

Chapter 6


Vince sat down on a seat inside of the train and frowned. (I have a feeling something is going to happen soon.)

[Do you know where you're going to start looking Vince?] Yume asked seriously.

Vince took out his gray cellphone from his pocket and shrugged. "Some national monument or temple that's older than me."

Yume sweatdropped, [You really don't know, do you?]

"No." Vince admitted before continuing. "But I do know that I should start somewhere, where tourists go to. If I ask the locals, I'm sure they would know something. It also helps that they're a bit famous."

[You do have a point, but you should have at least studied a little in Kyoto before going.] She chided.

"I'm not their for sightseeing Yume." He replied stubbornly.

Yume sighed and nodded. [I understand, but try to relax a little Vince. It would do you good and Kyoto is very peaceful.]

"I'll do that if I have some spare time." Vince answered her.

"We have arrived at Kyoto." The train conductor announced, over the intercom.

(Guess that's my que to go.) Vince got up from his seat and left.


Vince's eyes widened as he walked out of the train station. (It's air here is very peaceful. I guess Yume was right.)

[Do you feel it Vince? The peaceful energy here in Kyoto, it's so relaxing.] Yume said happily.

"Yeah... I feel very calm." Vince took a deep breath and exhaled. "Let's get started."


(Two Hours Later)

Vince sighed as he sat down on a bench near that was located near a temple. (The locals haven't seen Kasumi or Hayate.)

He turned around and noticed a statue right behind him. "Yume, is it me or am I getting the feeling someone is watching me?"

[It's not you Vince. Someone is watching us, you may be a human, but they know that your an outsider and that you're well aware of youkai.] Yume answered seriously.

"Great..." Vince got up from the bench and started walking. (I better get moving and get some information quickly. I prefer not to be watched by anyone.)

Vince continued walking until he noticed a blonde haired little girl sitting on a bench, wearing a shrine maiden's outfit with fox ears and a fox tail. (A fox youkai? I never thought I would see one in person.)

The little girl sighed in frustration causing Vince to raise an eyebrow. (That's weird. Seeing a little kid frustrated everyday.)

"Excuse me, is everything okay?" Vince asked as he walked up to her.

The little girl looked surprised but shook her head. "I'm okay mister."

"Are you sure? You looked really frustrated." He said looking at her.

"I-It's nothing."

"Alright then." Vince took out a picture and showed it to the little girl. "Have you seen these two? I'm looking for them, their names are Kasumi and Hayate."

"No I haven't, sorry." The girl said not really paying attention to the photo.

Vince nodded and pocketed the picture. "Thanks."

At that moment three people surrounded both Vince and the little girl. Each wearing mysterious robes with the hood covering their faces. The first chuckled and spoke up. "How lucky, we've managed to get the leader's daughter right in our sights."

"W-Who are you?" The girl asked confused and slightly scared.

"That doesn't matter, just be a good girl and come with us." The man said chuckling.

The girl immediately went behind Vince as he sighed. (I'm just going to go by sterotypes, but I think those are Magicians.)

"Hey boss, what do we do about that guy?" The second magician asked looking at Vince.

"Kill him, we don't need any witnesses." The first magician answered.

The second magician stuck out his hand and released a magic bullet at Vince, to which he responded by creating a small shield of water that appeared in front of him. The little girl and the magician's eyes widened.

Vince immediately glared at the Magicians. "You three idiots are going to regret doing that."

The four magicians glared back at him and fired multipled magic bullets at him. Vince scooped up the little girl in his left arm, surprising her and enveloped his legs in lightning. He quickly jumped out of the way and sprayed them with water from his right hand. (Guess this means I'll have to take them down quickly.)

The three magicians coughed and hacked as the water completely enveloped them. "Is he a magician too!?"

"It doesn't matter, kill him and capture the girl alive!" The magician ordered.

Vince put down the little girl and turned to her. "Stay here, cover your ears and close your eyes. You don't want to see what I'm going to do to them."

The little girl nodded abit scared and closed her eyes. "Be careful!"

