
Entering Punk Hazard

Continuing where we left off


Another week passed after dealing with Z and returning the secret weapons to the old man on the island. Now with the group back out to sea we are dealing with a storm.

The storm itself is not something new, but what is in front of us is. An island on fire as well as having lava is seen and Nami already warns that the compass is out of control. 

Unfortunately, like last time, Luffy already ordered us to enter the burning island with the fearful trio trying to convince Luffy to give up the idea. I, on the other hand, already know where we are and it's at the entrance to the crazy smoke scientist's base. 

💭 We finally arrived at Punk Hazard....

Suddenly everyone hears crying coming from inside Sunny and when we go to see, we see that it is Den Den mushi who is crying. 

💭 I still can't understand how a slug became a telephone and a communicator.

Luffy: Hey, what's this? Is Den den mushi crying? Hey, what's the problem?! Do you have a stomach ache? - Luffy asks what is essentially a phone. 

Sanji:Idiot! This is an emergency signal. There's someone asking for help. - Sanji explains to Luffy that he still seems confused. 

Luffy: If I answer will we hear someone else? - Luffy asks Sanji, but Robin interferes. 

Robin: Wait, Luffy! More than 50% of emergency requests are fake! It could be a Navy trap, one they use a lot, in fact. If the line is tapped, they'll find out where we are. - Robin is alert, being serious, but I don't see a change in expression coming from Luffy. 

💭 Ironically, the Navy is also here, but in another corner of the island. 

Usopp:This is our Robin! Hey, Luffy, you have to be careful... - Usopp was going to continue, but he went into shock when Luffy answered the call. 

Luffy: Hello? My name is Monkey D Luffy and I will become the Pirate King! - When I heard this coming from Luffy, I put a hand on my face and let out a sigh of disappointment. 

The person on the other end of the line starts to beg for help, but it seems like he can't hear Luffy's voice on the line, the man said it's in a cold place and the name of the place is Punk Hazard, he also said that a samurai is after him, but unfortunately he died before speaking further. 

That alone was enough to leave Chopper and Usopp shaking with fear and refusing to go to the island. Zoro asked Brook about the samurai, and Brook explained to him about the country of Wano where the world government has no control. 

💭Well, it's going to take a while for us to get to Kaido's little house. 

Unfortunately for the trio of cowards, Luffy gave the order to help the person who asked for help on Punk Hazard, the problem is who goes to the island. 

Sanji:So who's going to the island? As we're not sure of anything, shouldn't we all go - Sanji asks looking at everyone. 

Luffy: Franky, I'm going to need the Mini-merry. - Luffy said this when mentioning Sunny's boat. 

Franky: Leave it to me! - Franky responds by giving a thumbs up. 

Nami: Wait a minute! Are you going there alone? - Nami said this, not liking Luffy's idea. 

Luffy:Why? Any problems with that? - Luffy asks, pouting like a child. 

Nami: I do have a problem! If we let you go alone you'll end up disappearing without even saying anything! -Nami scolds Luffy that he is not happy. 

💭She has a point there.

Sanji: Okay, he needs someone to go with him, but we can't choose just any green-haired freak. - Sanji said, teasing Zoro as always. 

Zoro:What do you mean by that?! I'm going to split you in half, you crazy cook! - Zoro responds, starting an argument between the two.

Saito: How about we decide using this. - I say this by showing the toothpicks to the group. 

They agreed on my idea and each took one and the people who will explore together with Luffy are: Zoro, Robin and Usopp, the rest stay inside Sunny. 

Usopp was not happy with his bad luck and he begged someone to change places with him, but no one offered. 

With that, Luffy, Zoro, Usopp and Robin went to the island with the help of Nami's clouds serving as a bridge. With the group entering the island the rest were left with nothing to do, I decided to go to my rest station. 


Minutes passed and the remaining group was dealing with the heat emanating from the island's fire and each one is dealing with the heat in their own way: Franky is drinking a soda, Chopper is eating an ice cream (which is melting quickly), Nami is drinking lemonade, Brook the same thing as Nami and I'm just relaxing as if the heat was nothing to me and Sanji is in the kitchen making food.

Chopper:Saito, how are you not sweating? - He asks this question barely managing to eat his ice cream. 

Saito: I just don't get sweaty very easily. - I say this without mentioning the fact that my father and I took a sauna bath in the lava of a volcano. 

Nami:So you're not human! Is it impossible that you are not being affected by this heat?! - Nami said, not believing my words.

Saito: Again, I have high resistance to heat and cold. - I say this not caring if Nami doesn't believe me. 

Nami watched what was happening on the island and noticed that the place was divided into an area of fire and an area of ice, but before she could speak further Nami began to feel weak, I immediately knew the reason for that. 

💭It looks like they arrived.....

Nami falls unconscious along with Chopper, Brook and Franky, I am also affected by the gas, but not at a level that bothers me too much. 

