
Hermione's Apology

Hermione sobbed harder. Mrs. Granger said "I have no doubt that you have destroyed a very special relationship. It's obvious that you and your friends have pushed Harry past his breaking point and deserve everything you are going through at the moment. It is my hope that you can at least get on speaking terms with him again even if it is only to ask him how you could satisfy the debt. If it was me, I'd hope that he would just ask you to never speak with him again to act as the payment."

Hermione looked up with her mouth hanging open. She finally croaked out "I thought you were on my side."

Mr. Granger answered "This isn't about sides but about right and wrong. I can't help but be disappointed in your actions as honor and loyalty are a very important part of who I am. The fact that you spied on Harry for several years makes me wonder if you ever listened to anything I ever taught you. It would be even worse if you were paid to do it."

Hermione paled even more which didn't go unnoticed by anyone in the room.

Mrs. Granger added "You have a lot to think about young lady. Somewhere during your time in this world, you lost who you are and I don't think you can blame Harry for it."

"Yes ma'am. I want you both to know that I'm sorry for letting you down."

As he was walking out of the door without even giving his daughter a hug, Mr. Granger said "We're not who you need to be apologizing to and we will settle on your punishment when you get home. Since you earned money from the Headmaster, I can assume that you no longer need your allowance for books. I hope you're proud of yourself as you not only betrayed a friend but you prostituted yourself in the process."

The harsh words hit Hermione like a freight train and she began sobbing hysterically. Molly looked at Mrs. Granger for a minute before she tried to go comfort the girl. Mrs. Granger said "Leave her. This is evidently a lesson she needs to learn the hard way."

Arthur was still sitting there in silence before he looked up and said "Bill and Charlie, I'm sorry you had to come home for this. Could I impose on you to make sure the Grangers are returned to their home? I really don't know what to say and can only blame myself as a father for not raising better children. Hermione, I'm sure Martin feels the same way."

Mrs. Granger finally asked "What did he threaten you with?"

Ron stupidly said "He was going to take away my spending money."

The rest of his family was shooting him glares as Hermione muttered "He said he would keep me away from Harry. He said he would expel me for cheating and have my wand snapped and would make sure I never saw Harry again."

The whole family watched as Arthur got up from his chair and walked out of the door. They sat there for an hour waiting for Arthur to come back which never happened. Bill stood and said "If Harry returns I expect you all to stay away from him until we can figure something out. If I even hear or any of you antagonizing Mr. Potter again, I will come home and personally raise stripes on your backsides and that includes you Percy. If I can't get here, I'll send Charlie to do it for me."

Ron said "I don't understand why you are all worrying about that git. It's not like he could do anything against us. The way I see it, he owes me money for causing me to not get paid anymore."

Charlie stood and walked over to Ron. Before Ron knew it, he was on the floor with a hand print across his face. "Mr. Potter is the Heir to a Most Ancient and Noble house. Not only does he have that on his side but we have the matter of the life debt that he holds over Ginny as well as Hermione. Everything I've ever been told about him tells me he's an honorable young man and would never do anything to harm either one of them but if this family keeps antagonizing him that could change. I prefer my baby sister as she is."

Arthur found himself walking around Black Lake with Martin Granger keeping step with him. Neither man was talking as they were both lost in their own thoughts of how they had failed as a father. As the fates would sometimes do, they came to a stop as they stood facing the Diggory and Jones families. Arthur looked up and his face flushed. "Hello Amos and Reggie. I hope things are well with you and your families."

Amos replied "As good as can be expected. I hope it is the same with yours."

Arthur sagged a little and said "Please forgive me, this is Martin Granger. He asked to accompany me today so that he could discuss things with his daughter. Much like I have done with my own family. I…I want to thank you both for what you are trying to do for Harry. He's a good boy and doesn't deserve what he has been put through. I…I deeply regret my family's involvement in this whole thing."

Reginald replied "We're only doing what we feel is right. It doesn't hurt that our children are the only friends that he feels he has left in the castle."