The magicians continued to fire magic bullets at Vince to which he immediately responded by rolling out of the way, as he coated his arms and legs in water.

The magicians continued launching magic bullets at Vince to which he ducked, dodged and weaving through the volley of magic bullets. He gritted his teeth in pain as a magic bullet grazed through his skin as he continued evading the magic bullets.

The water coated in Vince's arms lashed out like a whip and grabbed a Magician by the neck. He immediately pulled the magician towards him and quickly used him as a shield as the other magicians fired magic bullets, each bullet piercing through the magician instead of Vince, who continued to use him as a human shield.

"Guaaahh!" The blood from the magician sprayed out as Vince pushed the magician away and landed a water powered punch to his stomach as a bone crunching sound echoed through the area.

The remaining magicians glared at Vince with hatred started to fire a volley of magic bullets at him. Vince created a shield made out of water, which blocked most of the magic bullets but one passed through, forcing him to jump out of the way.

Vince quickly dashed towards the second magician and stomped on his foot. The second magician roared in pain and tried to fire a magic bullet but Vince quickly grabbed his hand and twisted it back before it be released.

"Take this!" Vince grabbed the magician's face and slammed it into the ground as he kicked him in the middle of his back with his legs still coated in water, causing a loud snap to be heard.


"Rrrgh! You die now brat!" The first magician shouted as he created and fired a enormus magic bullet at him.

Thinking quickly, Vince grabbed the body of the magician that was right next to him and tossed it at the large magic bullet. "I don't think so."

The magic bullet pierced right through the body as blood sprayed everywhere on the ground. Vince quickly rolled out of the way, but couldn't evade in time and as a result he was now covered in blood. He then sweep kicked the magician who jumped over it, but couldn't avoid the water on Vince's arms lashing out and grabbing him by the legs in the form of a whip.

"It's over!" Vince tightly gripped on the whips and started swinging around the magician as fast as he could. Using the momentum of the swing he then slammed the magician down harshly on the ground and followed up with a fierce water kick to his rib cage.


Vince picked up the magician by the robe and shoved him into a tree. "I want to know what the hell you've been planning."

The magician coughed up and spit blood on Vince's cheek. "Y-You bastard, you killed my allies and you expect me to tell you!? I'd rather die."

"Last time I checked, you killed them with your own attacks. I just used them to protect myself." He replied with a dark smile.

"Shut up you, bastard!" The magician shouted before he winced in pain.

Vince ignored his outburst and pointed his hand directly at his chest. The water that coated his arms now dropped to the magician as it made a loud splash. "I can't let you escape, you'll only cause problems for me and the girl in the long run..."

"With this, it'll be final." A large bolt of blue lightning shot out of Vince's hand and striked the magician directly in the chest.

"Gaaaaghh!" The magician shook violently as he was electrocuted fiercly with the addition of the water around him, until he went limp.

[Vince, are you okay? You just killed someone and your covered in blood.] Yume asked in a very concerned tone.

Vince created a stream of water from his palms and quickly cleaned himself of the blood that was on him. "I don't like it... But I won't hesitate to kill an enemy that tries to take my life!"


Vince sighed and then walked to the little girl. "You can open your eyes now, but turn around."

The little girl nodded and opened her eyes after turning around. "Are they gone?"

"Yes they won't bother you ever again. But you have some explaining to do. You know that right?" He asked looking at her.

"I know."

"Let's talk somewhere else." Vince then took the little girl's hand and quickly walked away.

After a few minutes of walking Vince sat down a small bench next to the little girl and sighed. "Before we start, my name is Vince Reinhart."

"My name is Kunou, it's nice too meet you two." The little girl said introducing herself.

"Okay, now that the introductions are out of the way. Do you why does Magicians were after you?" He asked seriously.

"I think it's because of my mother. She's the leader of Kyoto here." Kunou answered.

"I see. They could use you as a hostage and get whatever they want from your mom. But shouldn't you have guards?" Vince asked raising an eyebrow.