💭 I better play dead so as not to raise suspicion, but if they try to take my swords they will regret it. 

I pretend to fall unconscious and I hear footsteps approaching, Sanji leaves the kitchen and he too is caught by the gas.

With that we were taken to the base of the villain of this saga and luckily his servants were stupid (or arrogant) not to take my swords. 


After a while I wake up and see that I'm in a metal prison and the rest of the group is together.

Nami:You finally woke up, Saito. I thought I would have woken you up by force. - Nami said, looking a little grumpy and depressed. 

Saito:Hai,hai, I'm already awake. Hmmm..... It feels like we're in a prison.  Those guys caught us by surprise with that gas. - I say this getting up from the floor. 

Franky: If they caught us, where is Brook? - Franky asks the group. 

Nami:I don't know. Only the five of us are here. - Nami responds. 

Chopper: If they're after humans, they wouldn't need a skeleton. - Chopper said this crying. 

Franky: You're not human, Chopper. - Franky said this, not understanding Chopper's logic. 

Sanji: Neither do you! Enough of that! - Sanji responds by losing his patience. 

It was at that moment that the group heard another voice, however unknown. And the voice of Kin'emon who has his head cut into 8 pieces because of Law. 

This scared Chopper, but made the rest curious about the samurai's situation. Franky tried to fix his face, but it didn't work out very well, Nami also tried, but it didn't work either, luckily I decided to intervene and put the pieces in the right places. 

Saito: Okay, I think everything is ok? - I say this looking at Kin'emon. 

Kin'emon: Yes, my face is right. Thank you very much, young man. - Kin'emon thanks you. 

Kin'emon said that he is like this because he was cut into pieces by Law, and Kin'emon thought he had died, but that didn't happen due to the power of Law's Devil Fruit. Unfortunately, no one in the group took much faith in what happened to Kin'emon and he noticed it. 

Kin'emon: I wish I could cut my belly open and die in solitude, but....I need to do something, even if it means living in disgrace! - Kin'emon declares with great fervor. 

💭Doesn't he have a wife? Why do you want to kill yourself? 

Nami:By the way, do you know where we are, old man? - Said Nami, tilting her body to get a better look at the samurai, and Kin'emon is offended at being called the old man. 

Kin'emon: Old man?! Women can't address warriors like that! Women must walk three steps behind men and must speak with modesty and humility! - Said Kin'emon talking about the women of Wano. 

💭Hmm.... wow I feel like going to Wano now... 

Nami:What did you say, jerk? You're nothing but a severed head!  How can you say that to someone who just helped you? - Nami said, pinching the samurai's face. 

Saito:Nami, let him go, after all his situation is humiliating enough. - I say this making Nami stare at me for a few seconds until she lets him go, giving a "Hmpf" in response. 

Kin'emon:What country did you come from?! To have so much rudeness and ignorance.... But someone must have cut off your clothes and hurt you. I feel your pain. - Kin'emon said, thinking that something serious happened to Nami. 

Nami:No one tore my clothes! I dress like this! - Nami said, pointing at herself, leaving the samurai surprised. 

Kin'emon:How obscene! You only have a cloth covering your breasts! - Kin'emon said angrily. 

Nami: You didn't like it? - Nami-san asks with a smile that I know very well. 

💭Here we go again...

Kin'emon: No, I loved it! - Kin'emon responds without thinking twice and he soon receives several kicks to the face courtesy of Sanji. 

💭What surprises me is that he has a wife and he is acting like this. But I can't say anything, I'm in a similar situation.

After that, Kin'emon ends up finding out that we are pirates and he immediately doesn't become friendly with us, but he said that this is an ice base and that we are on the other side of the Island. 

Nami:We need to get out of here and look for someone who knows what's going on. - Nami said looking at the group. 

Saito: Finally! Time to get out of this prison. - I say this by punching the door making a bang. 

Nami: Why didn't you do this when you woke up?! - Nami says this, approaching me furiously. 

Saito: You didn't ask. - I say that and receive a punch in the face from Nami.

Before we leave, Sanji reveals that Kin'emon is from Wano and that he is probably the samurai who killed the man who asked for help at Den Den mushi, Kin'emon argues saying that he is looking for his son and that he is going to kill anyone who gets in his way. 

💭Well he's actually Oden's son, but they don't know that. 

Our enemies appear and Franky dealt with them without problem and we began our escape. Eventually we arrive in a room that appears to be children's and the most surprising thing is there are giant children. 

Sanji: Giant children?! -Sanji said, shocked at what he was seeing. 

Nami:What's going on? - Nami said this also in shock.

Franky: They're a bunch of brats! What place is this?! 

Saito: This looks like a room for a daycare center, the problem is that the children are very "grown up" - I say this making a joke that irritates Nami. 

