his mind raced, generating more and more ideas. Most of these were influenced by the deeds of various rulers, kings, and politicians that Aerion had inherited from the memories from the memory Orb.

Soon, he reached the gates of King's Landing. Recognizing Aerion, the soldiers immediately opened the gate with respect. Aerion continued on his way, maintaining his observations.

As he walked through the city, Aerion looked around. King's Landing, which had been rectified by his uncle Damon Targaryen, was almost reverting to its previous state, and the level of law and order was declining.

The streets were shabby, dirty, and muddy. A faint odor lingered in the air among the people, and even the wind from the port couldn't dispel the smell from his nostrils.

The streets were crowded with people. Some came from Flea Street, some entered the church from the crowd, and many were buying and selling goods from outside King's Landing in the market.

At this time, King's Landing could still be considered peaceful, but there were far too many poor people in the flea nest. People in shabby clothes mingled in, and pickpockets occasionally stole the wallets of merchants or passersby.

Aerion soon arrived at a particular part of the city where he was greeted by a group of neatly dressed children. "Brother Aerion!" they cheered, rushing towards him. He sighed slightly at the sight.

These children were residents of one of the five orphanages under Aerion's care. During his time in this world, he had not been idle. Maybe because of his early maturity or maybe he himself being a bastard he always believed he should leave king'slanding once he was an adult and wander the world.

For his future goals and a smooth life he had started a small trading company that mostly sold herbal medicine similar to painkiller, Viagra and potions for fever and beauty products and perfumes.

With Quality products thanks to his Alchemy knowledge from the inheritance of bloodmist his company had grown over the years, boasting numerous ships and stores all over Westeros.

His initial motivation was only to gain independence after his sixteenth name day and his aspirations also grew alongside his wealth and profits, he began to provide food and money for the poor in Kingslanding which led to the people of king's landing giving him the nickname the Golden heart prince.

Eventually, he established five orphanages for abandoned children, while his authority was limited and he can only take in children who no one wanted and only in limited quantities.

But his efforts were too little for the city where many bastards of noble lords and abandoned children wander like ants in an ant's nest.

Aerion didn't do it as a show, as he just wanted to show the same kindness his adopted mother had shown for him.

"Brother Aerion, did you come to play with us?" asked a little girl with cute chubby cheeks waking Aerion from his stupor.

He bent down and picked up the little girl. "Amilia, I'm sorry, I can't play today. How about we play another day?"

The little girl pouted. "You always say that."

"No, not this time. I promise I will come another day and then I will take you around the market as well," Aerion said with a smile.

Hearing Aerion's words, the little girl's previous dissatisfaction vanished as she smiled. "Really!"

"Yes, really," Aerion confirmed. Hearing this, the other children also began to clamor, asking Aerion to take them along as well. After a long time of coaxing the children, Aerion was finally able to make his escape after the caretaker controlled the children.

Upon leaving the orphanage, he continued to refine his plans. By the time he reached the Red Keep, he already knew where to start his actions to ensure the stability of House Targaryen and prevent its fall.

His first mission was to give a warning to the most hidden and cowardly enemy of his house, the Maesters, he had already decided to give them a warning if they don't relent to his warning and are still arrogant and confident he doesn't mind using his bloodmist inheritant knowledge for these stubborn scholars.

Over the years he had only used the basic alchemy knowledge from his inheritance of the evil Martial artist master bloodmist the various rituals, arrays and spells similar to bloodmagic of ancient Valeria was left untouched.

But now wasn't the time to do such dangerous stuff as he had to have his father's support and trust so he can start the first phase of his plans to let his sister stabilize her right to the throne.

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