Kunou nodded in response, "I do normally have guards with me but unfortunately my guards have taken up a duty to search for something that was stolen, so they can't be with me very long."


"Somebody recently has stolen something very precious." She replied looking at him.

Vince immediately noticed the look and nodded. "I promise not to tell anyone what was stolen."

Kunou nodded in thanks and continued. "What was stolen was the legendary sword used by Susanoo-sama. The Totsuka-no-Tsurugi."

"Oh, okay." He said shurgging.

"Okay? The legendary sword used by Susanoo-sama and Izanagi-sama was stolen, it's a priceless artifact of Kyoto! How can you be so nonchanlant about it?!" Kunou asked glaring at him.

"Because. I'm starting to more or less understand what's happening." Vince paused for a moment before continuing. "Those Magicians we saw earlier probably had something to do with it. They were most likely getting rid of their trail, saw you and thought it would be a perfect opportunity to kidnap you and hold you hostage."

"...That actually makes sense when you word it like that." She said in a surprised tone.

"Moving on then, why were you so frustrated when I first saw you?" He asked confused.

"I asked my mother if I could help and look for the Totsuka-no-Tsurugi, but she said no." Kunou replied in a sad tone.

"Considering what just happened a few moments ago, you have a better understand why she said that, right?" Vince asked looking at her.

"Yes I do, if you weren't there..." Kunou trailed off with a worried look.

Vince poked Kunou's forehead with his index finger, causing her to yelp. He chuckled and went to a vending machine. (Doing that never gets old.)

"What was that for!?" Kunou asked as she rubbed her forehead.

"For thinking like that." Vince inserted a coin and grabbed two drinks. "It didn't happen so there's no point in worrying over what happened."

Kunou lightly glared at Vince, but grabbed the drink from his hand. "You didn't have to poke my forehead so hard..."

"Sorry, I was under the impression that a small poke from a human wouldn't hurt a youkai." He replied sarcastically.

"Jerk..." Kunou mumbled as she took as sip of her drink. She then blinked twice before she turned to Vince. "How did you defeat those Magicians and use the water a shield? Are you a magician too?"

Vince snorted in response. "Don't lump me in with those idiots. My Sacred Gear is the reason why I can do that."

"You hold a Sacred Gear?!" Kunou asked surprised.

"Yep and this is my partner Yume." He said showing her a gray cellphone.

[Hello. My name is Yume, it's nice to meet you.] Yume introduced with a bow.

"Oh hello, my name is Kunou. It's nice to meet you two." She said, also introducing herself.

Vince pocketed his gray cellphone and turned to Kunou, "Anyway, don't worry about it. I'll help look for that sword."

Kunou's eyes widened, "Y-You will?!"

"Yeah, but I do want something in return." He said to her.

"W-What is it that you want?" She asked hesitantly.

"I want information if you seen them before." Vince pulled out a photo and showed it to Kunou.

"Wait, those two look familiar... Are they Kasumi and Hayate from the Dead or Alive tournaments?" Kunou asked sounding surprised.

"Yes, have you seen them around here?" He asked seriously.

"No I haven't. Are you a fan of theirs?" Kunou asked curiously.

"No. But we do know each other." Vince shook his head and pocketed his photo. "Either way, I'll look for that sword. I need you to return to your home and tell your mother, everything okay? I don't want to cause a misunderstanding if she or the other youkai saw me with the sword."

Kunou nodded as she got up from the bench. "I understand, I'll go home and tell mother immediately. Just be careful, okay?"

Vince nodded, coated his legs in lightning and took off. (Looks like I got another job as a freelancer. It's a bit unexpected, but I don't mind.) He then sighed and took out his gray cellphone. "Yume, is there anything you can tell me about how Magicians fight?"

[Magicians are humans that can learn many types of magic that can range between devil spells to fallen angel spells and the list goes on. They are not the type of people that you should underestimate in battle, Vince.] Yume advised in a lecturitive tone.

"But those guys earlier only used demonic energy in the shape of bullets. Then again, they looked like they were grunts." Vince shrugged as he jumped on top of a dumpster and then a roof.