Nami: Saito is not the time for your bad jokes! - Nami responds, clearly not liking my jokes. 

Saito:Hey! Let me at least lighten the mood. - I say this a little offended.

The situation we are in is quite "bizarre", the room we are in was clearly made for children, however some children are an abnormal size.

But the situation gets worse when the children see Franky's appearance and they are immediately amazed and the situation loses complete control. 

The kids started having fun with Franky, Chopper and Sanji (who isn't happy at all). To be honest, seeing this brings a smile to my face. 

Nami:Hey, someone listen to me! - Nami shouted, but received no response as the children were too happy to care. 

I go to her laughing at the situation that is happening, since the two of us are the only ones the kids aren't messing with. 

Saito: Let the children have some fun Nami. It looks like Franky got a fan club and Chopper became a pet, I can't say the same for Sanji. Furthermore, I don't see many toys around here, which leads me to believe that they don't have anything new to distract them. - I say this with my arms crossed next to her and Nami lets out a sigh and she smiles right after. 

Nami:You're right, Saito. I think they deserve it. - Nami said with a happy smile on her face as she watches the children playing. 

From an outsider's perspective, she would think that Nami and I are watching our children at daycare, because that's what I'm feeling right now. 

💭Hmpf! Like if Nami and I are going to have a daughter in the future, I highly doubt that will happen.


Unfortunately the pleasant atmosphere is destroyed when Kin'emon shouts asking where Oden's son is.

Obviously the children were scared and they started to cry and scream, knowing that we could no longer stand still we started to run away. 

During our escape, Franky ends up telling one of the children that we are from outside the island and have a ship, which made the child ask for our help to get off the island, leaving the group surprised. 

The situation becomes more and more complicated when the guards start telling the children to stop running and get away from us. 

Guard 1: Hey, kids! Those people were scary! You need to get away from them! - Said the guard, trying to sound friendly to the children. 

Child 1:Is that true? They didn't look bad! - A Child responds. 

Guard 2: They tricked you. - Said another guard. 

Child 2: So the beetle robot was a villain? The raccoon?  - Another child asks. 

Guard 1: Yes. - the Guard responds. 

Child 3: Even the guy with the spiral eyebrows? - Said a child mentioned Sanji. 

Guard 1: That's right. We will protect you. We will protect our sick children. We'll put them to sleep with our cloud guns. The Guard said, not sounding friendly at all. 

However, this did not convince the children, after all they know very well their fate if they stay, but they continue to beg for our help, they want to see the outside world, see their parents again... anything as long as they leave this room. 

I immediately stop running, leaving the others surprised and face the children with a smile similar to Luffy's. 

Saito: Right! I will help you! - I say this making the group stop running at the same time. 

Sanji:Are you crazy, Saito?! We're not even sure if they need to be saved! They said these kids are sick, so this might be a hospital! We just met them and we don't even know what's going on here! It is not our duty to help everyone we meet! - Sanji said this trying to argue with my choice, I just look at him with a neutral expression.

Saito:Sanji, if this was a hospital, then why were we arrested? Why are children begging for our help? If what you said were true the circumstances would be different. But you're right about one thing, Sanji, it's really not your duty to help anyone you meet, but that doesn't apply to me, if you have any problems you can go ahead and I'll catch up with you on the way. Are you going too, Nami? - I say this looking at her who is clearly in an emotional conflict, but she has reached a decision.

Nami:I understand the situation we are in.....but...I will not turn my back on a child begging for help!!! - When Nami said that she couldn't help but smile and Sanji was left without answers. 

During this, one of the guards who lost his patience gets ready to shoot a child, Nami runs to stop him, but she won't get there in time, but I immediately appear in front of the guard and kick him in the face, making him hit the wall, making a loud bang. 

Saito: You're lucky there are kids watching because if it weren't for that, you'd all be in pieces. - I say this with a sadistic smile, leaving the guards afraid of me. 

With that the rest of the group entered the fight, Chopper, Franky and Sanji entered the fight and Sanji himself began to act like a cattle, talking about how he was falling even more in love with Nami, as if everything he said moments ago was lie. 

Saito: Chopper, go ahead with Nami. - I say this looking at him. 

Chopper:Yes, I will protect her. - Chopper responds. 

Saito:Okay, kids! Follow the pretty busty girl and the Kung Fu raccoon. - I say this, leaving Nami blushing for what I said in front of the children. 

Nami: Saito! Don't say that about me in front of them! - Nami said this feeling embarrassed and I burst out laughing. 

With that the children thank me and they leave together with the duo, leaving me, Sanji and Franky in the room. 

Sanji:You don't have to stay, Franky. - Sanji said with a smile. 

Franky:Disappointing mechanized Franky fans is not something I would do! - Franky responds with a confident smile. 

Saito: Alright guys! Let's put an end to these bastards! - I say this by staying in position.

To be continued...

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