
Chapter 98 Voldemort and Dumbledore

Having caught Harry Potter red-handed, Snape couldn't hide the smirk on his face at all, "Potter, you do remember, don't you, how to get to Professor McGonagall's office?"

Harry glared at Snape with an indignant look on his face.

He was worried about the safety of the Philosopher's Stone, but the other professors were simply ignoring him, especially Professor Snape, who was even pulling his leg.

Noticing Harry's eyes, Snape's gaze was slightly complicated.

But as soon as he saw Harry's face, Snape became slightly nauseous.

"Let's go!"

Bringing Harry and Ron to Professor McGonagall's office, Snape stepped forward and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" Professor McGonagall's voice came from the office.


Snape pushed the door open and signalled with his eyes for Harry and Ron to go in first.

Professor McGonagall was still grading assignments.

There were about a thousand students at Hogwarts, and even if each person only handed in one paper a week, it would still be an extremely large amount of work.

So the task of correcting homework was usually done by special magic quills, and Professor McGonagall would only check a few well-written papers as a sample.


Professor McGonagall looked up, and upon seeing Harry and Ron, her expression immediately slackened, "Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley, what are you two up to again?"

Professor McGonagall was so angry that her high blood pressure almost went off.

If she remembered correctly, this was the third time Harry and Ron had been caught on a night out.

The first time, in the corridor of the third-floor restricted area, the person who caught them was Filch.

The second time, in the Forbidden Forest, it was Hagrid who sent them back.

The third time ... they were caught by Snape as well.

Professor McGonagall didn't know what to say anymore.

There were countless young wizards in the school who liked to wander at night, but Professor McGonagall had never seen one wander at night and get caught so often.

Truly less capable.

Harry bowed his head, he felt a little ashamed and at the same time filled with anger towards Snape, "Professor McGonagall, Professor Dumbledore left the school, that assailant must have taken the opportunity to steal the Philosopher's Stone ..."

"Dumbledore will handle the matter of the Philosopher's Stone himself."

Professor McGonagall looked at Harry with a sullen face and said seriously, "Didn't I tell you boys?"

If Professor McGonagall was proficient in Chinese sayings, she would have understood that Harry was a typical case of the emperor not being in a hurry, but the eunuch was in a hurry.

But this was also the result of multiple factors.

The cold treatment in the Muggle world, the identity of the Saviour, the deduction of points on the first night out, the scepticism of the others, the sense of justice in his heart ...

Simply put, Harry was now too eager to do something befitting of his 'saviour' identity.

But at his core - he was just an eleven-year-old young wizard.

"I ..." Harry opened his mouth but didn't know how to defend himself.

Yeah, a lot of people had told him that the professors would sort this out, but he always pressed on.

"Professor McGonagall, I'll leave them to you." Snape smiled slightly, simply in a great mood.

"Thanks!" Professor McGonagall nodded in acknowledgement.

Snape gave Harry a 'help yourself' look before turning and leaving Professor McGonagall's office.


On the third floor of the castle, in the dark corridor, Quirrell was moving forward slowly, step by step.

"Lord... my lord?"

Quirrell shouted tentatively, "Are you still around?"

No one answered his question in the eerie corridor.

If one looked closely, one would notice that Quirrell's body under his cloak had been shivering.


Opening the door at the end of the corridor, Quirrell bent down and walked in.   

"Ow! Woof-"

The three-headed dog let out a loud bark, and all three dog heads tore towards Quirrell at the same time.

Quirrell panicked and took out a harp from his pocket that was under an Undetectable Extension Charm and waved his wand to make the harp play automatically.

"Owwww ..."

The three-headed dog fell into a deep sleep.

Flopping open the flap door, Quirrell waved his wand and threw a ball of light.

After seeing the mechanism underneath, Quirrell leapt down.

The several levels under the flap door were obviously unable to trap an adult wizard like Quirrell, and after a little effort, Quirrell arrived at the last level protecting the Philosopher's Stone.

Mirror of Erised.

It was a mirror that was tall enough to reach the ceiling, and when Quirrell stood in front of it, he could see himself in the mirror holding the Philosopher's stone in his hand and looking at himself with a smile on his face.

"Philosopher's stone! This is the Philosopher's Stone!"

Quirrell had a bit of a fit and jerked his head around to look at his hand, only to realize that his hand was empty.

"What the hell is Dumbledore up to?"

Furious, Quirrell took out his wand and pointed it at the mirror, but was worried that by destroying the mirror, the Philosopher's Stone would disappear along with it.

"My Lord, my Lord...are you here?"

Quirrell turned to look around, "Lord, I've found the Philosopher's Stone."

Inside the empty stone room, only Quirrell's voice travelled back and forth.

"Lord... lord, are you... are you still here?"

Quirrell was already in a bit of a panic, Voldemort shouldn't have given up on him, right...?

The silhouette in the mirror suddenly began to change, Quirrell turned around sharply to look in a mirror, only to see that the reflection of himself in the mirror was turning a little bit into ... Dumbledore...?

"Da...Dumbledore!?" Quirrell panicked, taking a few feeble steps back and sitting on his butt.

Dumbledore stepped out of the mirror and looked down at Quirrell.

Quirrell's turban had fallen off, revealing his bare head - not a single hair on it, nor Voldemort's pale face.

"Where is Voldemort?" Dumbledore's face was serious.

"I...I don't know..." Quirrell shivered and answered back.

Voldemort didn't move with Quirrell at all; upon entering Hogwarts castle, Voldemort detached himself from Quirrell's body. He told Quirrell to find the Philosopher's Stone first, and that he had things to do.

Dumbledore sighed and simply used the Legilimency.

"Tom...not good!!!"

Dumbledore was shocked in his heart, he didn't have time to deal with Quirrell, he just waved his wand to bind Quirrell, and then used 'Patronus' to notify the other professors in the castle.

After doing this, Dumbledore immediately turned around and left at a fast pace.

Since Voldemort could possess Quirrell, he could naturally possess other people as well.

And at this moment, a qualified body was lying in the school's hospital wing.

Tony Down!

"It's over ..."

Quirrell was devastated.

Voldemort gave up on him, and Dumbledore caught him ... Between these two big men, Quirrell felt as harmless as a sheep.

He didn't resist when Dumbledore appeared just now.

It was also unknown whether Dumbledore would look at this and be a little more lenient with him.

"Waste ..."

Voldemort's irritated voice suddenly rang out, and a black mist quickly floated in from the distance before directly attaching itself to Quirrell's body.

"Lord... My lord!" Quirrell was pleasantly surprised that Voldemort hadn't given up on him.

"Pick up your wand!"

Voldemort bellowed in a sharp tone with a hint of impatience, "Dumbledore informed the others, let's use them to get the philosopher's stone!"


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