[It looked like they didn't really know much about spells, otherwise they would have been using defensive spells. My only guess is that they are Stray Magicians and that they were expelled before they learned anything else.] Yume deduced with a nod.

Vince sweatdropped in response, "I didn't know the word "Stray" was used as the offical label of traitors and criminals."

(One Hour Later)

Vince stood on top of a roof as he watched three men suspiciously running while carrying something in the form of katana that was in a blue sleeve with a black strap. (That seems to be it, but just to be sure...)

"Yume, is that what I think it is?" He whispered as he ran, while making sure he wasn't detected.

[Yes, it's faint but I can tell there's a small energy coming from it. I think that is what we've been looking for. We have to stop those Magicians before they leave Kyoto.] Yume stated seriously.

Vince nodded and continued to follow the three men. (It's good thing it's night time. I think it'll be good to start off with a sneak attack and finish them quickly while they're caught off guard.)

[Vince, are you ready?]

"Yes." Vince extended his hand and fired multiple blue lightning shaped needles at the three magicians.

The magician carrying the katana strap quickly created a shield made out of demonic energy, protecting himself as the other two magicians were pelted with the needles as the needles discharged a huge amount of electricity upon contact.


Vince quickly fired two lightning bullets from his hands, each bullet piercing through the two magician's heart, causing them to collapse on the ground as blood poured out of their chests. "One more." He jumped from the roof and landed a few feet in front of the magician.

The magician looked at Vince with a smug look. "So, you were the one that killed the others. I have to admit, I didn't expect a brat like you to do this."

"You have two options. Give up the sword, or give up your life. It's your choice." Vince said looking at the magician.

"Tough words, but tell me. Why are you allying yourself with Youkai? You're a human too, are you not?" The magician asked.

"I'm a freelancer. I have a job to do, that's all there is to it." He replied seriously.

"I see, well why not join us? We can pay you very nicely." The magician asked grinning.

"Oh? And who are you talking about?" Vince asked, now curious.

"The Khaos Brigade. I'm sure we'll find a place for you and your abilities." The magician stated with a malicious smirk.

Vince noticed the malicious intent from the magician and resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "Alright then. My answer is..."

"This!" Vince shot out a beam of concetrated lightning at the magician.

The magician quickly created a barrier and skided back as the beam of lightning made a few cracks on the barrier, before it disappeared. "You're a fool for rejecting my offer, now you'll die you brat!"

"You had no real intention of paying me. You were going to kill me the moment I let my guard down." He retorted.

"Heh, you're not as stupid as you look!" The magician created a sphere of water and lauched it at him.

Vince snorted and stopped the sphere of water by catching it with his hand. Much to the magician's surprise. He quickly kicked the ball back at him, forcing the magician to create a barrier to block the attack. "I think at this point, it's safe to say that you're the stupid one."

The magician growled at Vince and shot out a volley of magic bullet from his hands at him. Vince quickly coated his arms and legs in lightning and ran to the side as he evaded the magic bullets from making contact. He ran towards the magician and punched him in the face.

The magician created a barrier at the last second, but barrier cracked and he was blown back from the force of the attack. "Ugh... Damn brat." He created a large fireball and shot it at Vince.

Thinking quickly, Vince created a large ball of water from his hands and tossed it at the fireball to counter it.

A large steam enveloped the area as a result from the ball of water and fireball colliding. Vince frowned as he took out his gray cellphone. (This isn't good. I can't break through the barrier and I want to finish this battle quickly before we destroy anything.) He pressed a white button his cellphone, causing a white aura to come out of the cellphone and enter him.

The magician created a large gust of wind causing the mist to blow away quickly. His eyes widened as he saw Vince radiating holy energy, with his eye color now sliver. "H-How? Unless... you must have a good Sacred Gear if you can do something like this. Am I right?"

Vince didn't say anything but only created a ball of white water and a spear of light. He tossed the ball of white water at the magician, forcing him to create a barrier. The barrier cracked upon contact from the ball of white water. Vince quickly tossed the spear of light at the barrier, breaking through it.

