After entering August, Shen Yunfang became even busier.
Early in the morning, Shen Yunfang got up without going out. After drinking a cup of hot sheep's milk, she dived into the backyard to start picking vegetables. The vegetables in the backyard were all ripe.
String beans, eggplants, persimmons, large chili peppers, small chili peppers, cucumbers—she picked the large ones, and left the overripe ones untouched, saving them for seeds later on.
When planting, Shen Yunfang had collected seeds from several families, so there were many varieties, including several types of string beans.
There were Curved Yellow, Rabbit's White Eye, and Oil Beans.
She took a few empty baskets to sort and store the vegetables. Once enough had been picked, she poured the vegetables into the space, pre-divided into roughly one-square-meter-sized cells.
There wasn't much space left, so it couldn't be wasted carelessly.