
It's time to breed the bunny girl(1)

"Nyx, you mean role-play!?" Yang chen clutched his hands on her shoulder and made her look at him.

Looking at his excited face, Nyx endured her shame and nodded her head. After looking through the magazines, She found that role-play was pretty famous among all the kinks and dreams of many men.


Nyx swallowed her saliva hard as she felt his cock poking against her stomach.


"It got…..even bigger'


Another gulp of saliva went through her throat after feeling his hands wrapped her waist tightly, pressing her stomach against his throbbing shaft and his masculine breath hit her face, making her dazed.

"Nyx, what are you waiting for?"

Yang chen whispered in her ear, his voice deep and laced with overwhelming lust.

"M-master, please wait—hyaa~!"

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