The magician cried out in pain as the light spear stabbed his arm. "Damn you!" The magician raised the hand that wasn't stabbed and created a giant fireball. "Burn in hell!"

Vince let out a curse as he saw the fireball headed towards him. He brought his hands together and released a spiraling jet spray of white water. The white water made contact with the fireball as Vince skided back from the force of the fireball. He frowned and relased more white water from his hands, stopping the fireball before it burned him.

A large steam enveloped the area again as the magician cleared it again with a large gust of wind. When the mist cleared he noticed Vince was missing. "Damn it, where are you!?"

"You're finished!" Vince coated his hands and legs in holy lightning and dashed towards the magician. He grabbed the magician by the face and discharged a large amount of white lightning.

The magician let out a muffled cry of pain as he was electricuted by the white lightning. He tried to extend his hand but was stabbed by a small dagger made out of light, that was created by Vince as he noticed his hand move. The magician continued to let out a muffled scream of pain until he went limp.

Vince saw this and dropped him to the floor. He created a bolt of lightning and shot it directly at his heart, leaving a hole in it as blood poured out of him. "It's finally over."

[Was that really necessary Vince?] Yume asked with a frown.

"I want make sure he isn't playing dead, so he can get a sneak attack on me." He answered with a small sigh.

Yume nodded at the reasoning but sighed as she saw his brutality. [Okay, but can you please not make it so brutal?]

"I'll try my best, Yume." Vince said as he walked towards the katana strap, which was ragged and filled with holes. (Wow, I didn't think the battle would make it that ragged.)

Vince picked up the katana strap with the katana inside and immediately dropped it as he shook his hand. "Son of a bitch, that hurted."

[What happened?]

"I picked up the sword and I felt a sharp pain on my hand." He replied with a frown.

"That would most likely be due to you breaking the seal." A voice spoke.

Vince immediately turned around to see a young blonde haired woman wearing a shrine maiden's outfit with a voluptous body. (Damn and hear I thought Akeno and Rias were stacked.)

"It is definitely surprising to see you turn into an angel. Was it because of the Sacred Gear, that magician mentioned?" The young woman asked curiously.

Vince frowned in response, "So that means you were watching the fight. What stopped you from taking out the magician?"

"I did not want to interfere with your fight. If your life would have been in danger or if the magician would have tried to escape, I would have stepped in and stop him." The young woman answered calmly.

"I am Yasaka, Kunou's mother and the leader of Kyoto. It's nice to meet you." She introduced with a smile.

"Huh, you look more like her sister. Anyway, I'm Vince Reinhart. It's nice to meet you." He replied also introducing himself.

Yasaka smiled in response, "Thank you Reinhart-san. And thank you for protecting Kunou when I could not along with retriving the Totsuka-no-Tsurugi."

Vince pressed a button on his gray cellphone as a white aura left him and went back into the cellphone. He picked the sword and handed it to her. "Your welcome. Anyway, just call me Vince. I don't care much about honorifics."

"Very well, Vince." She replied as she took the sword. "Can you follow me? We have some things to discuss and Kunou wants to see you, she is very worried about you."

"Alright Yasaka." Vince walked next to Yasaka as he looked up at the dark sky. "By the way, why don't have any guards with you?"

"I've ordered them to keep a close eye on Kunou. I do want Kunou to be completely protected until this whole ordeal ends." Yasaka replied with a sigh.

Vince nodded at the reasoning and shoved his hands in his pockets. "So what did you mean earlier when I broke the seal on the sword?"

"I apologize Vince, but I can't talk about the seal or the sword here. We will talk more about it later in private." She answered seriously.

"Fine by me. But Kunou already explained everything to you, right?" He asked raising an eyebrow.



Vince and Kunou sat down on a tatami as Yasaka closed the door to the room and placed an ofuda on the door. She walked away from the door and sat down on a tatami. "Now that we have privacy, I will begin to explain. You are aware of the history behind the Totsuka-no-Tsurugi, correct?"

