
long day with achievements

Other zombies inevitably came; they were handled by using extra fuel and clothes

The smoke was so thin that their makeshift mask wasn't able to protect them; they felt so comfortable, and with the heat, they felt like they were slowly being cooked After using all the extra fuel and clothes, the only thing that remained were a few weapons and Molotov

It was a huge surprise, but they had to close the gate and now the door that was barricaded was banging so one of them had to go there and lock the gate

Hruday didn't want to go but if no one came up, he would have to because he didn't want to waste the efforts they made

Then it was decided that three of them would go: Mark, Roy, and Michael, who would be ready to pull while defending the door As for 30, he was packing everything up and ensuring their return line

After descending, the zombies were wiggling; some burned to a crisp and looked like an awful steak without removing the plastic cover. The smoke was unbearable; it smelled like a mix of petrol, plastic, and awfully burned meat

They quickly ran towards the gate, only to be attacked by 2 zombies that were attracted by the noise and came first

Roy and Mark first killed the short once and then another and they closed the gate and ran back on their way They made sure to kill a few more half-burned zombies Michael counted his kills They ran around the perimeter, looked at the church which was locked and knocked

Hruday's heart skipped a beat as he was anxiously waiting for their return, only to find a bunch of people following him Shit shit this guy.

We don't even know if we will be able to move safely from the wire slider, let alone these people We can't even check for the bite marks

And these dumb zombies seemed to bang the steel shutter from below continuously for some reason, with every sound making his heart beat faster

And the wind seems to blow the smoke toward them, making him unable to breathe. Cacking, he prayed to god and quickly transported everyone out He still intended to transport one person at a time Luckily, the odds seemed to be in his favor, although some quickly fainted as soon as they arrived, which included all 5 of them

It was a lucky day for him. He felt his higher luck stats had activated at the right time Being able to kill 10s if not hundreds, of zombies without getting injured was a big feat, He always felt lucky but seemed to hate it sometimes, as he thought he would use his luck up As he has experienced, he could get away from trouble, but he wouldn't if he had desired something and coincidentally got it, which he hated as right after that he would either break costly glass sets or get poor scores, etc although this was kind of irrational belief that was proven continuously from childhood 

hruday was woken up for dinner by the aunt he trusted enough to give his house keys At 7:50, he rubbed his chest as he heard a little bit of a whistling sound and felt a little itchy in his chest, a sign that hruday knew all too well

signing hruday woke everyone up each had a funny reaction Roy woke up his eyes bloodshot, and sandt fuming with anger because Michael was not letting him sleep for 5 more minutes 

Michael, on the other hand, kept mumbling, Let me sleep. I need to read that book; it's best to get girls half asleep. He also mumbled a few other rather funny thoughts. 

As Troy sprung into action with his bloodshot eyes, trying to shake off imaginary beings and run, he quickly realized he felt embarrassed when the aunt chuckled and Michael exaggerated his action 

this was all making Roy enraged When he was trying to get a little extra sleep, Mark woke up shortly before Roy in a mundane manner 

seeing all this made hruday wonder how humans try to find happiness even in these kinds of situations He felt the last few days were really long, which sounded rather harsh yet it made sense or he wondered if they were an odd bunch removing useless thoughts, He went and did some breathing exercises to clear his lungs, which was a potentially bad idea as one of the exercises would strain his lungs but after exercise, half of it was cleaning his nose 

he went and ate dinner, which was rice and radish sambar He ate just enough that he wouldn't feel hungry, as he didn't want a heavy stomach as he had so many things to think about, but ended up eating as his aunt forced him to eat after serving everyone, saying that it would go to waste and young people should eat till their stomachs bulge. Of course, this included not only him but everyone who didn't come to get the second serving

Tory was having a hard time sweating and drinking water to get the food down to his throat Troy was not able to throw the food without getting rid of the watchful mocking eyes of Michael, and Michael, as gluttonous as he was, emptied his plate first only to get third serving, regretting his decision 

hruday mind wondered seeing this after the Apocalypse started he felt every day was longer, unlike before, when days seemed to pass by like minutes 

hruday was rather safe as he came last, calling anyone interested to have some more, which saved him from having to eat that much food 

Hruday spent time planning and preparing for his next step First, he gathered all the seeds and spared them with water to make sprouts, then he divided new survivors and assigned them 3 more rooms

In total, there were 13 people, with 5 being male and the rest being female. Most of them were in their 40s or 30s, except one 10-year-old child. hruday was anxious and relieved at the same time anxious because now with these new people, they could build stuff, but it also meant their food reserve was going to end, and well, it had already ended; they only had rice and other stuff, but veggies wouldn't even last one day.

He was hesitating; for them to survive, he needed more working hands As brute as it sounded, hruday genuinely hoped that there were no extremely old or young people, He didn't want more people who were burdens; he didn't want them at all, not until everything was organized and the good thing was nature was always cruelly fair, People who survived were mostly fit, young, healthy individuals,

Hruday decided he would make proper rules and roles tomorrow.

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