Both men winced at that comment. Arthur said "Yes, another regret that I must find a solution to. Amos and Reginald, may I have your permission to ask your heirs a sensitive question?"

Reginald snorted "You may ask. I can't say whether you will like the answer you get as my heiress is very protective of her boyfriend."

Arthur tried to smile but it was a half hearted attempt at best. "I can understand. Harry is a very special young man and I have done my best to help him but evidently that wasn't enough. Cedric and Megan, have you heard anything that would lead you to believe that the Headmaster has done anything to Harry that would push him to the point he is at now? We've just learned that Hermione was coerced into some of the things she has done and we were told it was at the behest of the Headmaster."

Cedric and Megan both looked at each other. "The answer is yes Mr. Weasley but I'm sorry to say that to tell you more would betray confidences that we are not willing to break."

"And I would not ask you to. I love him like he is my own and only want him to be happy. My family has done enough to him and I would not want to visit any more grief upon him. I would like to ask you to do me a favor. Would you ask him if he could set aside differences with my family long enough to meet with me. I feel as the head of my family it is my duty to apologize for the actions of my children. He may not want to take advantage of it but I will always there for him and I will meet him any place he wants. I also offer my help in what you are doing for Harry."


It was another week and a half before Madam Pomfrey gave Harry the potion to slowly wake him. As he came around, he felt a weight on his chest and looked around the dark hair only to see it was Megan. She started to stir as he moved a little but when he croaked out "Meg", she realized where she was and jumped straight out of bed.


He laughed at her before trying to reach for the glass of water he saw on the table beside his bed. She saw what he was doing and grabbed for it. In her nervousness and embarrassment from him catching her sleeping with him, she managed to dump half of the water down the front of his hospital gown. She blushed furiously before she dried him off with a wave of her wand. "I'm so sorry Harry."

"That's okay Meg. I was having these great dreams that I actually gathered up the courage to ask you out and you said yes. Did I get it confused and really asked you to marry me?"

She warily said "No, you asked and I said yes to be your girlfriend. We are only fifteen Harry. Why would we be married?"

"Well I woke up with you in bed with me and thought I might have missed something."

She blushed bright red and then jumped back on him giving a tight hug. "I'm sorry. While you were asleep, I started studying in here and I guess last night I got sleepy so I crawled up next to you and took a nap. I guess the nap must have lasted all night."

Poppy burst through the door and said "Oh good, you're both finally awake. I was beginning to think I needed to give Megan the potion with you two being in bed together and so soon after you started dating. I think you beat your father and mother on that one Harry. It was a year before I had to give Lily the potion and they were seventeen."

Both kids started blushing as Poppy started laughing at their discomfort. When she settled down, she said "Oh you two are too easy. Megan was exhausted and I let her sleep."

Megan said "But curfew."

"I sent Pomona a message saying you were in my care for the night."

Megan said "Thank you Poppy, you're the best."

"I know but don't think I'm going to let it happen very often. I know you've been working yourself very hard lately."

Harry looked back and forth between them and asked "Um…what's going on?"

Megan smiled at him. "Poppy told me your plan and I've been trying to catch up to where you are in your studies. I thought with us working together and a little help from Cedric, I can join you in taking OWLs during the summer. Dad is already sending us the books and between the efforts of Poppy, Dad, and Uncle Amos, we have an exam date set for early July that no one knows about."

Harry looked at them for a minute before he finally said "Sounds like you've been busy. Anything else I need to know about?"

Since it was still very early, Poppy said "I'll check on you a little later so that you can talk. Miss Jones, I expect you to stay above the blankets."

Harry said "Um….Poppy? Could you do something about my breath? If my incredible girlfriend tries to kiss me, I'd be afraid of the damage it would cause our relationship. My tongue tastes like it has been licking the wrong side of a Hippogriff."

"And how would you know this?"

"I don't. I'm just saying."

Poppy chuckled and then waved her wand over his mouth. After she was done, he smacked his mouth and then said "Hit me again. Those potions must have been especially nasty."

She did it again and he said "Much better. Thanks Poppy."


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