(I'm no expert, but it's safe to say that the ofuda Yasaka placed is powerful.) Vince nodded and folded his arms, "Yeah, I know that it's powerful sword that was used by both Susanoo and Izanagi, even though that sword has more than one name."

"A long time ago, Izanagi-sama handed us the Totsuka-no-Tsurugi and instructed us to always guard it. He placed a powerful seal on it to prevent the sword from being unsheated and stated that the one who is meant to wield it will break the seal." Yasaka explained.

Vince looked more closely at the sheated Totsuka-no-Tsurugi and noticed that the scabbard is colored gray with the handle being colored blue. (It's a little hard to believe two Shinto Gods actually used this katana before.)

Kunou's eyes widened as she understood the implication. "Mother, does that mean...?"

"Yes, Vince is the wielder of the Totsuka-no-Tsurugi." She confirmed with a nod.

"While that's nice and all, I'm not really interested in the sword." Vince spoke causing Kunou to look at him in surprise and for Yasaka to raise an eyebrow. "I'm only here to find out if my friends were seen here."

To Vince's surprise, Yasaka smiled. "It's very rare to see a person care about their friends more than a priceless and powerful sword."

Vince however sighed, "I don't mean any offense to you or Kunou, but is it really necessary for me to have that sword with me? Can't you or Izanagi seal the sword up and let someone else be choosen to pick it?"

"Unfortunately I cannot. I am not strong enough to create a seal on par with Izanagi-sama and he specifically instructed for the sword to be given to the wielder. The Totsuka-no-Tsurugi chooses it's wielder and it has chosen you Vince." Yasaka informed with a sigh.

"It is really that bad to be chosen by the Totsuka-no-Tsurugi, Vince?" Kunou asked curiously.

"I live in Kuoh, which is Devil territory. Since the sword is now radiating holy energy..." He trailed off.

The two nodded at the reasoning as Yasaka took out a ofuda and placed it on the scabbard. "As long as the sword is sheated, the Totsuka-no-Tsurugi will no release any holy energy unless you remove the ofuda."

Vince blinked in surprise before he nodded. "Thanks Yasaka." He grabbed the Totsuka-no-Tsurugi and unsheated it. Upon further inspection he noticed that the blade was a katana and that it was radiating holy energy.

"Wow, this is amazing." Kunou said in awe as she felt the energy from the katana.

Vince sheated the katana and placed it on the floor. "Are you really sure it's okay for me to take a priceless artifact of Kyoto, just like that?"

"It is okay, Izanagi-sama told us to give it the one who can break the seal." Yasaka stated with a smile.

"Okay, well I want to know. Have you seen my friends around here?" Vince took out a photo of Kasumi and Hayate, then showed it to Yasaka.

Yasaka took the photo and looked at it more closely. "No, unfortunately I haven't seen them. I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help Vince."

Vince nodded and took the photo back from Yasaka. "It's alright. At least I was able to do something good here."

"Yes, thank you for saving me Vince." Kunou said with a bow.

Vince chuckled and ruffled Kunou's hair, much to her ire. "No problem, just be careful."

"Vince, before you go can answer some of my questions?" Yasaka asked him.

"As long as it isn't personal, I'll answer it." He replied with a shrug.

Yasaka nodded, "The way you create and manipulate lightning and water, was it from a Sacred Gear?"

"Yes, my first Sacred Gear lets me do just that. The second one, you already saw earlier when I was an angel." Vince answered.

"I see. So there is two Sacred Gears..." She said, mumbling the last part to herself.

"An angel? What do you mean?" Kunou asked confused.

"To put it simple, the Sacred Gear Yume is in can let me turn into an Angel for a short amount of time." Vince stated.

[Vince can also turn into a devil too.] Yume added cheerfully.

"Wow." Kunou said sounding surprised.

Vince resisted the urge to facepalm but sighed. "Yes. Is there anything else, Yasaka?"

"No, thank you for answering my questions Vince." Yasaka replied as she got up.

