
Chapter 329: When Mr. Fool Draws the Fool Card

Chapter 329: When Mr. Fool Draws the Fool Card


Will entered Hastur's dream through a paper crane, something he hadn't done in a while.

"Sleeping during the day? Did something urgent happen?"

Will, dressed in a casual Intis-style outfit, had grown slightly taller since Hastur left Beckland.

"You are about to have trouble."

"Hah, as long as you all don't bother me, I won't have any trouble."

Hastur raised an eyebrow slightly. "True, then I won't disturb you. Good luck."

"Wait." Will hurriedly blocked Hastur's path, a fawning smile on his face. "It's been a while since we last talked. Let's chat a bit more."

"Then let's talk about the new ice cream flavors in Beckland."


Will sighed. "I'm still a kid. Do you have to be so difficult with me?"

"Ha, we're both ancient beings."

Hastur teased, then informed Will about Ouroboros heading to Beckland, emphasizing that Ouroboros was certain Will was hiding there.

Will frowned and complained, "Did you sell me out to that stupid snake?"

"Besides me, don't you have other contacts?"

Hastur didn't spell it out clearly.

"Sigh, it's his unfortunate fate, but why does it involve me?" Will sighed like an old man, "Now I have to play hide and seek with that stupid snake again. How annoying."

Seeing Will's lack of concern, Hastur ended the dream.

The Hall of Stars

Hastur began contemplating how to handle Klein.

With Ouroboros heading to Beckland, it was a good opportunity to let Klein go.

But before letting him go, Hastur could chat with him, giving him a warning to be more careful in the future.

If it weren't for this coincidence, Klein would have died at Ouroboros' hands or Mr. A's.

If that happened, it was uncertain whether the Lord of Mysteries would awaken directly from Klein's body or send a new experiment from the Source Castle.


Under the starry sky, the waves had calmed, peaceful and gentle.

Klein sat at the stern, enduring hunger, holding a fishing rod and watching the float on the sea.

Perhaps it was the bait, but the fish just wouldn't bite.

If no fish bit, he'd have to endure another day of hunger.

Since boarding the ship, Mr. A had guarded the cabin door daily, preventing Klein from sneaking in and not allowing him out of sight.

At first, Klein thought it was a good thing, at least his life was somewhat secure.

But Mr. A ignored him, let alone prepared food for him.

Klein didn't dare enter the gray fog to ask Miss Justice for delicious food in front of Mr. A.

He could only carefully pick up the fishing rod, hoping to catch some fish to meet his basic needs.

But the fish just wouldn't bite.

In his past life, Klein often saw posts on social networks about anglers catching nothing all day. He never thought he'd become a qualified "air force" member one day.

Mr. A, guarding the cabin door, glanced at Klein mockingly.

Those who can't fend for themselves deserve to go hungry.

During his time on the ship, Mr. A ate every few days, needing only some fish blood to sustain himself.

Fishing was easy for him; he used his flesh as bait and could easily catch large fish weighing over ten pounds.

They eat his flesh, and he drinks their blood. It's fair.

Suddenly, a splash was heard. Mr. A glanced at the stern, but Klein, who had been fishing, was gone.

He didn't get up to search, nor did he care if Klein escaped.

Fools and incompetents don't deserve to survive.

This sea area was a forbidden zone, with no ships passing by.

Trying to swim away was a death wish.

After a few minutes, a sound came from the stern again.

Klein, soaking wet, threw a seven or eight-pound fish onto the deck.

He panted, used paper to cut the fish open, removed the organs, washed it with seawater, and sliced the fish into thin sashimi.

Unfortunately, there was no wasabi or soy sauce, so he had to make do.

Klein sighed, glanced at Mr. A, who was still watching, and turned his back to enjoy his delayed dinner.

Late Night

The cold sea wind carried moisture, making Klein's clothes damp and causing him to sneeze repeatedly.

Affected by Mr. A's disease ability during their fight, Klein was already weak. Now, the sea breeze made it worse.

His head was heavy, his nose blocked, his body cold and wet. He could only shiver to generate some heat.

He glanced at the cabin, but even Mr. A only guarded the door, so Klein had no chance to rest inside, despite the many rooms.

After a while, he looked up at the starry sky.

Tonight, the stars were exceptionally bright, illuminating the sky even without the crimson moon.

In the starlight, the mysterious figure from the day appeared again.

Klein shivered, his mind clearing.

But he didn't make a sound.

The starlight, holy and majestic, shone on the figure.

Evil god? True Creator?

Could it be?

Klein wondered, then suppressed the thought. Everyone knew such evil gods hid their true forms, appearing in more approachable guises.

The figure seemed to sense his gaze and slowly descended to the deck.

Mr. A, always alert, immediately stood by, ready to serve.

"I have a tarot deck here. Do you want to try your fate?"

Hastur spoke, and twenty-two tarot cards floated in a circle in the air.

No, I don't want to.

Klein wanted to refuse, remembering his first tarot reading in this world, where he drew the Fool card, which had since entangled his fate.

If he drew the Fool card again in front of this mysterious figure, would they see through his true identity as the Fool?

But facing the figure's gaze, Klein knew he couldn't escape. He reluctantly got up, walked over, and drew a card with Mr. A.

Unsurprisingly, he drew the Fool card!

Klein's mind buzzed, his lips dry, his face pale.

In contrast, Mr. A, who drew the Hanged Man card, was ecstatic.

"Hanged Man, sacrifice and burden. You are a devout believer."

Hastur affirmed Mr. A's faith, making him tremble with excitement.

Then Hastur looked at the dazed Klein, glanced at the Fool card, and smiled. "Fool, a new beginning, a new journey."

Klein stiffened, every pore exuding cold.

Was it his imagination, or did Hastur pause when saying "Fool"?

Had they seen through his true identity?


That was Klein's only thought, but he knew he couldn't escape unless allowed.

Forcing a smile, he said, "It's a nice card. I like it."

Hastur said no more, collected the tarot cards, and vanished.

Exposing the disguise would end here. Continuing might drive Klein to despair.

Better to leave Mr. Fool some dignity.

Mr. A left, continuing to guard the cabin door.

Klein returned to his spot, sighing heavily.

That was too intense. His heart couldn't take it.

A few more times, and his heart might break from the stress.

Fourth Day on the Ship

Klein grew weaker, the lack of rest and food taking a toll.

That afternoon, a ship passed nearby, and Klein's eyes lit up. He glanced at Mr. A.

Mr. A hadn't killed him and had taken him off the island, seemingly helping him.

"Remember, this is the Lord's gift."

With that, Mr. A pushed Klein off the ship, letting him board the passing vessel.

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