Vince got up as he stumbled a bit and fell forward. Yasaka quickly caught him before falling, but his face landed right in between her breasts.

Kunou's and Yasaka's eyes widened as Vince quickly got himself out of her breasts and facepalmed with a noticeable blush on his face. "Sorry Yasaka, I'm not used to sitting on a tatami mat for long."

"It's okay Vince, it was just an accident." Yasaka reassured with a barely noticeable blush.

Vince nodded and straightened himself out. "Well, I have to go now. It's getting late and I have a school day tommorow."

"W-Wait, can you come back someday?" Kunou asked looking at him.

"I don't mind, but you'll have to ask Yasaka." Vince said as he folded his arms.

Kunou looked at Yasaka as she nodded. "Vince can visit us, Kunou."

Vince then took out a cellphone, "If you don't mind Yasaka, let's exchange numbers so I don't come in unannounced, or incase you or Kunou want to talk to me."

The two exchanged numbers, after that Yasaka removed the ofuda from the door. "Take care Vince."

"Goodbye Vince." Kunou said.

Vince nodded as he started to walk away. "Take care you two, later."


"Today was was even more hectic than I thought." Vince stated as he lied down his futon with a tired look.

[Yeah, but so much stuff has happened. I'm glad that you made two friends today Vince.] Yume said smiling.

"...They seem genuine."

[Don't be like that Vince, you know they're nice people. Just be sure to call Kunou and Yasaka at least once a week. I think Kunou really has taken a liking to you.] She replied cheerfully.

"Yeah." Vince then started at the ceiling with a small smirk. (I'm surprised I fell into Yasaka's breasts like that, but I'm not complaining.)



[Stop thinking about Yasaka like that.] Yume commented with a frown.

(Urgh... I swear it's scary how well Yume can see what I'm thinking.) Vince thought to himself, before he shook his head. "So, what do you think about what that Stray Magician said about the Khaos Brigade?"

[They seem like trouble. But, you should think about that tommorow. You need rest Vince, you're very exhausted from everything.] She stated in a concerned tone.

"You have a point. Goodnight, Yume." He said closing his eyes.



Authors Notes: A lot has happened in that chapter. I have to say it was a bit fun writing it. Now before anyone asks, yes the holy sword Vince got is different. I like the original holy sword Vince got the Yawarakai-Te. But after looking over Shinto mythology I think that the Totsuka-no-Tsurugi would be a better fit for Kyoto, especially with the backstory behind it. Now for the rest of the explanations.

A few stuff has changed from the original but the main theme is still the same. I had to do over the scenario a few times over before I liked it.

I know that some of the fightning scenes were a bit descriptive but in light novels the fights also described a few descriptive details, like for example. Kiba losing his arm in a fight against a certain member of the Hero Faction or Issei describing what Freed did to the client and his reaction at seeing the corpse.

I decided to have Vince have his first encounter with the Khaos Brigade. I thought it would fit into what happened in the chapter and I wanted a way to link everything together. As for why Vince was able to defeat most of them easily, they underestimated him and Vince was really fighting with the pure intent to take them out. Since they did threaten and tried to take his life.

As for why I decided for Vince not to get any information on Kasumi or Hayate. It's too show that not everything will end nicely on what he's looking for. But at least Vince got something else.

Also before any points out why Vince didn't mention the Khaos Brigade to Yasaka and why he admitted he had two Sacred Gears is because as stated earlier Yasaka was watching the entire fight. It wouldn't be a smart idea to lie right in front of her.

And finally the Totsuka-no-Tsurugi, I don't really plan on making Vince over-powered with it. It just takes the fun out of writing a fighting scene if I do. Though, I really have no idea what special traits I should give it. I know that it could be techincally be a dragon slayer holy-sword because it was used to kill the Yamata no Orochi in mythology and it's considered an Evil Dragon in DxD. But it's also the same sword Izanagi used to kill Kagu-tsuchi. Let me know what you think about it.

That's all I have to say about the explanations. Let me know what you think about the chapter. I like hearing the input and questions you guys have to say about it. Anyway, take care later.

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